On Political Violence

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Re: The War Prayer (B5)

Post by Admiral X »

Eric wrote:Babylon 5 was the first sci-fi show I really watched but I never quite realized how weird that ending was. G'Kar was just using the same tactics as those humans he's looking down on. Delenn Knows all too well what it's like to give into hatred and let it lead you on a personal level. As the show goes on we see that her species is just as capable as humans with hatred and fear.I don't deny it was a message episode but that last it felt more like it was trying to say something else now that I've watched the review. These people are blinded to their own faults. They look down on others and say they can't understand but those they looked down on they stood where they stand.

Personally I always like the saying never get on a high horse you may looked down one day and find yourself on top of a jackass
I feel the same way. Frankly the ending of this episode rubs me the wrong way for that reason. The Minbari waged a war of genocide - who are they to talk about blind hatred?
Rocketboy1313 wrote:I disagree with Chuck on something in this episode.
I feel that racists should be beaten.
And I agree with Chuck that this makes you no better than they are. You advocate a system in which we settle our differences with violence rather than words, and that can escalate very, very quickly. And I, for one, do not want a repeat of the Years of Lead that Italy went through post WWII.
TGLS wrote:OK, then, Nazis are a poor example. Go get in a brawl with white supremacists. That doesn't give them a smidgen of credibility when a loony shoots a black man. Nobody's going to say, "Well look at those radical leftists! They're going around beating us! They're the same!"
Go bomb the Westboro Baptist Church; the less radical homophobes won't be swung their way.

All comparable aggression (i.e. punching people, shootings, etc.) must be equally opposed, because failure to oppose the aggression grants it legitimacy.
And then you'll just be repeating the mistakes of the past. It's not going to "legitimize" them, but it'll sure let them claim the race war they've always wanted is finally here, and give them an excuse to use plenty of violence themselves. And yes those of us who aren't insane will look at you the way we've already been looking at the spiraling descent of the regressive left and see yet another example of what violently bigoted authoritarians you are. :roll:

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Re: The War Prayer (B5)

Post by Arkle »

Admiral X wrote:And yes those of us who aren't insane will look at you the way we've already been looking at the spiraling descent of the regressive left and see yet another example of what violently bigoted authoritarians you are. :roll:
In my experience, no one worth listening to uses the term "regressive left" unironically. No one.
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Re: The War Prayer (B5)

Post by Admiral X »

And yet it is a very accurate term. Just like assigning the term "moral crusader" to them. But, by all means, continue to pretend you're totally the good guy and everyone else who disagrees with you is evil or stupid or both. :lol:
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Re: The War Prayer (B5)

Post by Arkle »

Admiral X wrote:And yet it is a very accurate term.
It's one of many pointless, ad hominem based slogans used by the Alt-Right. Using it makes you about as credible a source of valid debate as "cuck" or "SJW," or "Sheeple." Nothing accurate about it. It's a term made up by people who want everyone to be as violently bigoted toward Muslims as they are.

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Re: The War Prayer (B5)

Post by Admiral X »

It is very accurate to what the regressive left is actually doing, which is to say taking our society backwards. This is the only way to describe bigoted people who are obsessed with arbitrary attributes one is born with and assigning stereotypes to these labels which they obsessively insist are the most important aspects of a person's identity. If anyone refuses to obey these stereotypes, it provokes every bit as much hatred and vitriol as one might expect from the stereotypical Klansman, epitaphs included. This movement has repeatedly attacked the First Amendment, and behaved very much in line with The Party from "Nineteen Eighty-Four" in that it simply declares things to be true, and comes down hard on anyone who disagrees with this declared truth. And now, just as all the hateful rhetoric has indicated it surely would, it has come to open violence and avocation and cheerleading of such. The people who punched that man, and the people who rioted at Berkley and all these other places, are very much like the Brownshirts.
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Re: The War Prayer (B5)

Post by Arkle »

Admiral X wrote:The people who punched that man, and the people who rioted at Berkley and all these other places, are very much like the Brownshirts.
You are comparing people fighting back against people who are like the Brownshirts of being like the Brownshirts.

I can tell I gain nothing of value by engaging with you. You are so dead inside, so broken that you can look at bullies and victims and see them as equal. That's not a brave position to take, that is a lack of empathy on par with that of serial killers.
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Re: The War Prayer (B5)

Post by Admiral X »

I compare them to Brownshirts because that is how they are acting. Meanwhile, it's pretty obvious that one can get called a Nazi whether they actually are one or not, and in any case the people being attacked either aren't engaging in violence themselves, or only do so in defense of themselves after they are attacked. You can accuse me of being dead inside, or a lack of empathy all you want, nothing takes away from the fact you're cheering on a pack of thugs who bear strong resemblance to the lynch mobs of the past.
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Re: The War Prayer (B5)

Post by Dragon Angel »

Admiral X wrote:It is very accurate to what the regressive left is actually doing, which is to say taking our society backwards. This is the only way to describe bigoted people who are obsessed with arbitrary attributes one is born with and assigning stereotypes to these labels which they obsessively insist are the most important aspects of a person's identity. If anyone refuses to obey these stereotypes, it provokes every bit as much hatred and vitriol as one might expect from the stereotypical Klansman, epitaphs included.
This honestly reads like crazed, paranoid nonsense. Take it easy on the conspiracy videos please those are very bad for your stress levels.
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Re: The War Prayer (B5)

Post by Admiral X »

:lol: Yeah, wouldn't want the truth to threaten the narrative.
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Re: The War Prayer (B5)

Post by Fixer »

Everyone. Please maintain a civil tone and refrain from personal attacks.
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