Search found 547 matches
- Thu Apr 23, 2020 2:25 pm
- Forum: Video Reviews
- Topic: Black Mirror: USS Callister
- Replies: 63
- Views: 13022
Re: Black Mirror: USS Callister
Just a thought. But he coded what he loved. He is at a company where he should be making mad money. Now logically explain why he should step down and go somewhere else for less and working on a different project? Those would be the bars on his cell. This should be his baby. But some how it isn't. T...
- Sat Jan 11, 2020 1:42 pm
- Forum: Video Reviews
- Topic: ENT - Bound
- Replies: 186
- Views: 21708
Re: ENT - Bound
*snip* lightningbarer reading back through your post history all you've done is troll and derail this thread and discussion. I'm throwing you a warning and a week ban. Don't post in this thread again. If you do similar again I'll just assume you're only here in bad faith and I'll make it permanent.
- Tue Jan 07, 2020 8:09 pm
- Forum: Sci-Fi and Fantasy
- Topic: What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy
- Replies: 11
- Views: 1399
Re: What are your Thoughts on the Star Wars Disney Sequel Trilogy
My thoughts on the sequel trilogy. (Thinking Emoji) Remember that part of Alien: Ressurection where Ripley discovers the hideously deformed clones of herself, until she finds one begging to be killed, then burns it all with a flamethrower? Honestly that's my thought on the trilogy now that it's over...
- Wed Dec 18, 2019 10:37 am
- Forum: Sci-Fi and Fantasy
- Topic: Who here is Excited for Rise of Skywalker
- Replies: 29
- Views: 3469
Re: Who here is Excited for Rise of Skywalker
I'm really looking froward to the Mauler and Red Letter Media takedown vids of this rubbish in a few months time. At the very least, that means something good will come from this mess. Along with some very painful lessons. In other news, Jeremy Jahns review now the embargo has lifted. Hobn57uzQlk
- Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:51 pm
- Forum: Sci-Fi and Fantasy
- Topic: Who here is Excited for Rise of Skywalker
- Replies: 29
- Views: 3469
Re: Who here is Excited for Rise of Skywalker
Oh sweet summer child. I gave an honest opinion and it's not one ungrounded in the harsh light of reality. Two years ago a took a break from the internet for 10 whole days to avoid TLJ spoilers as work and family commitments meant we could only all see it all together on Christmas Eve. This year, I ...
- Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:49 pm
- Forum: Video Reviews
- Topic: Heaven sent
- Replies: 42
- Views: 6169
Re: Heaven sent
Possibly the best episode of Capaldi's run, with a pay-off at the end that feels like it's leading somewhere great... aaaand then the actual finale is so terrible and disappointing. This is Moffat at his strongest - time bending, clever writing, a good mystery, and inspiring words. I'll rewatch thi...
- Tue Dec 17, 2019 7:46 am
- Forum: Sci-Fi and Fantasy
- Topic: Who here is Excited for Rise of Skywalker
- Replies: 29
- Views: 3469
Re: Who here is Excited for Rise of Skywalker
Previously there was a huge group of my friends and family that went to see the new Star Wars movies together, about a dozen of us in total. Now it's just my best friend and I and it's more out of a sense of obligation than any sense of enthusiasm. Since we've seen nearly every new Star Wars release...
- Sat Nov 09, 2019 1:15 pm
- Forum: Video Reviews
- Topic: Is Anyone else having Issues with loading Older Reviews?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 3026
Re: Is Anyone else having Issues with loading Older Reviews?
Chuck sent out a patreon update recently. The gist of it is that CBS sent out a second copywrite takedown of a review. Since a "fair use" counter-claim seem to just get ignored, this puts the SFdebris hosting on vimeo under real threat as one more claim with shut down the entire Vimeo account. All t...
- Sat Nov 09, 2019 12:58 pm
- Forum: Sci-Fi and Fantasy
- Topic: Is Rey a Mary Sue?
- Replies: 62
- Views: 5582
Re: Is Rey a Mary Sue?
A Trekkie's tale and the character Mary Sue were parodies of fan-fiction self-insert characters and tropes. It came about reaction to the vast number of similar stories in Star Trek Fanzines and publications at the time. Mostly female because something along the lines of 90% of fan-fiction writers a...
- Thu Oct 24, 2019 5:43 pm
- Forum: Sci-Fi and Fantasy
- Topic: The Final Star Wars Trailer
- Replies: 148
- Views: 11290
Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer
What a mess. Everything I hear about Episode 9s production is that it's failing attempt to undo the damage done by Episode 8 and over the top action sequences. The only people interested on twitter were a bunch of Reylo shippers. Star Wars has become the bastard offspring of Michael Bay Transformers...