A Feature I Hope Will be Included in a Future Patch for Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

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A Feature I Hope Will be Included in a Future Patch for Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Post by Winter »

For whatever reason when Insomniac included the update that gave us New Game + for Spider-Man 2 they keep whatever outfit we're wearing on throughout the game, even when the Symbiote bonds with Peter. On the one hand this does mean we can wear whatever we want throughout the game instead of being forced to wear what the game dictates which no doubt makes the people who disliked Miles' Evolved Suit happy.

However, when it comes the Venom Symbiote it does take me out of the moment and I know I'm not alone in this. It is currently the biggest issue fans have with the NG+ upgrade with many creating fan edits of Peter changing into whatever suit they want (most notable the Black Suit from the Raimi film) instead of sticking to the suit you're wearing at the time.

Given how well known this is I'm hoping that Insomniac take note and add a new feature that allows us to switch into whatever suit we want for this moment. Like just a simple button press that allows us to pick a different suit for when we change into the Symbiote suit.

For example say you want to play with both Raimi suits or you want prefer Pete's Gala Suit that was included in the NG+ update or want to change into the classic Black Suit from the comics or you prefer to stick to the story and change into the ones the game made itself. Just go to the suit menu and right next to "Select Style" which is the X Button is "Select Second Style" which is instead the △ Button.

This allows you to pick which ever outfit you want for both Peter and Miles during key story moments even if it's the same outfit and if you don't want to include that option hit the △ again and it unselect it. This still creates one issue with is the fact that Peter's outfit changes 3 times during the story (once for the Black Suit one after the Symbiote comes in contact with the Meteor fragment and one for the Anti-Venom Suit). Not to mention when you rip the suit off which by default goes to the second version of the outfit for the boss fight with Peter.

I guess you could include the option to select more then one suit but that and whatever is the selected suit will be retained for this cutscene like how the White Spider Outfit is for the base game. Not sure how that would work and I imagine it would be a bit trick to pull off but I do hope it is included.

On a more comedic note, as mentioned before I would like to do with Miles too just for the comedic value of seeing which outfit fans pick for the "Miles Morals Original".
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