Beto says the quiet part out loud.

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Re: Beto says the quiet part out loud.

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

I feel that statistics that compare the US with other nations tends to substantiate a little too much gravity for a lot of pro-gun rhetoric that you come across. Not that respective opposition dialog is necessarily conducive that often, but pro gun people often come across like the Klingons despising TOS Starfleet.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: Beto says the quiet part out loud.

Post by Admiral X »

Yukaphile wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 4:31 pm This is the big fucking problem with pro-gun nuts. I HATE their tribal mindset.
I could say the same of antis. Not to mention the niave fantasy land they seem to live in when it comes to anything remotely having to do with the topic.
A gun won't always save you.
But your chances are greatly improved with them than without. You keep coming back to this point. It's like you don't understand that something doesn't have to be 100% successful in order to still be an improvement over not having it at all. This is a very unreasonable expectation on your part.
But you'd be shocked at how a high number of gun owners are irresponsible.
No, not at all. This is why I advocate for safety courses to be taught in schools. All the same, we do not strip the rights of those who are responsible because of the actions of those who are not.
And the super hoarders are as fucking annoying as ever.
You're telling me - much more costly to collect these days thanks to them.
It's telling in our culture that we're so terrified the government is going to "come away for our guns." First it was Obama. Now it's... what? Just the government!
People have been saying they'd come for our guns for a long time. You literally had Feinstein go on 60 minutes and say as much back when they managed to pass the first AWB. Plenty of leftists have been sporting signs saying as much. And now we're in a thread discussing how yet another Democrat is saying that he's coming for our guns, and if you look at what he's written down - it's not just the scary black rifles.
Even Trump okayed a law like that. :lol: I find that hilarious. What hypocrites we are.
And I'm hoping the various groups that are challenging his imperial decrees are successful. The ATF is already admitting it overstepped its bounds with the bump stock ban, thankfully. So we'll see how that plays out.
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Re: Beto says the quiet part out loud.

Post by Darth Wedgius »

CmdrKing wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 1:09 pm Well, put another way, Republicans undeniably benefit in multiple ways from white nationalist terror, but it’s impossible to prove the cause and effect (that is, are gun laws lax to foster the terrorism, or are they lax for unrelated reasons and the terrorism is a fringe benefit) of the situation, relegating dwelling too much on it to the realm of conspiracy.
Perhaps you could enumerate a few of these undeniable benefits.
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Re: Beto says the quiet part out loud.

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Yukaphile wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 1:38 pm Well, I really do think the NRA is a terrorist organization at this point. All they want are sales, and if people are frightened and desperate enough to turn to a gun for the illusion of security, or if it leads to more shootings that increases said climate of paranoia and suspicion, well, that's all right by them. They'll never admit that, though. It's pure corporate mindset mixed in with the product they sell. That's what you get putting the gun makers on their board. This shit just did not happen in the 1990s to this kind of frequency. And not all of it can be media manipulation.
You've also stated that your opinions are not based on objective fact, because any of it could be propaganda, haven't you?
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Re: Beto says the quiet part out loud.

Post by pilight »

clearspira wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 9:52 am Wait, full-auto is illegal in America? So how did the government manage that achievement despite it being some kind of God-given right to own any kind of gun you want and why can't they do that again?
Purchase of a fully automatic weapon made after 1986 by civilians is illegal. You can buy a used one from before 1986, but it requires either a federal firearm license or a ton of paperwork and an extensive background check.

This ban was signed into law (the Firearm Owners Protection Act) by that pansy-ass liberal Ronald Reagan as part of a compromise that involved reopening of interstate sales of long guns on a limited basis, legalization of ammunition shipments through the U.S. Postal Service, removal of the requirement for record keeping on sales of non-armor-piercing ammunition, and federal protection of transportation of firearms through states where possession of those firearms would otherwise be illegal. The law also significantly curtailed the ATF's latitude in enforcing regulations on gun sellers and revoked their authority to keep a registry linking non-full-auto guns with their owners.
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Re: Beto says the quiet part out loud.

