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Re: Biden task force has reunited 52 families separated under Trump

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 5:55 am
by Yukaphile
I've met many Latinos who would share these views. I've been told over and over not to feel sorry for these people by their kin. Probably for the reasons clearspira laid out, though I am not that smart.

Re: Biden task force has reunited 52 families separated under Trump

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 8:02 am
by CharlesPhipps
Yukaphile wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 5:55 am I've met many Latinos who would share these views. I've been told over and over not to feel sorry for these people by their kin. Probably for the reasons clearspira laid out, though I am not that smart.
Allow me to say something: there's actually a spectrum here.

Everyone loves the binary of ALL BLUE, ALL RED but the thing about this particular situation is that there's a pretty big fucking level of difference in how to respond to the immigration question. One that should probably transcend the normal political discourse.

Allow me to illustrate:

* You don't have to want open borders.
* You don't have to want to have amnesty for illegal immigrants
* You may think there's way too many illegal immigrants
* You may think there's way too many legal immigrants
* You may think that asylum seekers are exploiting the system.
* You may actually think asylum should not be offered.

(And the last one is a real asshole)

Yet I think ALL OF THESE PEOPLE should be able to agree that STEALING THE KIDS of immigrants and then deporting them WITHOUT THEM is pure unmitigated evil.

Literally dude who says, "No one gets to stay!" doesn't have to do this and would hopefully be appalled. We know why this was done. It was said by Jeff Sessions to be a way to scare people from seeking asylum. Which is VILE and STUPID too.

Do you think the majority of people who arrive know they are going to have their kids stolen? What if they're TRYING to legally immigrate? What if they don't speak English? What if they think this is the only way for their kid to survive? (Which implies they should be granted fucking asylum).

You see my point here? Sometimes a stupid and evil policy is just a stupid and evil policy and we don't need to be all or nothing on the political divide.

Re: Biden task force has reunited 52 families separated under Trump

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 3:40 pm
by Yukaphile
Do you remember that caravan incident a few years back? Same friend, from Arizona, sneered and dismissed them as grifters while I was more like you guys. Feeling sorry for them. Seems a lot's changed since then. A lot. Of course, my friend's father was an illegal immigrant from Mexico, and yet he worked damn hard to make sure he was red-blooded American as any of us, becoming legalized and so as true as any native. Says a lot about our perspectives, doesn't it?

Re: Biden task force has reunited 52 families separated under Trump

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 5:50 pm
by CharlesPhipps
Yukaphile wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 3:40 pm Do you remember that caravan incident a few years back? Same friend, from Arizona, sneered and dismissed them as grifters while I was more like you guys. Feeling sorry for them. Seems a lot's changed since then. A lot. Of course, my friend's father was an illegal immigrant from Mexico, and yet he worked damn hard to make sure he was red-blooded American as any of us, becoming legalized and so as true as any native. Says a lot about our perspectives, doesn't it?
The caravan that got touted as an army of rapists and thieves, stopped at the border, and wasn't let in despite being a bunch of people who were no danger to anyone? And then promptly nothing happened because it was nothing to be worried about? That caravan?

I mean, also, what does that have to do with kidnapping the children and giving them to other families too?

Re: Biden task force has reunited 52 families separated under Trump

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 5:50 pm
by Yukaphile
Yeah, purebred Latino. Going generations back. From Mexico. Said those things.

Re: Biden task force has reunited 52 families separated under Trump

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 8:11 pm
by BBally81
No matter what excuse gets brought up, putting children in cages is atrocious and barbaric. Sounds like something a third world country or a medieval society would do.

Re: Biden task force has reunited 52 families separated under Trump

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 8:12 pm
by Yukaphile
I can agree with the idea on principle. But there's a lot of ugly things in this world and still part of our modern society that are atrocious and barbaric. Just remember Trump never started ICE. Nor did Obama. Again, it was FUCKIN' BUSH. I hate him so much, he is WORSE than Trump or Obama is to the strawmans of the political opposition. Only a complete dope could take a thriving surplus and strong economy with positive forward-thinking prospects and just tank it into the shitter.

Re: Biden task force has reunited 52 families separated under Trump

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:50 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Yukaphile wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 3:40 pm Do you remember that caravan incident a few years back?
Yes I do. It didn't amount to anything. What does it have to do with anything for that matter?

Re: Biden task force has reunited 52 families separated under Trump

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:45 am
by Yukaphile
Just this idea that identifying with your skin color fails to a priority with POC the way it is for new-world young white liberals. My friend, calls himself a classical liberal, would be considered right-wing to the SJWs on this forum, merely for his views on immigration policy. Which, his own father benefited from. Keep that in mind.

Re: Biden task force has reunited 52 families separated under Trump

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 3:33 am
by goodperson25
Yukaphile wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:45 am Just this idea that identifying with your skin color fails to a priority with POC the way it is for new-world young white liberals. My friend, calls himself a classical liberal, would be considered right-wing to the SJWs on this forum, merely for his views on immigration policy. Which, his own father benefited from. Keep that in mind.
I'm not even sure what you're trying to say in the first part, but really that's an issue to you? Someone who identifies with a philosophy that can easily fall into the center who also has a right wing view on an issue is considered to be right-wing. Shock and Horror what have all the many SJW liberals (who?) on this forum done!?