"Disney leadership reportedly blamed the same-sex kiss in ‘Lightyear’ for its failure at the box office."

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Re: "Disney leadership reportedly blamed the same-sex kiss in ‘Lightyear’ for its failure at the box office."

Post by clearspira »

Nobody700 wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 3:52 am Here's my BIGGEST problem with Lightyear.

This isn't a film made in the 90's, it's a 2020's film. They didn't even CONSIDER trying to make this a film that would make a little boy find it super exciting. Which is the WHOLE POINT of Toy Story. Lightyear should have been an utter love letter to the STUPIDEST stuff ever, and instead, tries and fails to be serious. We didn't get Buzz Lightyear battling Zerg on a shooting star as epic metal plays with a wacky animated dog firing one liners... we got Buzz needing a robot cat to be his therapist because no one in the future knows how to care for a mans PTSD.
Here's an idea: the pitch here is that this is meant to be the film that made a kid from 1995 go bananas for Buzz Lightyear. You know what else we had back in 1995? The Disney Renaissance AKA that time in Disney's history that almost everyone looks back on fondly. Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Mulan, Pocahontas, The Hutchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, Tarzan.

How about a charming throw back movie? With singing and dancing, bright colours, talking animals and CGI that looks like old school animation. This film was coming off the back of Covid. People wanted cheering up. It absolutely would have sold.
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