Post by Yukaphile »

Because left lies and right lies and push an agenda and with both interpretations valid depending on the person who subscribes to them, how am I supposed to know what to believe?
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Re: Beto says the quiet part out loud.

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

pilight wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 6:56 pmThis ban was signed into law (the Firearm Owners Protection Act) by that pansy-ass liberal Ronald Reagan as part of a compromise that involved reopening of interstate sales of long guns on a limited basis, legalization of ammunition shipments through the U.S. Postal Service, removal of the requirement for record keeping on sales of non-armor-piercing ammunition, and federal protection of transportation of firearms through states where possession of those firearms would otherwise be illegal. The law also significantly curtailed the ATF's latitude in enforcing regulations on gun sellers and revoked their authority to keep a registry linking non-full-auto guns with their owners.
That's quite a list right there. Anyways, was this a bad deal or something? This seems like it might be a bunch of piecemeal offerings that gun owners might otherwise not be very enthused about as part of some arrangement, but I could be wrong.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: Beto says the quiet part out loud.

Post by Karha of Honor »

Mecha82 wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2019 8:06 pm That is reasonable idea to anyone sensible and who isn't under NRA's payroll. Too bad that there is lot of unreasonable people in US that think that having several guns is only way to feel safe and most politicians seem to be under NRA's payroll in order to make sure that gun manufacturers can keep making profits. After all no one has done anything even after all those mass shootings and talking about possible solutions seems to be forbidden.
If awesome home made guns could be made for the same price the Gun people would go for it.

It's not about the big gun manufacturers...
pilight wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 6:56 pm
clearspira wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 9:52 am Wait, full-auto is illegal in America? So how did the government manage that achievement despite it being some kind of God-given right to own any kind of gun you want and why can't they do that again?
Purchase of a fully automatic weapon made after 1986 by civilians is illegal. You can buy a used one from before 1986, but it requires either a federal firearm license or a ton of paperwork and an extensive background check.

This ban was signed into law (the Firearm Owners Protection Act) by that pansy-ass liberal Ronald Reagan as part of a compromise that involved reopening of interstate sales of long guns on a limited basis, legalization of ammunition shipments through the U.S. Postal Service, removal of the requirement for record keeping on sales of non-armor-piercing ammunition, and federal protection of transportation of firearms through states where possession of those firearms would otherwise be illegal. The law also significantly curtailed the ATF's latitude in enforcing regulations on gun sellers and revoked their authority to keep a registry linking non-full-auto guns with their owners.
Why does it matter what he did? Maybe if he was alive, he would repeal it...

What Ronald Reagan did? Why did you mention it...?

There are all sort of old laws out there...
Last edited by Karha of Honor on Sun Sep 22, 2019 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Beto says the quiet part out loud.

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Karha of Honor wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2019 1:02 am
Mecha82 wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2019 8:06 pm That is reasonable idea to anyone sensible and who isn't under NRA's payroll. Too bad that there is lot of unreasonable people in US that think that having several guns is only way to feel safe and most politicians seem to be under NRA's payroll in order to make sure that gun manufacturers can keep making profits. After all no one has done anything even after all those mass shootings and talking about possible solutions seems to be forbidden.
If awesome home made guns could be made for the same price the Gun people would go for it.

It's not about the big gun manufacturers...
Idunno I think it'd be like brewing your own beer or something. Sure you hear stories from one or two people, but to most people it is but a legend so to speak.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: Beto says the quiet part out loud.

Post by Karha of Honor »

CmdrKing wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 8:46 am If we’re gonna go that route, it’s better to think of it this way:

The AR-15 has become the weapon of choice of terrorists. It is well established in this country that reacting in ways that are not necessarily effective and perhaps even counterproductive are electoral winners in those instances.

It’s so reliable in fact, The conspiratorially minded would suspect that the Republicans not jumping on this is a sign they support the terrorists and benefit from their terrorism.
ARYANS, MUSLIMS, Black Panther terrorism...

All of these fucks are irrelevant within the US borders.
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