I am terrified

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Re: I am terrified

Post by Admiral X »

The Romulan Republic wrote: The other side is just as bad! That makes it okay!
Yes, the belief that everyone should be treated equally under the law. Novel concept, I know.
When you spent multiple posts trying to convince us how repealing DACA isn't so bad, really?
Compared to the Trail of Tears, no, it isn't that bad. It would probably help if you (and others) didn't go into hysterics over everything. If you didn't, you might have noticed I actually mentioned what my actual stance on immigration was.
Yeah. So will you consistently arguing in defence of far Right policies and candidates.
Only against unfair accusations or outright falsehoods. I am a fair-minded person in general, and as I once defended Obama in spite of not liking him as a politician, I now do the same for Trump.
Portraying the Left's allegations against Trump as equally ridiculous as Birthirism in this thread,
Most of them are. And the hilarious thing is that it's actually making him look better as you flail about looking for something to hurt him with.
attempting to downplay the injustice of the DACA repeal...
What injustice? That people immigrated illegally and are now being faced with being sent back to where they came from? I mean, it kind of sucks, especially for the kids, but I'm not seeing a real injustice there unless I'm missing something.
I could find other examples, but those are the most recent that come to mind.
Try me.
Pretty much all the political posts you make seem to be some variant of attacking the Democrats, or defending/downplaying Trump.
Like I said, I'm a very fair-minded person, and when I see someone being attacked unfairly, I tend to defend them. I also am really, really against double standards, so, yeah, you're damn right I'm going to point out when the Democrats are doing the exact same thing they attack Republicans over doing.
You can call yourself whatever you want, but actions speak louder than words.
:lol: As I say so often myself when it comes to the regressive left, so named because that is how they act.
I am reading your posts. At great psychological pain to myself. And then drawing conclusions based on those posts.
I guess it's that second one, then. Ideological filters at work.
Because you say so? I gave examples of serious accusations which are public record, and in some cases outright admitted/boasted about by Trump. You ignored this to just repeat your false assertion.
You have yet to assert anything of substance. Just as an example, the accusation that Trump is a white nationalist/Nazi/whatever - the only thing you posted up as support for that was (and we'll just say this was something completely true and not made up by someone) what amounted to stormfags sqeeing over the idea that senpai is noticing them. The funny thing is that both you and they assert this based on the idea that he's talking in code or something like that. :lol: Meanwhile, back in the real world, Trump went on 60 Minutes and condemned racists, and when it came to Charlottesville, he condemned all the violence, but thanks to extremism making people think they're somehow the good guys even when they do bad things to other people, that was somehow as good as saying he sided with the Nazis.

In doing so, you are effectively denying allegations that Trump himself has admitted on tape.
What allegations? What tape? can you post it?
That absolutely makes you a Trump apologist, and no amount of repeating "I'm not a Rightist, you're the guilty one!" will make it true.
:roll: I'm not a "Rightist." That's just something you tell yourself so you can dismiss anything I say. I'm going to paraphrase Neil Degrasse Tyson on this one and say that the nice thing about facts is that they are true whether you believe in them or not. ;)

Not even going to bother responding to the rest of this. :roll:
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Re: I am terrified

Post by Admiral X »

LittleRaven wrote: Trump is embarrassing in a way that even W managed to avoid. Government by senility is a humiliating experience for all involved. But he is also deeply unpopular and vigorously opposed by almost everyone...even those within his own party. This vastly limits the damage he can inflict. He says lots of stupid stuff - but he's accomplished almost nothing, and there's no sign of this changing any time soon.
This is the silver lining I see, too.
Bush, by contrast, held the highest recorded approval rating ever for quite a decent amount of time, and was able to bend virtually everyone, even Democrats, to his will - which was almost universally terrible. We've still paying for his mistakes, and will be for the foreseeable future.
Yup, Bush reached right across that aisle and gave us the Patriot Act - the gift that keeps on giving, no matter who is in office now. ;)
As cringe worthy as he is, I'd vote Trump in a heartbeat. At least from what we've seen so far.
And I'd vote Ron Paul. :lol:
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Re: I am terrified

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Admiral X wrote::roll:
My, what a stunning and witty retort. You really put me in my place.
Yes, the belief that everyone should be treated equally under the law. Novel concept, I know
Its a beautiful ideal. The problem is, we don't actually have that. We never have. And no, I don't mean "because SJWs are persecuting white men".

Their are injustices that we still need to redress, if we want actual equality. Unfortunately, the Right (those elements of it that are not simply openly fascistic) tends to prefer to act like we already have an egalitarian society so that they can avoid addressing any of the existing inequality, and frame liberals and progressives as anti-egalitarian for trying to do so.

