FBI Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot

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The Romulan Republic
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Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:02 pm

Re: FBI Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot

Post by The Romulan Republic »

It depends on what the indictment/indictments are, who is indicted, and what follows from that.

My bet is Manafort on some kind of financial crimes, though we won't know for sure until maybe Monday. Remember that it was reported a while back that an indictment of Manafort was impending.

My hope, if my guess is correct, is that he can be persuaded to agree to a plea deal where he spills the beans on others.

Edit: I've also heard that its normal in investigations like this to try to get some of the "little fish" first, in the hopes that it'll lead to something bigger. So we might not get anything really dramatic on Monday, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Anyway, this is straying a bit off-topic maybe, so I'll leave it their. I'll post a separate thread for the Mueller indictments, maybe, on Monday (if no one else does it first).
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