Search found 14 matches

by TachyonDrift
Mon Aug 05, 2019 11:41 pm
Forum: Technical Help
Topic: So I got barred for loathing racists...
Replies: 3
Views: 1798

So I got barred for loathing racists...

So I'm wondering if there's another forum people know where I can chat with ST people without getting barred because I don't tolerate people who judge others' value by their skin colour.
by TachyonDrift
Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:39 pm
Forum: Video Reviews
Topic: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"
Replies: 43
Views: 3852

Re: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"

The fire was before he got the first visor. He wouldn't let his parents out of earshot for a long while afterwards. He told this story in "Hero Worship".
Ah! Right, yes, so, wrong but not simply pulling it out of my rear. Thanks for the correction.
by TachyonDrift
Wed Jun 12, 2019 12:41 pm
Forum: Video Reviews
Topic: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"
Replies: 43
Views: 3852

Re: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"

Geordi was born blind
Well, dang, yes. Got that wrong. I was absolutely certain the reason he freaks out in one episode was because of a fire.

Never mind. Might be the peril of building head-canon spaces.
by TachyonDrift
Wed Jun 12, 2019 1:08 am
Forum: Video Reviews
Topic: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"
Replies: 43
Views: 3852

Re: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"

It's doubtful they had the capability of fixing blindness. Sure, except we know LaForge's blindness isn't genetic - he lost his sight in a fire. The Mariposans wouldn't know that, but they also wouldn't have any reason to assume he's blind for genetic reasons either. Actually when it comes down to ...
by TachyonDrift
Tue Jun 11, 2019 2:08 pm
Forum: Video Reviews
Topic: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"
Replies: 43
Views: 3852

Re: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"

Depending on when they started cloning, why not clone those who died in the crash? Well, damn, OK, that thought never occurred to me. That's some sharp eyed thinking there. Yeah. That's, just, well, I mean I can write out why they couldn't in my head cannon easily enough, but that's a hell of a goo...
by TachyonDrift
Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:57 pm
Forum: Video Reviews
Topic: TNG - Heart of Glory
Replies: 26
Views: 2894

Re: TNG - Heart of Glory

Well, the IKEA weapon thing, been done a few times, but always strikes me as weird. I mean we know that the transporter is capable of detecting (at least) most weapons, and it's claimed that it can also render them neutral. How it does that we have no idea. Can it blunt a knife? Can it turn a heavy ...
by TachyonDrift
Mon Jun 10, 2019 10:52 am
Forum: Video Reviews
Topic: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"
Replies: 43
Views: 3852

Re: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"

Well, just lost a long reply because apparently this forum and / or Firefox doesn't keep a form sheet active when you move from screen A to screen B. Which is genuinely ducking annoying. So, this will be much briefer, as I can't be arsed to dive again into why people who don't know how sex and pregn...
by TachyonDrift
Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:18 pm
Forum: Video Reviews
Topic: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"
Replies: 43
Views: 3852

Re: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"

Didn't they say that only a few colonists survived, and that's why they had to reproduce through cloning? With that in mind them finding the idea of sex disgusting dosn't seem that far fetched to me. Yes, specifically five, three chaps two chapesses. I am fully familiar with the episode, I've been ...
by TachyonDrift
Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:13 pm
Forum: Video Reviews
Topic: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"
Replies: 43
Views: 3852

Re: TNG - "Up The Long Ladder"

Yes, that to me is a ridiculous idea, especially as they state that they came to that position. So they were fine with it when they landed. Maybe if they'd explained that due to the need to spread the DNA as far as possible they'd end up with a pro-incest society, but they didn't do that, they just ...
by TachyonDrift
Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:19 am
Forum: Video Reviews
Topic: Babylon 5: A Race Through Dark Places
Replies: 43
Views: 3770

Re: Babylon 5: A Race Through Dark Places

I'd written about three differet long winded replies, and in the end they all boiled down to that, and I was tired and I find that kind of simplistic VS irritating at best. I apologise for an unneccesarily brusque reply. But... Assuming every one of a given sub-group will act the same way is the def...