You can't have a society that starts certain people off with massive advantages based on race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, disability, or inherited wealth, and then say: "Now let's treat you all equally, and if you fail, well, sucks to be you."

Its not a fair race if most of the contestants start out hobbled and certain people get a thirty-second head start.
Compared to the Trail of Tears, no, it isn't that bad. It would probably help if you (and others) didn't go into hysterics over everything. If you didn't, you might have noticed I actually mentioned what my actual stance on immigration was.
Is it as bad as the Trail of Tears? No, though we could end up their or worse if we keep going down the road we're on. But their are parallels (the forced deportation of law-abiding people from their homes to dangerous conditions, for reasons that are heavily influenced by racism). Which was my point. One which evidently went "whoosh", right over your head.

And "better than the Trail of Tears" is setting the bar really fucking low.

In any case, its not just that specific example- you spent the whole thread trying to downplay or defend the repeal of DACA at every turn.
Only against unfair accusations or outright falsehoods. I am a fair-minded person in general, and as I once defended Obama in spite of not liking him as a politician, I now do the same for Trump.
Except Trump is utterly unworthy of the effort you put into defending him. Its not being fair to put equal or greater effort into defending someone who's actually guilty.

Has Trump been accused of some things that are false, and some others that are not yet proven (but very well may be when all is said and done)? Yes.

But a lot of the accusations against him are valid, and confirmed as such. Sometimes by his own admission. Do you deny this? Do you deny that he condoned violence against protesters? That his administration has characterized the free press as the enemy? That he boasted on tape about molesting women? That he said a judge was unfit to judge him because of the man's ethnic heritage? That he tried to ban people from the US on the basis of religion? That he, by his own admission, fired Comey over the Russian investigation? That highly-placed members of his campaign and of his family met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton during the election?

Do you deny it?
Most of them are. And the hilarious thing is that it's actually making him look better as you flail about looking for something to hurt him with.
See above. Then either provide your arguments, with evidence from credible non-partisan sources, as to why those specific allegations (which are not a complete list by any means) are false, or stop lying and evading and concede.
What injustice? That people immigrated illegally and are now being faced with being sent back to where they came from? I mean, it kind of sucks, especially for the kids, but I'm not seeing a real injustice there unless I'm missing something.
People who came here as children, often brought here by adults, not by their choice.

Who have lived as law-abiding Americans for years, as part of our work force and economy, often serving in our armed forces.

Who were previously granted permission to remain.

Who are then threatened with deportation, often to countries they do not know, and to conditions of danger and poverty.

If you do not see what is wrong with that, then you have absolutely no right to call yourself an egalitarian.
Try me.
You keep giving me more examples in this thread ever time you post.
Like I said, I'm a very fair-minded person, and when I see someone being attacked unfairly, I tend to defend them. I also am really, really against double standards, so, yeah, you're damn right I'm going to point out when the Democrats are doing the exact same thing they attack Republicans over doing.
Again, you employ the false equivalency meme, claiming that the Democrats are the same as the Republicans in order to simultaneously (and contradictorally) attack the Democrats and defend the Republicans.

What you have not done is actually demonstrate how the Democrats' allegations are equally false or otherwise unfair. You have simply repeatedly asserted that they are, and then attacked me and liberals generally, calling me "hysterical" and insinuating that I am dishonest, rather than defend your claims with evidence. Because facts don't matter any more.
:lol: As I say so often myself when it comes to the regressive left, so named because that is how they act.
You use Alt. Right/Trumpian rhetoric like "regressive left", constantly post defending Donald Trump by attacking or equating him to his critics, dismiss allegations against him (without actually providing evidence to support your contentions, or even making consistent, specific arguments on the subject), defend blatantly racist policy like the repeal of DACA, and then you try to claim that no, you're not a shill for Trump, you're just being "fair"?

It doesn't work that way.
I guess it's that second one, then. Ideological filters at work.
I read what you say, and draw conclusions based on which side you consistently defend, and consistently echo.

That's not ideological filters, that's "reading comprehension."
You have yet to assert anything of substance. Just as an example, the accusation that Trump is a white nationalist/Nazi/whatever - the only thing you posted up as support for that was (and we'll just say this was something completely true and not made up by someone) what amounted to stormfags sqeeing over the idea that senpai is noticing them. The funny thing is that both you and they assert this based on the idea that he's talking in code or something like that. :lol: Meanwhile, back in the real world, Trump went on 60 Minutes and condemned racists, and when it came to Charlottesville, he condemned all the violence, but thanks to extremism making people think they're somehow the good guys even when they do bad things to other people, that was somehow as good as saying he sided with the Nazis.
He gave equal blame to Nazis and "everyone else". His "condemnation" of them had to be dragged out of him by public pressure. Even other Republican politicians could see that this was wrong. Yet you, apparently, can't.

