The Paradox of Tolerance

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Re: The Paradox of Tolerance

Post by Wild_Kraken »

Admiral X wrote:Using violence and the threat of violence to put down dissenting views, political opponents, and groups they have "other"'d. Violating the rights of others and claiming it as their right to do so. Claiming the police are the instrument of the corrupt system which they must protect the poor ignorant masses from.
"dissenting views"

Nazi rallies are not "dissenting views", they are threats of genocide. That's what Nazism is. Antifa is well within their right to protect their communities from those that would threaten it.
Admiral X wrote:There are elements within the Democratic Party and the media which are doing their best to do so.
Ah yes, Antifa is a loose grouping of far left anarchists and communists, while the Democratic Party is a center-to-center-right party that is explicitly capitalist. These groups totally have the same agenda.
Admiral X wrote:Not yet, but, you know
I remember reading about when Pinochet took power in Chile he surrounded the presidential palace with banners and strongly worded graffiti. The lack of banners and graffiti is why the 1991 Soviet coup failed, too.
Admiral X wrote:You jest, but they've started on that path with identity politics and this "cultural appropriation" absurdity which is very much based in prejudice and segregationist principles.
The same old "Not wanting your culture to be mocked and exploited == segregation" nonsense.
Admiral X wrote:Yeah, and the swastika was a religious symbol for many other cultures (including some Native American ones) long before the Nazis started using their own version of it, but what group is the symbol typically associated with today?
Just another reason to not like the Nazis.
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Re: The Paradox of Tolerance

Post by TGLS »

Wild_Kraken wrote:
Admiral X wrote:Yeah, and the National Socialist German Workers Party just faded away after that failed Beer Hall Putsch that resulted in the death of 16 of their members, not to mention all those street fights. Oh, wait...
If anything, the rise of Hitler was an example of the left not being proactive enough or taking the threat seriously. Had the communist party accepted being coalition partners with the social democrats there would have been no crisis that lead to Hindenburg appointing Hitler chancellor.
Had the German Communists not been so much a pack of thugs that Hitler could blame them for the Reichstag fire, the enabling act wouldn't have been passed and Hitler would have needed some other crisis to seize absolute power.
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Re: The Paradox of Tolerance

Post by Steve »

Okay, I think this thread has run its course.
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