'Sophia the robot' obtains Saudi Arabian citizenship

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'Sophia the robot' obtains Saudi Arabian citizenship

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

I can't believe this is real, I thought this was some sort of satirical joke at first.

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 24851.html

Why would any female want to obtain citizenship in this abusive, sexist country? Most importantly, why would anyone give human citizenship to a robot? It might be one of the most advanced androids yet but it still isn't sentient or self-aware, despite what a lot of people would like to believe. You'd be better off giving citizenship to an actual living being like a cat or a pig.

This strikes me as a bit of novelty propaganda for Saudi Arabia, trying to take the rest of the worlds mind off of all the atrocities that go on there.

I only discovered this very recently so it's still boggling my mind and raises so many unpleasant issues and questions. I might have more to say on it later.
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Re: 'Sophia the robot' obtains Saudi Arabian citizenship

Post by TGLS »

Here's what I recall some of the problems are:

1) Sophia the Robot is not a Muslim, yet has been given citizenship to a country that will only grant citizenship to Muslims.
2) Sophia the Robot does not have to wear a veil, despite being in a country where women must wear veils.
3) Sophia the Robot also has more rights than many foreign workers in Saudi Arabia.

Conclusion: The wrong country was invaded in 2003.
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Re: 'Sophia the robot' obtains Saudi Arabian citizenship

Post by Admiral X »

Kinda surprised they beat Japan to this, actually. :lol:
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Re: 'Sophia the robot' obtains Saudi Arabian citizenship

Post by Madner Kami »

Admiral X wrote:Kinda surprised they beat Japan to this, actually. :lol:
Can't use bots as "body pillows", if they have citizenship. You'd would need their consent which they can not do (yet), thus making nine tenth of all human-robot interactions illegal.
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