MAGA rioters storm the Senate

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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by unknownsample »

Admiral X wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:47 am Yeah, instead the only person who got shot was an unarmed woman.

Also, it's pretty rich that all the people who were making excuses for all that death an destruction over the summer are suddenly screaming about rioting and looting now. Or for that matter about elected officials egging on the violence.

protests 2.jpg
Look whataboutism.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Admiral X »

Look youhavenocomeback. ;)
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by CmdrKing »

For the most part, nothing about yesterday was surprising. Perhaps alarming in the way things you hope will blow over actually happening is, but not surprising.
It flows naturally from a given set of facts:
1) Donald Trump is desperate to cling to power and the attendant immunity to prosecution.
2) A portion of his supporters are desperate to retain their conviction that they rule the country and make up the whole of "The People"
3) Cops, collectively, are inherently in favor of fascism.
And thus, of course Trump suggested interrupting the ceremonial process of affirming his loss, of course supporters who schlepped over to DC for the occasion obliged, and of course DC police brought none of their actual violence against this coup.
Bluntly this is far less than I figured he'd pull, when recognizing exactly what he and his supporters were 5 years ago.
But it's a mistake for anyone to celebrate the police here, or for anyone going "that's why you need them!!"
This is the police proving exactly why they cannot be tolerated any further.
Presented people marching to protest their own murder and abuse at the hands of the police, the police RIOT and set upon them with crippling violence.
Presented a fascistic coup and looting of the Capitol building, they make a dozen arrests some two hours after the fact when the poor coddled trumplings have tuckered themselves out.
The most accurate information I've seen so far claims 4 people dead, three seemingly from triggered health conditions in the chaos and one shot by the Secret Service.
Really think about that. Out of hundreds, some with intent to kidnap and execute members of the government, exactly one actually ran afoul of a branch of service who acted according to the gravity of the situation.
Members of the House have drawn up resolutions to eject members who supported this action. I wish them well and hope the Senate matches them. While there's many lessons to take from this, I believe one is that many of the events here are a result of the subservient, unrepresented role DC occupies in the nation. Ejecting the traitors, bolstering DC's independence via statehood, and shoulder deep investigations into the corruption that lead us to this point all seem like high priorities to me now, if they didn't before.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Thebestoftherest »

McAvoy wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:41 am This is absolutely disgraceful. And I guarantee you this will not be the last, this will happen again soon.

Only Trump can stop this but we all know he won't.
He needs to be shot
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Admiral X wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:44 am Look youhavenocomeback. ;)
This isn't even whataboutism.
One group is affected by poverty and brutality by a harmful system. That system under Trump was worsening. The damage they inflicted was unfortunate, but was not targeted as part of an effort to take power.

The other group is the oppressors. They invaded the legislature while it was in joint session. They did so specifically to harm not only the elected officials but to intimidate the system into changing to their narrative.

Marginalized people demanding civil rights, even with violence, is justified.
Privileged people attempting to overturn an election so they can keep marginalizing people is not justified.

The oppressors do not get to say, "What about when all those oppressed people did..." To do so is stupid.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Admiral X »

Rocketboy1313 wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 3:11 pm This isn't even whataboutism.
It's about "one rule for me, one rule for thee."
One group is affected by poverty and brutality by a harmful system. That system under Trump was worsening.
The economy under Trump was better than it had been in a long time until the plague and the lockdowns.

The damage they inflicted was unfortunate, but was not targeted as part of an effort to take power. [/quote]
You're making excuses for violence in the streets which resulted in massive property damage as well as over 30 deaths. One guy was shot for wearing the wrong patch and then other people excusing all of this had the gall to suggest it was self-defense.
The other group is the oppressors. They invaded the legislature while it was in joint session. They did so specifically to harm not only the elected officials but to intimidate the system into changing to their narrative.
One could easily say the same thing about antifa's actions. Really, anything you say about one, could be said about the other - that's why it's hypocrisy.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

You know, back when the protests were happening, I had opposed the idea of untrained civilians taking over police precincts, since they didn't have the training or expertise needed to operate the tools required to enforce the law and catch criminals. I'd like to not only defend that argument, but apply the same logic here to these MAGA nuts. They have no training or qualifications to... what was their end goal? Hand the government over to Mr. Trump? It's just inane. They're idiot fantics, and the cause is dubious at best, wrong at worst. Case closed. Lock 'em up, and don't bail them out, please. At least the mass riots had a more firm moral grounding. No question.

