Moore finds one of the few live wires left in American politics...

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Re: Moore finds one of the few live wires left in American politics...

Post by Archanubis »

LittleRaven wrote:
Antiboyscout wrote:Can anyone say what the Democratic platform is other than "oppose Trump"?
Uh...that's all they NEED to be. That's all an opposition party has to do. It worked great for the Republicans, it's working great for the Democrats.

Opposing is easy. Governing is hard, as the Republicans are learning.
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Karha of Honor
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Re: Moore finds one of the few live wires left in American politics...

Post by Karha of Honor »

LittleRaven wrote:
Antiboyscout wrote:Can anyone say what the Democratic platform is other than "oppose Trump"?
Uh...that's all they NEED to be. That's all an opposition party has to do. It worked great for the Republicans, it's working great for the Democrats.

Opposing is easy. Governing is hard, as the Republicans are learning.
I could not find any policy plans anywhere in Wahsington? No legislation that is written down by the right?
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Re: Moore finds one of the few live wires left in American politics...

Post by LittleRaven »

Agent Vinod wrote:I could not find any policy plans anywhere in Wahsington? No legislation that is written down by the right?
I apologize in advance if I'm misinterpreted this's...lacking in clarity.

Anyway, there are lots of policy plans from the right in Washington. In fact, one of the Republicans problems is that they have too many plans, and not enough leadership on which of the many competing plans are actually going to be pursued. The Republican party is currently split between a few big competing factions, which by itself is not new. But until recently, the idea was that a couple of the factions (big money doners/defense contractors) would get what they wanted, and the others (evangelicals, blue-collar whites) were just there to provide votes and could be safely ignored. Then came Trump. Now nobody is sure who can be safely ignored any more.

Which leads to the second part of your question, legislation. There is precious little Republican legislation, and much of what is written doesn't pass, because nobody is sure who in charge any more. Trump wants things to be great. But great a policy goal. He wants tax cuts for everyone and smaller deficits and more services...and he wants the credit. Republicans in Congress just want to go back to being an opposition party...railing about Obama and then sitting back and waiting for the checks to arrive was MUCH easier than the crap they're having to slog through now. That's why it's currently up in the air as to whether or not the Republicans can pass a tax cut.

Democrats, meanwhile, as discovering just how wonderful it is to be the opposition party. All they have to do is rail against Trump, and the voters flock to the polls. It's positively intoxicating.
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Karha of Honor
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Re: Moore finds one of the few live wires left in American politics...

Post by Karha of Honor »

LittleRaven wrote:
Agent Vinod wrote:I could not find any policy plans anywhere in Wahsington? No legislation that is written down by the right?
Democrats, meanwhile, as discovering just how wonderful it is to be the opposition party. All they have to do is rail against Trump, and the voters flock to the polls. It's positively intoxicating.
Tell that to Ossof and do not get carried away.
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Re: Moore finds one of the few live wires left in American politics...

Post by LittleRaven »

Agent Vinod wrote:Tell that to Ossof and do not get carried away.
Ossoff was running for Georgia's Sixth District. It's been solidly red since the 70s. Being the opposition party is a big boost, but it's not magic. Republicans didn't start winning in NYC just because they opposed Obama, and Democrats aren't going to just start winning the South.

Well, except for Alabama. They might win that. But that's more Republican incompetence than Democratic genius.
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Re: Moore finds one of the few live wires left in American politics...

Post by LittleRaven »

Behold the power of partisanship.

Perhaps there are no lines left after all.
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Re: Moore finds one of the few live wires left in American politics...

Post by Archanubis »

LittleRaven wrote:Behold the power of partisanship.

Perhaps there are no lines left after all.
A sadly troubling poll, yes, but I find one bit of that site interesting: that the poll was conducted via "landline phones." Even in Alabama, how many people still use landline phones? I can't imagine many.
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Karha of Honor
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Re: Moore finds one of the few live wires left in American politics...

Post by Karha of Honor »

Archanubis wrote:
LittleRaven wrote:Behold the power of partisanship.

Perhaps there are no lines left after all.
A sadly troubling poll, yes, but I find one bit of that site interesting: that the poll was conducted via "landline phones." Even in Alabama, how many people still use landline phones? I can't imagine many.
Old people vote...
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Moore finds one of the few live wires left in American politics...

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Agent Vinod wrote:
Archanubis wrote:
LittleRaven wrote:Behold the power of partisanship.

Perhaps there are no lines left after all.
A sadly troubling poll, yes, but I find one bit of that site interesting: that the poll was conducted via "landline phones." Even in Alabama, how many people still use landline phones? I can't imagine many.
Old people vote...
That still doesn't make them a representative sample.

Failing to consider statistical biases in phone polls is how we got the "Dewey Defeats Truman" oopsie.
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Re: Moore finds one of the few live wires left in American politics...

Post by Draco Dracul »

I wonder which would be worse for Republican moral, losing a senate seat in a solid red state, or going into an election years as the party of traitors and child molesters.?
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