Brexit Rambles

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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by clearspira »

Darth Wedgius wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 7:17 pm I haven't paid attention that much, and my ignorance of the facts helpfully means I don't have much to go over before offering my conclusion. From what I can tell:
1) May was in a tough spot, with Brexit supposed to happen but with the EU and the UK immovably opposed as to the conditions.
2) Elections and polls suggest Brexit might happen after all.
3) If Emilia Clarke becomes the new PM, it might make more people happy than any other occupant of that position would.

I might be off on either of the first two, though.
I do agree with 1 for the most part, and as for 2, the EU election results are set to demolish the main parties. To give Brexit some credit, it has soundly destroyed our two party system. We arguably have 8 parties going at it now.
As for Denys... well... she'll certainly be most easy to look at PM we've ever had. :lol:
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Madner Kami »

BrExit will happen, unless the entire establishment finally gets a clue and runs a second referendum or an as of yet unknown leader finally has the balls and calls it off. I don't see either happening in the foreseeable future, so things will likely steer to a hard BrExit, as that is the only option left except admiting defeat and calling the first referendum what it really is.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Mecha82 »

Whole Brexit is real mess and British people pretty much voted for it based on promises that can't be kept showing how easily politicians can control average voters as long as they know what promises to make. Sure it does have effects but nothing that would effect British people. Effects of Brexit are more towards trade to EU countries after when or if Brexit is done.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Yukaphile »

This was in 2016. I remember seeing a lot of memes and references to it.

Here's one I loved.

"UK: Voting to leave the EU was the dumbest decision we ever made!

America: Hold my beer"

That was just after Trump won. LOL.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Yukaphile wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 9:59 pm This was in 2016. I remember seeing a lot of memes and references to it.

Here's one I loved.

"UK: Voting to leave the EU was the dumbest decision we ever made!

America: Hold my beer"

That was just after Trump won. LOL.
Weird thing though is that Trump's campaign inspired Brexit.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Yukaphile »

It's like a political feedback loop! :P
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Karha of Honor »

Mecha82 wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 9:58 pm Whole Brexit is real mess and British people pretty much voted for it based on promises that can't be kept showing how easily politicians can control average voters as long as they know what promises to make. Sure it does have effects but nothing that would effect British people. Effects of Brexit are more towards trade to EU countries after when or if Brexit is done.

I guess you would be fine with a second election called after your side won because they did not deliver promises 16 months after it happened?

What was it really? If the entrenched elites don't deliver they will pay long term...

They failed to convince the people...
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Madner Kami »

Slash Gallagher wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 7:54 amI guess you would be fine with a second election called after your side won because they did not deliver promises 16 months after it happened?

What was it really? If the entrenched elites don't deliver they will pay long term...

They failed to convince the people...
You do realize, that the "entrenched elites" are the ones who enticed the people to vote for the BrExit in the first place? That there are literally only two, maybe three fringe parties (SNP, LibDems and maybe the Greens) who are against a BrExit at the moment? You commit the collosal mistake of letting your distrust, if not hatred of big government (I have to assume that this is your beef with the EU) getting into your way of objectively looking at the referendum.

The simple fact of the matter is, that roughly half of the population voted to remain in the EU and roughly half of the population voted to leave and while the former group's goals align, regardless on if they want a reform in the EU or want the EU to stay as is (in either case, they need to stay in the EU to achieve their goal), the later's group has a huge disparity on what they actually want, because the goals of a No Deal BrExit and a Deal BrExit are incompatible, even diametrally opposed and this is what causes this endless deadlock in the end. If the BrExit-camp fails to deliver a BrExit, then it's because the BrExit-camp is a disunited mess that can't agree on what those 52% of BrExit-voters actually wanted in the first place.
You gleefully cheer that the elites are failing, while failing to realize yourself, that the elites are the ones who advocate for what you seem the regard as the best solution and that the current happenings in the british parliament completely fail to reflect the choice of the people in the first place, because where is the representation of the 48%, who voted to stay? If the current parliament would reflect "the will of the people" in the matter of BrExit, then the SNP, LibDems and maybe the Greens would have a combined MP-% of 48%, instead of the barely 7,4% they currently have. I am absolutely flabbergasted how you of all people can not see this sham for what it is, because you are argueing in favour of what you allegedly hate.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by clearspira »

Madner Kami wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 9:04 am
Slash Gallagher wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 7:54 amI guess you would be fine with a second election called after your side won because they did not deliver promises 16 months after it happened?

What was it really? If the entrenched elites don't deliver they will pay long term...

They failed to convince the people...
You do realize, that the "entrenched elites" are the ones who enticed the people to vote for the BrExit in the first place? That there are literally only two, maybe three fringe parties (SNP, LibDems and maybe the Greens) who are against a BrExit at the moment? You commit the collosal mistake of letting your distrust, if not hatred of big government (I have to assume that this is your beef with the EU) getting into your way of objectively looking at the referendum.

