Democratic Primary News Thread

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Re: Democratic Primary News Thread

Post by Rasp »

Yukaphile wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:18 pm If not Harris, who? Biden isn't the only one who's said he wants a female running partner, on the 100-year anniversary women got the right to vote.
Warren is... alright. I honestly think she'd work better as a VP given her nature but she's WAY smarter than any of the other women running by a fantastic margin. Its almost unfair how much better she is on policy than the others. If she got the nod I'd have no reservations. We could do so much worse.

I'd be so relived to have someone competent in the seat and minor reservations about her would be insignificant. She is such a close second for me.

I don't care what you're packing I care that you're GOOD and warren is pretty damn good when she can get out of the spotlight and hammer policy behind the scenes. Its why I think shes an ideal VP she's have more time to do what shes best at.
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Re: Democratic Primary News Thread

Post by G-Man »

The only one who has some sane positions is Tulsi Gabbard.
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Re: Democratic Primary News Thread

Post by CmdrKing »

BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:13 pm Idunno... creepy? It's just one lady still living in the Mad Men days. There's far worse mindsets I could point to.
The passage about how fascinating she found Bill Clinton that amounted to openly thirsting after him skeeves me out. I mean the overall language is a bit yikes, but yeah in the same way you kinda jump a bit when your octogenarian grandparents drop n-bombs. Like you hate to see it but you can't be surprised either.
(If I'm *terribly* honest the whole thing kinda pings my tran-dar? Buuuuuuut it's not well calibrated for AFAB folk because it takes a lot of conscious effort to remember that there are people in the world who enjoy men and masculinity.)
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Re: Democratic Primary News Thread

Post by ProfessorDetective »

Rasp wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:25 pm
Yukaphile wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:18 pm If not Harris, who? Biden isn't the only one who's said he wants a female running partner, on the 100-year anniversary women got the right to vote.
Warren is... alright. I honestly think she'd work better as a VP given her nature but she's WAY smarter than any of the other women running by a fantastic margin. Its almost unfair how much better she is on policy than the others. If she got the nod I'd have no reservations. We could do so much worse.

I'd be so relived to have someone competent in the seat and minor reservations about her would be insignificant. She is such a close second for me.

I don't care what you're packing I care that you're GOOD and warren is pretty damn good when she can get out of the spotlight and hammer policy behind the scenes. Its why I think shes an ideal VP she's have more time to do what shes best at.
Yeah, Warren seems like our best option at this point. I'll probably be voting for her.
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Re: Democratic Primary News Thread

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Warren just said she'd appoint a teacher as the education secretary (or w/ever DeVos is). Seems kinda sentimental.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: Democratic Primary News Thread

Post by pilight »

ProfessorDetective wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:27 am Yeah, Warren seems like our best option at this point. I'll probably be voting for her.
If Warren is the nominee we'll just get months of talk about how Native American she isn't. Trump will probably reissue the dollar coin with Sacagawea to honor her heritage. It will drown out her campaign and lead to a Trump victory.
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Re: Democratic Primary News Thread

Post by CmdrKing »

If this is your standard for who the best candidate is, there's no good candidate, and we cannot have a new president so long as Donald Trump lives.

So perhaps find some other reason to object to Warren if you're so inclined.
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Re: Democratic Primary News Thread

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Also doesn't seem like a very astute forecast of campaign season.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: Democratic Primary News Thread

Post by pilight »

Everything will come back to the fact that she misrepresented her ethnicity to get a job. What else has she exaggerated? How can you trust anything she says when she won't tell the truth about herself? She'll say anything to get a gig she really wants. There are endless iterations of those questions/assertions that will cast doubt on anything and everything she says or does. Trump wants Warren to be the nominee. She's the easiest one of the bunch to get off message and into mudslinging.
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Re: Democratic Primary News Thread

Post by clearspira »

The last thing the Democrats need is to make this about identity politics again. And trust me, that is what people on both sides will accuse Warren of being. The world has moved on from the time when ''I am THIS demographic!'' will net you enough votes. And before anyone says it, no, I don't think most people did vote for Obama because he was black, I think they did so because he is an extremely charismatic guy who sold his promises well and was seemingly the exact opposite of Bush.
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