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Re: Left-wing gunman critically wounds Congressman, killed by police.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:48 am
by The Romulan Republic
Admiral X wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:
Admiral X wrote:I call regressives regressive because that's what they are. The term applies to authoritarian busy-bodies on both the left and the right. The funny part of responses like yours, though, is that you both simultaneously complain about painting people with a broad brush while simultaneously doing the same yourself, which was actually exactly what I was getting at with my post. I really do find it hilarious that while members of the regressive left will stick up for groups because they consider them to be the underdog, and even though they're absolutely right that the concept of collective guilt is wrong, they then engage in it themselves against groups that they consider to be acceptable targets.
"All progressives are actually regressives. How dare they complain about us engaging in collective guilt while they all engage in collective guilt. They're all the same, treating us like we're all the same!"

Man, your post is an Orwellian... well, masterpiece would probably be too strong a word.
:lol: How dare I point out that regressives are actually regressive, or that you're doing exactly the same thing you're bitching about someone else allegedly doing.
Well, I think we can safely say that we're going in circles here, and in a manner not terribly pertinent to the thread topic. I've said my piece, and I'll leave it at that.
Robovski wrote:Have you ever dated a woman? Have you ever tried to make a first move? Because after reading that I would say not.
Right. I don't think its okay to grope a woman without her consent, so of course I must just be a loser who can't get laid. :lol:

Interesting choice of ad hominem.

Incidentally, what do you mean by "make the first move"? I have no problem with a man asking out a woman, or asking if she wants to have sex, or whatever, as long as its in an appropriate context (someone he knows, for example, as opposed to just hitting on a random stranger). I never said otherwise. I probably would hesitate to do so myself, but that's more social anxiety than moral opposition.

But just grabbing a woman without her permission? That's sexual harassment/assault.
That aside guns are tools, they can be used improperly or correctly, legally or illegally. Just like a truck or van, which can be used to move your granny and your basement apartment or drive over people in the street. But hey, it's not like there aren't heavily armed societies full of guns we can point to that hardly have gun deaths. Oh wait! There are! And look, societies that banned guns that kill each other with knives instead! It is almost like people will kill each other if they want to with the means available to them if they want to kill people but states with nationalized health and access to mental health care and a high standard of living seem to not want to kill each other as much as say here in the USA where mental illness is stigmitized and not readily available, especially to the poor who can't afford therapy or perscriptions. Ever since Reagan closed the sanitariums the mentally ill poor are in the streets and essentially untreated until they become emergencies, whence they get cleaned up and sent back on out and then run out of meds again. No long-term care or solutions, just band aids at best but nooo it's about toxic masculinity.
Its about a lot of things.

Its about gun control.

Its about toxic masculinity.

Its about mental illness.

Its about poverty and the lack of a decent social safety net.

Its about a culture which glorifies political violence and the lone vigilante with a gun as hero.

And probably some other things as well.

Anyone trying to pin it down to just one factor either has some serious tunnel-vision, or is disingenuously peddling an agenda. At the same time, every aspect of the issue is a legitimate one to discuss taking action on.

Re: Left-wing gunman critically wounds Congressman, killed by police.

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:08 am
by Admiral X
:roll: You sound like Jack Thompson.

And I think the point Robovski is driving at is being able to recognize body language, facial expressions, and other non-verbal social cues. It isn't sexual assault if a woman wants you to touch her. As in, the claim was being made that Trump is so awesome that the ladies actually like having his tiny hands exploring their nethers.

Re: Left-wing gunman critically wounds Congressman, killed by police.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:50 am
by Robovski
Indeed. I don't care much for Trump but he is routinely placed out of context with little attempt to understand meaning. You don't get a signed form of consent before you kiss a woman for the first time, but you do read their intent, their eyes. If you want to be super awkward about it you can ask "May I kiss you?" but you should know if an advance is welcome before you ever make one.

Should you go up to a random women and touch her breast or ass? No, and women shouldn't do that to men either. You have the right to your personal space. But if you are on a date, on the couch, you have both been enjoying one anothers company, she laughs at your jokes and puts a hand on your leg and/or plays with her hair? You have a lot of go signals.

But back to gun violence episode infinity +1 where this is just part of America it seems as we won't work on ANY of the underlying problems each for various reasons.

Re: Left-wing gunman critically wounds Congressman, killed by police.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:55 am
by The Romulan Republic
Admiral X wrote::roll: You sound like Jack Thompson.

And I think the point Robovski is driving at is being able to recognize body language, facial expressions, and other non-verbal social cues. It isn't sexual assault if a woman wants you to touch her. As in, the claim was being made that Trump is so awesome that the ladies actually like having his tiny hands exploring their nethers.
In other words, its just a rehashing of "her mouth said no, but her eyes said yes". Or, to put it more simply, the old "she wanted it" defence so often used by rapists. :evil:

The thing is, facial expressions and body language can be easily misinterpreted. And just because someone is theoretically interested or attracted, and their faces or gestures convey that, it does not follow that they are okay with you doing anything and everything to them right then and there. You don't get to just look at someone's movements or face, and extrapolate that they really want to be groped. If you think that they're interested, you get to know them, and then you ask if they're okay with... wherever you want to take it next (and make sure they're in a state where they can give consent- i.e. not intoxicated or coerced). And that permission, if they give it, can be withdrawn, if they decide that they want to stop. And you have to respect that, because they are a person, not property, and you do not have a right to their genitals. Ever. That goes for both men and women, incidentally.