I'd say its pretty damn clear which side you're on here.

And I love how you focus on that one example and completely ignore the half-dozen other specific, well-documented examples I gave, so that you can lie and claim I offered nothing specific.

You don't have a real argument. You just lie, repeat your assertions, and attack your opponents, in an attempt to obfuscate and disrupt the facts by shear quantities of mudslinging.
What allegations? What tape? can you post it?
What tape? WHAT TAPE? The fucking Access Hollywood tape that was played all over the news during the election. You know, "Grab them by the pussy"? Or as its called now, "being Presidential".


Oh, let me guess: it makes the Dear Leader look bad, so its "fake news".

This is some 1984-level shit.
:roll: I'm not a "Rightist." That's just something you tell yourself so you can dismiss anything I say. I'm going to paraphrase Neil Degrasse Tyson on this one and say that the nice thing about facts is that they are true whether you believe in them or not. ;)
How very true. Its a pity you fail to see that you are on the wrong side of that equation yourself.
Not even going to bother responding to the rest of this. :roll:
Concession accepted, then.
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Re: I am terrified

Post by Admiral X »

The Romulan Republic wrote: My, what a stunning and witty retort. You really put me in my place.
Your comment got the response it deserved. And I wasn't setting out to put you or anyone else in their place.
Its a beautiful ideal. The problem is, we don't actually have that. We never have. And no, I don't mean "because SJWs are persecuting white men".

Their are injustices that we still need to redress, if we want actual equality. Unfortunately, the Right (those elements of it that are not simply openly fascistic) tends to prefer to act like we already have an egalitarian society so that they can avoid addressing any of the existing inequality, and frame liberals and progressives as anti-egalitarian for trying to do so.

You can't have a society that starts certain people off with massive advantages based on race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, disability, or inherited wealth, and then say: "Now let's treat you all equally, and if you fail, well, sucks to be you."

Its not a fair race if most of the contestants start out hobbled and certain people get a thirty-second head start.
So what I'm getting from you is that you're not real big into egalitarianism, then.
Is it as bad as the Trail of Tears? No, though we could end up their or worse if we keep going down the road we're on.
Pure fantasy.
But their are parallels (the forced deportation of law-abiding people from their homes to dangerous conditions,
If they have immigrated illegally, they are not exactly law-abiding, are they?
for reasons that are heavily influenced by racism).
Based on?
Which was my point. One which evidently went "whoosh", right over your head.
No, I just prefer not to read racism into everything.
And "better than the Trail of Tears" is setting the bar really fucking low.
Yes, but someone quite foolishly decided to make that comparison. ;) Again, I can't help but be left with the impression that you've confused the problem with illegal immigration with the Syrian refugee crisis.
In any case, its not just that specific example- you spent the whole thread trying to downplay or defend the repeal of DACA at every turn.
I actually haven't defended it so much as pointed out it isn't the evil, horrible death sentence that it has been alleged to be in this thread.
Except Trump is utterly unworthy of the effort you put into defending him. Its not being fair to put equal or greater effort into defending someone who's actually guilty.
According to you.
Has Trump been accused of some things that are false, and some others that are not yet proven (but very well may be when all is said and done)? Yes.

But a lot of the accusations against him are valid, and confirmed as such. Sometimes by his own admission. Do you deny this? Do you deny that he condoned violence against protesters? That his administration has characterized the free press as the enemy? That he boasted on tape about molesting women? That he said a judge was unfit to judge him because of the man's ethnic heritage? That he tried to ban people from the US on the basis of religion? That he, by his own admission, fired Comey over the Russian investigation? That highly-placed members of his campaign and of his family met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton during the election?

