Another day, another police beating in America

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Madner Kami
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Madner Kami »

You fail to understand the situation the cops are in. They are being yelled at, they are confronted with a potentially violent mob, it's an us vs them situation under high stress and duress, with decissions made in split-seconds. You are one of those who argue, that the violence from the protesters is a reaction to police violence, because they are cooked in a pressure cooker, if I may use that analogy. How is it so hard to understand, that this goes both ways? It doesn't justify what happened, but it explains it and you need to deal with it on a sober stomach and not a kneejerk-reaction.
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Makeshift Python
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Makeshift Python »

That's cute and all, but I prefer cops to have a cooler head in tough situations instead of displaying how utterly fragile they are in videos like that. I want my police to have a better handle on things than the people that pay them via taxes.
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Madner Kami
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Madner Kami »

Back in the sixties, you'd be one of those people who calls soldiers baby-killers, wouldn't you? These cops are humans and, sadly, thanks to the great politicians in your country, not exactly highly trained professionals. And even those can snap.
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Makeshift Python
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Makeshift Python »

Madner Kami wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:02 pm Back in the sixties, you'd be one of those people who calls soldiers baby-killers, wouldn't you?
False equivalency, these cops were not drafted thousands of miles into a war in a faraway turbulant country with high temperatures and humidity. If I was around back in the sixties, I'd likely I'd be protesting the politicians that sent those soldiers there.
These cops are humans and, sadly, thanks to the great politicians in your country, not exactly highly trained professionals. And even those can snap.
Exactly, which is why we not only desperately need police reform but we also have to vote incompetent cry babies like Trump out of office.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

This forum sure has delivered in the past few days. I'd like to thank both sides for playing, as always.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by GreyICE »

Madner Kami wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:44 pmBut heyho, staying on SFDebris-forums and Twitter, clapping gleefully as some cops beat down yet another unarmed man, while others get what they had coming, while all you do is watch a few videos and pictures and ignoring the context, is your thing... Enjoy the bright future you are creating there.
We agree on one thing - if you want a better America, spend some time off the forums and on the streets! Go! It's almost the weekend, even if you're working during the week, spend some time. Make a sign. Hand out water bottles. Just march. Take some friends, meet some new people!

Cops are actively working with white supremacists:

That's the cover here. Ignore the false rhetoric. You don't get "so stressed you have to go help white supremacists." That's not what's happening here. In the video, you can see he said "his superiors". That's not "one bad apple", that's the entire police force - and they need to enlist help. They need white supremacist assistance, because they know they're losing.

Cops are on their back foot, and every day this is getting stronger. Keep pushing. They will have to rely on their buddies: the Proud Boys, Identify Evropa, the alt-right. Make them. The last time white supremacists were exposed in public, all of America rose up against them. They've spent fifty years burrowing and hiding in police forces. Make them come into the light, like they had to here.

Every day it gets worse, and this gets more obvious.

Edit: Seattle PD ran out of tear gas! It turns out that using so much of it they blanket the city in it multiple nights isn't sustainable. If we cut their budget for chemical weapons to zero, they're not going to be buying any more!

Last edited by GreyICE on Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Makeshift Python
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Makeshift Python »

Again, thank goodness for the invention of the cell phone camera.
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Madner Kami wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:02 pm Back in the sixties, you'd be one of those people who calls soldiers baby-killers, wouldn't you? These cops are humans and, sadly, thanks to the great politicians in your country, not exactly highly trained professionals. And even those can snap.
When protestors throw things at heavily armed men with guns and tanks and riot gear, you say "They should have obeyed!" When trained professionals with bullet-proof vests who signed up for a dangerous job and swore an oath unleash chemical weapons and shoot at unarmed protesters, you say "they're only human".

If they can't keep their cool in a riot, they never should have become cops in the first place.

Of course they could de-escalate things, to save both protestors and cops from violence. But they won't, because they want to hurt people.
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Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

GreyICE wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:08 pm Edit: Seattle PD ran out of tear gas! It turns out that using so much of it they blanket the city in it multiple nights isn't sustainable. If we cut their budget for chemical weapons to zero, they're not going to be buying any more!