Yet I want to add as much as I have no love for either mass riots or chaos on Capitol Hill, I have more of a small smidgeon of respect for where they struck, even if not their cause (their cause is a joke, Mr. Trump is on his way out, just give up), in that they took the fight of their misguided movement right where it belongs, to the fat cats in Congress. I don't want them murdered or the MAGA fanatics massacred, but at the same time, I do hate that bigotry in all its forms is on the rise, which includes police bigotry. Like leftists giving renewed calls to "abolish police" due to "selfies taken with violent terrorists!" Like, you people are the same ones who support the idea of seizing government property with force! Or else you'd care that civilians have taken over police precincts. Seems more like you're just jealous the right wing was more organized here, more bold in their efforts. They beat you to the punch. Maybe you guys should take your fight to Congress next time. It's certainly a louder statement.

Because like it or not, police merely enforce the laws. They don't make them. Who does? Oh! The people in Congress who just got a firsthand taste of the social unrest in the USA right in their face. You blame centrists for enabling the right, yet when the hour to strike at our corrupt elites came, where were you? I just abhor something like these biased reports about police spending that don't take inflation into account, like, say, from '77 to '17. That smudges the numbers right there to push a political agenda. I mean, defunding police when many of these reform initiatives cost money. :lol: And seizing a police precinct and storming the halls of the capital building, in both cases being out for blood, is insurrection at best, or domestic terrorism at worst. Even treason. And I'd call it treason for both, absolutely indefensible. It's just contributing to the larger societal breakdown. Yet it's just misguided passion when you can't control the bad actors on your flanks, but it's vile satanic hatred when this happens? Like, GROW UP.

Make no mistake, this seems like just the beginning, race riots and violence in the halls of Congress. I expect it to get far worse in the coming decade. And the MSM still wants to blame Mr. Trump and push their own agendas rather than admitting he merely exploited the deep social rifts already there. If we had more faith in our leaders, our news reporters, and our institutions, then this wouldn't happen. We know at this stage thanks to the liberation of the internet that they don't give a f*** about us and they never did. Yet there is still one tiny thing to admire among this larger stupidity going on. It is that the elites will now be shaking in terror and see what life is really like on the streets of America RN. They doubtless are going to take the wrong lessons away from this, but they created this mess and though I don't want them dead, I can't feel sorry it's finally reaching them in their little ivory towers now. Don't you leftists claim otherwise, either! You have no love for Congress or the party you vote for and if this were the BLM crowds roaming in Congress after some white cop had shot a black person, would you honestly feel different? Since I don't doubt you would. Yet where's that concern when it's a white person shot by a black cop, for example? Do you even care? It's all b******* either way. Don't pretend to support authority when you rail against authority in your own way.

At least watching the double standards become more apparent is amusing as H. Like this.


Mr. Biden's empty campaign promises to "unite and heal us" ring entirely false, more than ever. Mr. Trump isn't the bogeyman who made the country fall apart. We did that all ourselves. And if we can't pull together and admit that, then not only expect this to repeat itself, but escalate, sadly.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Admiral X wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:05 pm
The other group is the oppressors. They invaded the legislature while it was in joint session. They did so specifically to harm not only the elected officials but to intimidate the system into changing to their narrative.
One could easily say the same thing about antifa's actions. Really, anything you say about one, could be said about the other - that's why it's hypocrisy.
Here is a lovely thing to point to.

No, you can't "Easily say the same thing about...".
They are different people doing different things for different reasons.
It is not hypocrisy to say that one group's actions are justified and the other group's actions are not.
They are not the same.

Beyond that, you are attributing violence to BLM, and that is just disingenuous.
Police and other security forces reacted VERY differently to these two instances. ... index.html
And the fact that BLM had more casualties has a lot more to do with police response than it does with the protests themselves.

Again, different people doing different things for different reasons... and getting treated differently.
To claim otherwise is bullshit.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

It's very hard to take the left sympathetically when they are awash in their own hypocritical bigotries. Look at the twitter nutjobs saying to "kill all men" or going into racial insanity about white people.

Look at how you people make it clearer every day you don't want police, you don't want law enforcement, you just want chaos to reign in this country. Don't act like that's not the case.

As in all things, you're only seeing a tiny tiny tiny picture thanks to the advent of the internet. You could find opposing pictures that both discredit and support the argument. Like, don't complain about radicalization when you're pretty much the same thing.

Even Mr. Floyd's family said he didn't want riots in his name. Yet that didn't stop you, did it?
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Robovski »

How dare they take their protest to the politicians and government buildings instead of burning down their own neighborhoods and small businesses. That's one big difference there, so yeah, not the same. Can't have those actually responsible for their anger being the target of the ire of the protestors, they should be just ruining their communities.
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