Do you deny it?
Some of it, no, some of it remains to be seen.
See above. Then either provide your arguments, with evidence from credible non-partisan sources, as to why those specific allegations (which are not a complete list by any means) are false, or stop lying and evading and concede.
You don't seem to understand how burden of proof works. Just as when I argue with religious folks (and it's scary how much like religious folks the regressive left are), it is not on me to prove that god does not exist, but on those who are claiming god does exist. Incidentally, this is also pretty close to how the criminal justice system is supposed to work as far as the concept of being considered innocent until proven guilty.
People who came here as children, often brought here by adults, not by their choice.
But they still did not immigrate legally. And it's not like they're being tossed in jail, but are to be returned to their country of origin. And it's not even a done deal yet. It probably will given the current makeup of the legislature, but honestly that's partly on Obama, as that's how immigration policy should be handled to begin with.
If you do not see what is wrong with that, then you have absolutely no right to call yourself an egalitarian.
We seem to have very different ideas of what egalitarianism and justice are.
You keep giving me more examples in this thread ever time you post.
Again, you employ the false equivalency meme, claiming that the Democrats are the same as the Republicans in order to simultaneously (and contradictorally) attack the Democrats and defend the Republicans.
It's not false equivalency when they are literally doing the same thing they complained about the Republicans doing.
You use Alt. Right/Trumpian rhetoric like "regressive left",
The term actually originated with fellow liberals in the skeptic community. I hate to break it to you, but judging people on the basis of things they can't control, like race, sex, and sexual orientation is regressive. Taking the position of "free speech for me, but not for thee" is regressive. The regressive left is accurately named because they are regressing, or at least attempting to, our society. You literally have people calling for segregation again, either through some kind of weird double-think like "cultural appropriation," or just outright calling for literal segregation, and these aren't the KKK, "Alt-Right," or Nazis, these are people calling themselves "progressive" and claiming to believe in "social justice."
I read what you say, and draw conclusions based on which side you consistently defend, and consistently echo.

That's not ideological filters, that's "reading comprehension."
Everything you've said has demonstrated the opposite.
He gave equal blame to Nazis and "everyone else". His "condemnation" of them had to be dragged out of him by public pressure. Even other Republican politicians could see that this was wrong. Yet you, apparently, can't.
What I see is the basis for that, which is groups like Antifa, who have very much been violent themselves. It's pretty lame he can't take a firmer stance on it - he certainly seems capable of doing it on pretty much anything else.
I'd say its pretty damn clear which side you're on here.
:lol: Side!? I am on nobody's side - because nobody is on my side. ;) I honestly view Democrats and Republicans on much the same basis. And while I'm sure that shocks and appalls you, because you don't think Democrats are anywhere near the level of bad as those evil Republicans, what you fail to understand is that both parties are heavily collectivist, and only really differ in the aspects of peoples' lives they want to control (for their own good, of course) and the specific types of morality they want to legislate. No, see, I'm one of those evil moderates that extremists on both sides love to hate.
And I love how you focus on that one example and completely ignore the half-dozen other specific, well-documented examples I gave, so that you can lie and claim I offered nothing specific.
You offer plenty in way of allegations, but not much in way of proof, which is what I've been asking for.
What tape? WHAT TAPE? The fucking Access Hollywood tape that was played all over the news during the election. You know, "Grab them by the pussy"? Or as its called now, "being Presidential".
:lol: Oh, that. Sorry, I was a bit confused as that tape isn't a confession, as the ideologues have constantly tried to spin it as. That is nothing more than a pathetic man bragging to another in an attempt to prove how awesome he is to another guy. I honestly never understood where the "he literally confessed to sexual assault!" nonsense came from, considering that this is obviously a fantasy situation in which a woman would consent to being groped because of how rich he was (since they obviously aren't going to fall for his dashing good looks).
Oh, let me guess: it makes the Dear Leader look bad, so its "fake news".
It's funny you should bring up "fake news," because that serves as an excellent example of how an attempt to attack Trump got re-purposed by him to attack the media that's been attacking him. It's Alex Jones level conspiracy theory level thinking that somehow "fake news" was responsible for what is entirely on Clinton's shoulders in how she approached the "rust belt" and fly-over country in general.
This is some 1984-level shit.
The regressive left has already demonstrated plenty of times that they seem to think that book was an instruction manual rather than a warning.
How very true. Its a pity you fail to see that you are on the wrong side of that equation yourself.
According to you.
Concession accepted, then.


The only "concession" here is that it is becoming an exercise in tedium to "debate" with you.

Okay, okay, here's one - given that the OP is about being terrified, by all means, continue to be so, and don't let me talk you into taking a step back and trying to look at things more rationally. ;)
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Re: I am terrified

Post by GandALF »

The illiberal left is more accurate. They are still progressive its just what they are progressing to is crap. The "skeptic" community on the Internet has it's own BS too like how Thomas Jefferson was supposedly a fedora-tipping modern atheist.
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Re: I am terrified

Post by Admiral X »

Guess I've never heard that particular one. He was a slave-owner who produced children with at least one of them, so he's not some flawless human being. But I still admire the ideals he espoused which also went into founding this country, even if he failed to live up to them himself. Kind of like how I can admire TR in spite of that man's flaws.
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