The End of Net Neutrality?

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The End of Net Neutrality?

Post by cilantro »

So, if you have been living under a rock and not using the internet, you might've not know that Ajit Pia, the chairman of the FCC, had announced that they are going to vote away Net Neutraility in the Dec meeting. This is going to be the end of the internet that we know of and the ISPs will screw us even more over bandwidth speeds and even might start to package up the Internet.

Here is an article that is about a month old about this subject:
The Federal Communications Commission will vote to put an end to its net neutrality rules next month, commission chairman Ajit Pai said today. The proposal will reverse the Title II classification of internet providers, which allows the agency to put strict limits on their behavior, and replace it with the old “information service” classification, which a federal court has ruled is less comprehensive, weakening any protections that might replace those currently in force.

That is, if the agency even wanted to replace them: it sounds like this proposal will leave the internet without any sort of net neutrality protections. The full text of the order — a final revision of the the proposal that received 22 million comments over the summer — will be released tomorrow. For now, we only have a summary from Pai.

“Under my proposal, the federal government will stop micromanaging the internet,” Pai said in a statement emailed to reporters. “Instead, the FCC would simply require internet service providers to be transparent about their practices so that consumers can buy the service plan that’s best for them and entrepreneurs and other small businesses can have the technical information they need to innovate.” ... -announced
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Re: The End of Net Neutrality?

Post by LittleRaven »

Yup, it sucks, but it's one of the things Trump was elected to do.

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Re: The End of Net Neutrality?

Post by Fixer »

Hopefully you guys in America manage to keep the pressure on and keep Net Neutrality. There are places where it has already been repealed and Broadband gets partitioned up like a AAA Videogame with DLC and microtransactions.

It's just as bad as it sounds.
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Re: The End of Net Neutrality?

Post by cilantro »

Fixer wrote:Hopefully you guys in America manage to keep the pressure on and keep Net Neutrality. There's places where it has already been removed and Broadband gets partitioned up like a AAA Videogame with DLC and microtransactions.

It's just as bad as it sounds.
I have heard that in certain parts of Europe they package up the Internet and you have to pay a subscription fee ON TOP of your regular internet fee. Totally is a scam and I feel sorry for those guys but NN laws here in the US is the reason why that hasn't happen yet.
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Re: The End of Net Neutrality?

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

I wrote a letter to my senator months ago.
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Re: The End of Net Neutrality?

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Thanks man. I've stuck to daily phone calls to my bad senator, since the good senator seems already to by on my side (though I should probably check that). I heard that phone calls, of all the communication forms, have the biggest impact, but they aren't everyone's cup of tea.
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Re: The End of Net Neutrality?

Post by Admiral X »

I've only got one congress critter who's worth writing to, unfortunately. I've done it, but I don't think there's much she can do at this point. The other two have shown themselves to be very stereotypically neo-con Republican. I wrote to them, too, but only one bothered to respond, and it was the standard boilerplate letter that went on about the typical line of reasoning they try to sell to fiscal conservatives as being for reducing government and increasing competition. So, bullshit basically. I mean, it's not like the companies that have been lobbying for this to happen have ever tried pulling anything before or anything. :roll:

I really miss the old Web 1.0 days. :(
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Re: The End of Net Neutrality?

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Even if your bad senators are unlikely to move an inch, you can still bombard them with phone calls until they wish they'd never run for reelection. Fortify and persist!
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Re: The End of Net Neutrality?

Post by cilantro »

Rocketboy1313 wrote:I wrote a letter to my senator months ago.
If you all would like to copy my letter and mail it in to your own representatives, just be sure to swap out the appropriate information. ... ality.html
Thanks, man!
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Re: The End of Net Neutrality?

Post by phantom000 »

I have been trying to get a better picture of what is going on.

The good news is that it doesn't look like a whole sale abandoning of net-neutrality so much as trying to figure out how to enforce it and who should be responsible. Maureen Ohlhausen, the current head of the FTC, seems to think this is a bad move but also said that she will continue to support Net-Neutrality.

So you have Pai who says the FTC could do a better job of protecting net-neutrality, and Ohlhausen who say's the FCC would do a better job.
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