Another win for the bad guys.

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Another win for the bad guys.

Post by LittleRaven »

People like to complain about Trump. A lot. And I get it...Trump's a loudmouth attention whore, and it's hard not to complain about people like that. But as far as I'm concerned, in terms of actual damage to the country, Trump has a long, LONG way to go before he's gets close to good ol' W. And one of the worst things Bush gave us was the TSA.

Which just scored a major victory today.
Fliers may have a tough time recovering damages for invasive screenings at U.S. airport security checkpoints, after a federal appeals court on Wednesday said screeners are immune from claims under a federal law governing assaults, false arrests and other abuses.

In a 2-1 vote, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia said Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screeners are shielded by government sovereign immunity from liability under the Federal Tort Claims Act because they do not function as "investigative or law enforcement officers."
*sigh* I really, really wish we could lose this stupid agency that is nothing more than workfare and security theater. We've been seizing pocket knives and water bottles for over a decade now, at the cost of billions and billions of dollars and lost manhours, and I'm not convinced that they have ever stopped a single attack from occurring. The court did seem to realize that this ruling would leave practically every American who has to fly at the mercy of one of the most incompetent workforces in the country, but...
"For most people, TSA screenings are an unavoidable feature of flying," but it is "squarely in the realm" of Congress to expand liability for abuses, Circuit Judge Cheryl Ann Krause wrote.
Oh yeah. I'm sure they'll get right on that.

Stupid darkest timeline...
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Re: Another win for the bad guys.

Post by PapaPalpatine »

Haven't had much of a reason to get on an airplane in a while and, if I were to judge based on the information above, I imagine it'd be just as well not to.
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Re: Another win for the bad guys.

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

...damn. =/ I'd be upset if I had more emotional energy left in my body.
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Re: Another win for the bad guys.

Post by Admiral X »

"I stopped a terrorist today," said no TSA officer ever. :|
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Re: Another win for the bad guys.

Post by Nealithi »

I am no fan of the TSA and I think they need better training and oversight. However. ... vered-2017
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Re: Another win for the bad guys.

Post by LittleRaven »

Ehh...this is probably just my Southwest upbringing talking...but I don't really care if the guy sitting next to me has a gun. I've lived all my life around guns. They are not inherently frightening objects to me.

Now, I'll certainly care if he pulls it out and starts pointing it at people, and sure, perhaps having the TSA helps reduce that probability. But it comes at a horrific cost. Billions upon billions of dollars, millions upon millions of wasted man hours, a loss of privacy that would have horrified previous generations. I just don't think it's worth it.

edit - Upon rereading this, I realize it might sound like I'm cool with people carrying whatever on planes. That's not it at all...I have no problem with guns being prohibited, for instance. But rules are rules and people are people, and people will always try to break rules, and you always have to balance costs of enforcement with benefits. I'm not convinced TSA comes out in the black on that count.
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