The simple fact of the matter is, that roughly half of the population voted to remain in the EU and roughly half of the population voted to leave and while the former group's goals align, regardless on if they want a reform in the EU or want the EU to stay as is (in either case, they need to stay in the EU to achieve their goal), the later's group has a huge disparity on what they actually want, because the goals of a No Deal BrExit and a Deal BrExit are incompatible, even diametrally opposed and this is what causes this endless deadlock in the end. If the BrExit-camp fails to deliver a BrExit, then it's because the BrExit-camp is a disunited mess that can't agree on what those 52% of BrExit-voters actually wanted in the first place.
You gleefully cheer that the elites are failing, while failing to realize yourself, that the elites are the ones who advocate for what you seem the regard as the best solution and that the current happenings in the british parliament completely fail to reflect the choice of the people in the first place, because where is the representation of the 48%, who voted to stay? If the current parliament would reflect "the will of the people" in the matter of BrExit, then the SNP, LibDems and maybe the Greens would have a combined MP-% of 48%, instead of the barely 7,4% they currently have. I am absolutely flabbergasted how you of all people can not see this sham for what it is, because you are argueing in favour of what you allegedly hate.
Last week when PM May pitched her final withdraw deal she came out with the line ''the referendum was decisive but close''.
And that has been the whole problem for the last three years because until now she has seemingly failed to recognise that. I voted Brexit and I will continue to do so. But I also recognise that 52/48 is a problematic margin. Democracy via sticking your finger up at the losers is a bad call.

As for deal or no deal, I have always been for a deal. Y'know, I followed the entire campaign closely. And I do not recall a single member of the leave campaign advocating no deal three years ago. It was an unspoken guarantee that these trade deals they speak of would flow fast and true and that the EU would roll over to deal with us. Go ahead, show me a clip of Ferage, Johnson or Gove advocating no deal back in 2016 and I will admit I am wrong. But to me, this has been a very recent development ever since Brexit started to go belly up.

And once again, May deserves a lot of blame here. She NEVER should have said ''no deal is better than a bad deal'' because its untrue and she politically died on that hill when hard leavers came to collect on that statement.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Madner Kami »

clearspira wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 11:48 amLast week when PM May pitched her final withdraw deal she came out with the line ''the referendum was decisive but close''.
And that has been the whole problem for the last three years because until now she has seemingly failed to recognise that. I voted Brexit and I will continue to do so. But I also recognise that 52/48 is a problematic margin. Democracy via sticking your finger up at the losers is a bad call.
That's a thing that riles me up about this debacle. Such a fundamental decission should not be decided by a single vote in the first place. There's a reason why many democracies bar changes in their constitution behind a 2/3rds vote and here you can see why. But even disregarding that, because the referendum, to my understanding, legally has absolutely no power whatsoever and was barely more than an opinon poll, there still is the issue that since that refererendum, "the BrExiters" (quotation marks, because I know it's not everyone's opinion in that camp, like you for example) pretends as if everyone has to be on board with BrExit now, not just calling people "Remoaners", but outright traitors. Literally overnight, every Remainer in the Parliament seemed to have drunken a Hyde-serum and marches behind BrExit. Why? Is the UK somehow a state where everyone has to think and want the same as the 50.0000[...]1%-majority? Since when? Isn't the entire point of a democracy, to give everyone a voice and to allow everyone to have his opinion and to freely act according to their personal believes, assuming they don't conflict with the law? Did the UK transform into a facist dictatorship with the referendum somehow? Just WTF was going on there?
clearspira wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 11:48 amAs for deal or no deal, I have always been for a deal. Y'know, I followed the entire campaign closely. And I do not recall a single member of the leave campaign advocating no deal three years ago. It was an unspoken guarantee that these trade deals they speak of would flow fast and true and that the EU would roll over to deal with us. Go ahead, show me a clip of Ferage, Johnson or Gove advocating no deal back in 2016 and I will admit I am wrong. But to me, this has been a very recent development ever since Brexit started to go belly up.
I doubt I will be able to find that, precisely because all the big names were argueing that it'd be oh so easy to make trade deals and that the EU would go all belly up for the wishes of the precious UK. It still baffles me that one could believe, that you can get everything you want in a deal between supposedly equal partners, while your partner just folds and gives you everything you want, even if it means that your partner has to abandon it's basic principles. How is that supposed to work? And here we are, 3 years later, being dumbfounded by the fact that someone actually decided to not bend over and spread his cheeks for the wishes of a cocked up elite that lost all touch with reality.

The amount of willful ignorance and what I can only describe as baleful misleading of the public on display in this matter, leaves me completely baffled. But to be honest, we should not be surprised that this obvious development was something that would completely fly over the heads of elites like these, because clearly they never had to deal with someone not bending over, when they demanded it.
clearspira wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 11:48 amAnd once again, May deserves a lot of blame here. She NEVER should have said ''no deal is better than a bad deal'' because its untrue and she politically died on that hill when hard leavers came to collect on that statement.
True. No Deal is the worst scenario for everyone involved and, frankly, everyone advertising it as a good choice, should be put into a straight-jacket. I totally buy that she felt that she'd "bow to the will of the people" and took up the scepter when all the people responsible for this disaster scurried away like the cockroaches they are, after the referendum. I don't buy for a second, that she actually knew what she was doing anywhere along this long and rocky road, however.

Oh and P.S., as I could not find a place to insert this afterthought: Noone of the prominent BrExiters could have wanted a BrExit in the first place. Those who allegedly did, never expected it to happen and they only advocated for it, because it gave them a political and financial niche just one level of being an irrelevant backbencher at most. Farage's entire livelyhood was based on him being an EU-MP for example. They fumbled this badly, because they completely underestimated, what decades of blaming the EU for all that went wrong in the UK's internal affairs and increasing social unrest would result in. The worst part is, that this exact same thing could happen to every EU-memberstate, because blaming the EU for everything that their population does not like (while conviniently omitting that their own government did not veto what they supposedly did not want to do) is like a national sport everywhere. This is just so pants on head...
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