Good fucking gods...
"Believe me, there’s nothing so terrible that someone won’t support it."
— Un Lun Dun, China Mieville
Captain Crimson
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Captain Crimson »

unknownsample wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:25 pm
Makeshift Python wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:44 pm Don't bother trying to converse with Captain Crimson anymore folks, his comment about "collective guilt" should have told you everything you needed to know about his character. I'm done discussing anything with him.
He's a both sider he pretends to condemn both sides but in reality it's show he can push right-wing ideas and viewpoints.
To call me a right-winger is laughable. There's the intolerant left for ya. It's more noticeable than the hard right, who think white supremacy is a splendid idea, because you guys are the ones who talk the most about diversity and tolerance, but when push comes to shove, centrists are too right for you. At least the right seems to be quite honest in their stupidly mistaken way about citing Darwinist views to show there is no equality. Especially given who I'm voting for this year, and I've been quite frank that beyond that, I don't vote, period. However, if I was inclined to feel that way, in voting consistently, I'd always vote democrat. Got to throw shade on my character, right?

Because here are my political views. I'm pro-choice. And despite my state being a hotbed of debate about immigration, I'd like stronger immigration laws that give more people a chance to make it here without breaking the rules. Simply because I could understand why some right-wingers prefer law and order here does not mean I agree with them. Gun control is also ensured to net you giant controversy, but I'd like sensible gun control. I really see no need for a private citizen to be wandering the streets armed with machine guns, and the idea they can stop the government if it came for them with planes and bombs is absurd. I also agree black lives matter. But then, answer me this, why is it that when a white person commits a crime, he's a bad guy? But when black people do it, you have to blame their community, not them, when they know the difference between right and wrong? Prioritize all law-abiders over criminals, if you please! White genocide is a myth, but please treat all people knocked down by the system as the same.

I also oppose the system of mass incarceration, since handing out draconian sentences over drug use is insanity. Yeah, it's a stupid, flawed mistake. Let them make their own mistakes. And certainly don't take ten years of their life out of it. What else? I think sex abuse is one of the most overlooked crimes in our civilization, and it's sad we can't stop humanizing the responsible parties and treat their sins as a little mistake while sneering at the victims. I also believe our nonstop meddling in the Middle East is stupid, and it has to end. Perpetual war without purpose or reason for 19 years. I also think we could trim down the military budget, and still have plenty left over to protect ourselves with while also still devoting more resources to education and reform.

I could keep going, but I've really made my point. So why don't I vote for the democrats? I mean, they're really just the same thing, only far less exaggerated. As we're seeing right now with Mr. 45 throwing Mr. Biden's allegations in his face despite his own allegations. The way his campaign seized on the "you ain't black" comments despite his own campaign from 2016 presenting him to potential black voters by chowing down on a chicken leg, really!

Puts me in mind of the famous comedian's, Mr. Black's comments, that you have only have a choice between piles of s$%@. The only difference is the smell.
Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 7:46 pm Police in my city are taping their badge numbers

Captain Crimson, let me tell you something. I do not give a FUCK about looting or broken windows or burning shopping centers.

I care about police brutality and unpunished murder. Despite your claims of centrism, you care a whole lot more about broken windows and property values than crushed throats and cracked skulls. Shame on me for trying to engage with you in good faith.

Go to the crows.
Would it make you feel better to hear me admit it's a grave injustice? Because it is. Know what else is? All the families from 9/11 who still remember that day a loved one was taken from them forever. So are all the gun shooting victims, and every crippled or maimed or killed person throughout history. It's a jungle out there now. Again, if I was to spend every moment getting outraged over that, where would I be? Life is too short for obsessions. Your attempts to get emotional gut-punch reactions from me don't hold up to logic because why should they be more deserving than the aforementioned 9/11 victims, to list one example?

Past voting for the first time ever this year, what do you suggest I do? Grab some rocks and sticks and go join the rioters, not peaceful protesters, out there? I'd get my skull bashed in. It's a tragedy when it happens, yet the fact I am not going to go looking for that... and you would call me an enabler over that, right?
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