Mueller investigation: Manafort, Gates indicted.

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The Romulan Republic
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Re: Mueller investigation: Manafort, Gates indicted.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Madner Kami wrote:
TGLS wrote:
Rocketboy1313 wrote:He at one point says, "if President Trump weren't such a narcissist he would have resigned already."
That's the killer combination Nixon had, no?
Hmno. Nixon was also an evil but smart motherfucker. He could be a stand-in for a Bond-villain. Trump is, at best, a goon for an Austin Powers villain.
There's a reason that John Oliver referred to this scandal as "Stupid Watergate".
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Re: Mueller investigation: Manafort, Gates indicted.

Post by Ordo »

Strange days indeed.
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Re: Mueller investigation: Manafort, Gates indicted.

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Papadopolous would be a stupid name for a character in a spy novel.

We're in a bad spy novel.

Or possibly one made by Terry Gilliam. Based on Philip K Dick's "Ubik".
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The Romulan Republic
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Re: Mueller investigation: Manafort, Gates indicted.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

It does feel like the lines between fiction and reality have blurred, doesn't it?
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Mueller investigation: Manafort, Gates indicted.

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

I've already heard several people bandying about the idea that some errant time traveler stepped on the wrong butterfly and we're in a damaged timeline.
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