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Re: On Political Violence

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:57 pm
by Karha of Honor
Arkle wrote:
Agent Vinod wrote:Motherfucka killed babies with drones and made no apologies,
Which is bad. But he didn't create that program, the previous President did. AND, Obama's successor has already stepped that program up. So the worst you can say about Obama here is that he failed to correct a grave error of his predecessor. It sucks, I hope it doesn't come across as me saying it doesn't, but there's a gulf between "blameless" and "gets all the blame."
wanted get Fox News out of the press briefings with no right wing replacements,
This is not a bad thing, seeing as Fox News is a Right Wing propaganda network. Also, it ended up not happening.
l 2 seconds after he was for gay marriage used gays in a propaganda war against Russia etc...
Um, what? What Alex Jones nonsense is this?
i could go on. What would had being nastier had accomplished for your side?

He didn't have to be nasty neccesarily, just stop reaching your hand out to someone who keeps slapping it away.
I am alright with your fake ass moral judgement, i give zero fucks about it.
Nothing fake about it, sparky.
What massive racist freakout and how did it manifest itself?
Apparently you were blind, illiterate, and deaf during the 8 years of the Obama admin, where membership in White Supremacist groups spiked, and where the first Black President received more death threats than any other President in American history, and where the Tea Party protests were replete with racist signs, and where the GOP would attack Obama for doing things (good, bad, or mixed) that every or almost every other President had done before with nary a single complaint.
Did he even try to correct the error?

What was supposed to be the Fox news replacement to hold his feet to the fire? They are hacks but if they are propaganda so are their opposites.

Guilt by random association. Neat.

If it's not fake it sure is empty.

It spiked from where to what number. Why are they relevant to any national conversation?
He could easily received more death threats because people are fed up with the insiders and the crazier ones sent more death threats. How many racist sings in how many rallies? How do you define racist sign? Yeah, the political class stunningly failed this century, presidents will be attacked more, deal with it or don't be president.

Re: On Political Violence

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:07 pm
by Arkle
Agent Vinod wrote:How many racist sings in how many rallies? How do you define racist sign?
Here. Have some pictures.


Re: On Political Violence

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:32 pm
by Karha of Honor
Arkle wrote:
Agent Vinod wrote:How many racist sings in how many rallies? How do you define racist sign?
Here. Have some pictures.

It's hard to do anything with or about anecdotes.

Re: On Political Violence

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 7:23 pm
by Admiral X
Arkle wrote: No, Admiral X, I don't call EVERYONE who disagrees with me a fascist. Just those who express fascist/fascist sympathizing views.
And how exactly have I done that? Huh? By defending the freedom of speech even if I don't agree with what's said? I hate to break it to you, but that is the opposite of an authoritarian. :lol:
If the number of people calling you a fascist keeps going up and up, maybe it's time to step back and ask yourself; "Is it me?"
Considering it's only by people like you and quite laughably in the face of evidence that shows the opposite (or just a complete lack of evidence), no, not really. Yeah, the guy saying we need to respect one another's civil rights is the fascist and the one arguing we should form mobs and beat the snot out of people whose politics we don't like is totally not a fascist you guys. :lol:
I mean, I hardly ever get called that, and when I do it's by people who says stupid shit like "You think everyone who disagres with you is a fascist," so I can safely ignore them.
You probably need to get out of the echo chamber more often then. ;)
* I have heard it from women on rare occasions, but between 95 and 99% of the time it's cisgendered men, so I feel comfortable saying "to a man."
You know, this is something that always struck me as especially stupid about identity politics, especially when it comes to arguing on the internet with complete strangers. How do you know I'm not a woman, or gay, or both? I mean, even putting aside the absurdity of just "I identify as," I mean quite literally.

Re: On Political Violence

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:20 pm
by Arkle
Admiral X wrote:Yeah, the guy saying we need to respect one another's civil rights is the fascist and the one arguing we should form mobs and beat the snot out of people whose politics we don't like is totally not a fascist you guys. :lol:
People like you are literally the kind of people who allowed the Nazis tro rise to power. If more people had punched the Brownshirts in the face and sent them scurrying back to their Mommy's basement to whine about thier BS "Jews ruin everything" theories, millions of people wouldn't have been slaughtered.
You probably need to get out of the echo chamber more often then. ;)
Says the guy whose comments read like Copy-n-Pastes of 4chan and otehr White Nationalist forum posts.

Re: On Political Violence

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:58 am
by SuccubusYuri
Now now, be fair to the Admiral, his positions are ideologically consistent. And someone with ideology can be reasoned with if you offer information that displays their ideology is served at least as well if not better by the contrary position. Personal strikes get you nowhere.

It's the gamergater you gotta be concerned about, because all they want is to get laid and take out that frustration on minorities no matter what the positions of the white man in the suit. And when they're losing they pretend it was being done ironically and move onto the next issue they haven't been contradicted on.

Re: On Political Violence

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:07 am
by Admiral X
Arkle wrote: People like you are literally the kind of people who allowed the Nazis tro rise to power.
It's interesting the way extremists from both sides of the political spectrum like to hate on moderates for "enabling" the other side. Remember how I talked about Italy's "Years of Lead?" That was all part of that.
If more people had punched the Brownshirts in the face and sent them scurrying back to their Mommy's basement to whine about thier BS "Jews ruin everything" theories, millions of people wouldn't have been slaughtered.
I hate to break it to you, but your "antifa" buddies are the brownshirts in this case. ;)
Says the guy whose comments read like Copy-n-Pastes of 4chan and otehr White Nationalist forum posts.
:lol: Again, based completely on nothing. I must be like the only Native white nationalist I know. :lol:

Re: On Political Violence

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:08 am
by Admiral X
SuccubusYuri wrote: It's the gamergater you gotta be concerned about, because all they want is to get laid and take out that frustration on minorities no matter what the positions of the white man in the suit.
I do? News to me! :lol:

Re: On Political Violence

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:19 am
by Arkle
Admiral X wrote:I hate to break it to you, but your "antifa" buddies are the brownshirts in this case. ;)
You keep saying that, and it keeps not being true. ... est-prison

Edited for tone. Just pointing out the dude's full of it is good enough.

Re: On Political Violence

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:35 am
by Karha of Honor
SuccubusYuri wrote:Now now, be fair to the Admiral, his positions are ideologically consistent. And someone with ideology can be reasoned with if you offer information that displays their ideology is served at least as well if not better by the contrary position. Personal strikes get you nowhere.

It's the gamergater you gotta be concerned about, because all they want is to get laid and take out that frustration on minorities no matter what the positions of the white man in the suit. And when they're losing they pretend it was being done ironically and move onto the next issue they haven't been contradicted on.
That is based on what study made on gamergaters?