At least, that's what a responsible person does.

I mean, is that such an unreasonable burden? Not really. Its not going to cost you life, or pain, or security, or wealth (and following those rules might just help you avoid a lawsuit and/or criminal charge). And if they really are okay with being intimate... then isn't it still better to err on the side of NOT BEING A RAPIST?

If you do as I suggest, and I'm wrong, then you've slightly inconvenienced yourself.

In you do as you suggest, and you're wrong, then you've just sexually assaulted someone.

Seems a pretty easy choice for anyone who doesn't consider themselves entitled to other peoples' privates.

You know, you'd think that more people on the Right would get this, considering how sacred you claim to hold property rights. Surely, if there's anywhere where property rights should be sacrosanct, then its one's own body. Yet many of the same people who say things like "taxation is slavery" will make excuses for grabbing a woman without her consent.

So I guess my question is: Do you really believe in freedom, including property rights? Or do you only believe in them when they apply to you?

Re: Left-wing gunman critically wounds Congressman, killed by police.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:03 am
by Arkle
I have him blocked so I only see his comments in replies, but hoo-boy, Admiral X is using a LOT of language that rapists use. I'm not even being hyperbolic. ... uld-listen

Re: Left-wing gunman critically wounds Congressman, killed by police.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 9:27 am
by GandALF
I think we all need to admit, that as people who discuss Star Trek on the internet, none of us are experts in how to approach women.

Re: Left-wing gunman critically wounds Congressman, killed by police.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 9:29 am
by Arkle
GandALF wrote:I think we all need to admit, that as people who discuss Star Trek on the internet, none of us are experts in how to approach women.
Both my biological parents and my Step-Dad are Trekkies, so I'm living evidence against that stereotype. ;)

Re: Left-wing gunman critically wounds Congressman, killed by police.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 7:37 am
by The Romulan Republic
Robovski wrote:Indeed. I don't care much for Trump but he is routinely placed out of context with little attempt to understand meaning.
Please. Admiral X's post is just full of bog-standard rape apologist rhetoric.

And I've seen enough of what Trump says to know that very often, he is just as bad as people make him out to be. Or as John Oliver put it, "one of the ugliest souls on the planet."
You don't get a signed form of consent before you kiss a woman for the first time, but you do read their intent, their eyes. If you want to be super awkward about it you can ask "May I kiss you?" but you should know if an advance is welcome before you ever make one.
The problem with that, as I believe I said before, is that facial expressions and gestures can very easily be vague or ambiguous or simply misinterpreted. And that just because someone is interested/attracted to you, and expresses that, does not mean that they necessarily are okay with you doing whatever you want with them right then and there.

Moreover, people who want to engage in sexual acts with someone are not likely to be the most impartial judges. People tend to see what they want/expect to see (and a pathological narcissist and chauvinist like Trump might well expect women to want him to grope them, weather they did or not).

And again, is it such an unreasonable burden to make sure that its consensual before proceeding? Of course not.

I mean, how big a sense of entitlement do you have to have, and how little regard for other people/women, to say "well, I could take a minute to make sure this is what they really want and I'm not taking advantage of them, but I just can't be bothered?"
Should you go up to a random women and touch her breast or ass? No, and women shouldn't do that to men either. You have the right to your personal space.
Damn straight.
But if you are on a date, on the couch, you have both been enjoying one anothers company, she laughs at your jokes and puts a hand on your leg and/or plays with her hair? You have a lot of go signals.
I'll allow that what is appropriate may very somewhat according to circumstances, but I would also say that its best to err on the side of caution. Though I'm well aware that most people don't ask permission every time they kiss someone they're in a relationship with.
But back to gun violence episode infinity +1 where this is just part of America it seems as we won't work on ANY of the underlying problems each for various reasons.
Because addressing any of them seriously would require cost, inconvenience, and self-sacrifice, and there are a lot of selfish assholes in America (and every other country, but they seem to have more political power in America than in some others).

Re: Left-wing gunman critically wounds Congressman, killed by police.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:21 am
by Admiral X
The Romulan Republic wrote: In other words, its just a rehashing of "her mouth said no, but her eyes said yes". Or, to put it more simply, the old "she wanted it" defence so often used by rapists. :evil:
Uh, no, as in she didn't say no, at all. I really never can understand how you or others of your particular political bent just completely make shit up to make your arguments by claiming someone said something they didn't. Like the claim Trump is admitting to sexual assault when he's just bragging women would let him touch them because he's rich and famous. And now you're doing the same thing with what I said by claiming I'm making an argument that I'm not. :roll: I am so not going to get into some weird relationship/romance talk with you when all I set out to do was explain how Trump wasn't admitting to committing a sexual assault.
Arkle wrote:I have him blocked so I only see his comments in replies, but hoo-boy, Admiral X is using a LOT of language that rapists use. I'm not even being hyperbolic. ... uld-listen
Yes, yes you are.