Remember how the Mainstream Media said they won't be coming for Jefferson and Washington Next?

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Re: Remember how the Mainstream Media said they won't be coming for Jefferson and Washington Next?

Post by Antiboyscout »

Rocketboy1313 wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:02 pm
G-Man wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 7:35 pm
ProfessorDetective wrote: Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:04 pmOh, and, genuinely curious, how would The Left 'replace America'? And with what? And can you define 'America' in terms of what would be replaced?
Replace the people, replace the view of its history, replace its political philosophy. America is a people, a history that those people lived in, and a culture that derives from that people and their history.

Oh, and their goal is to replace it with "The Third-World ShitHole Formerly Known as the United States."
Yeah, he is asking for specifics.
See, when people say things like "replace the people" it screams of the "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory about how the Jews are trying to import minorities to weaken white bloodlines... for some reason.
And when it comes to "Replace the view of its history" you do realize that if the current view of history is a lie, purported by white nationalists to maintain power and gloss over the myriad of crimes committed by the country over the century, changing that view is not a bad thing.

I also don't know what "Political Philosophy" you are referring to as being replaced. As I will tell you from a strictly historical perspective there have been active changes and calls for much more robust and dramatic changes to the United States' system of government since they decided to have one.
I don't know what you think the dominant political philosophy of the US is, and I don't know what you think it is being transformed into. I don't even know if you can list specifics of what you think is indispensable or what is morally/functionally superior and are afraid of losing.
Prominent politicians including Joe Biden have said white people are becoming a minority and it's a good thing. You don't get to call it a conspiracy any more.

As for historical revisionism, here's Tim Kaine going right along with the 1619 movement claiming America didn't inherit slavery, it invented it.
I mean it's a lie but so long as you can topple white power with it. The LIE that is.
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Re: Remember how the Mainstream Media said they won't be coming for Jefferson and Washington Next?

Post by Antiboyscout »

Teddy is next:

Ghandi statue in the UK this time:
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Re: Remember how the Mainstream Media said they won't be coming for Jefferson and Washington Next?

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Antiboyscout wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:29 pm They tried to bait Trump into sending the army in to stop the riots (the ones the democrats pretend aren't happening are are merely peaceful protests) so they can call him Hitler but with visuals this time.

I mention Evergreen College as it was very high profile, but if you're going to ignore the dozens potentially hundreds of articles on The College Fix as individual cherries picked instead of part of a bunch, then that's your prerogative. Doesn't disprove my claim tho.

also nice of you to ignore the #shutdownSTEM and #decolonizemath movements. Those a bit too spicy for you?
When it comes to the "tricking Trump to send in the army" I don't know if you are referring to Seattle specifically, or to the many other cities that have had protests. The responses to them vary based on locations. And from what I have seen, they are mostly peaceful protests. Police use disproportionate levels of force, and justify that use of force by pointing to outliers.
These protests are not funded or trained. They are masses of people and there will be crazies in there. But cops are a much smaller group, funded, trained, and held to a higher standard, their bad behavior should be judged more harshly and seen as systemic, because they are part of the system.

I do know that Trump did try to deploy the military and lots of military leadership wrote letters condemning his actions.
(You'll notice that I am linking to Fox for both of these to establish this shit did happen, and is not some kind of liberal conspiracy... even tho I find Fox to be a questionable source at the best of times).

For something to be a "bunch", they have to form a coherent narrative that builds from a coherent central point. A publication that nurtures persecution complexes by pointing to numerous disparate incidents and calling them part of some grand conspiracy is not a coherent narrative.
And pointing to a particular incident of someone monetizing their persecution complex is cherry picking.
Also, you do realize the reason you sight sources is so that people can look at the junk you have collected and say, "That is not a meaningful source". I get that this is not a peer reviewed journal and you probably do not have access to a university library, I am not going to hold you to that standard, but you cannot link to this kind of garbage and expect to be taken seriously.

In regard to #shutdownSTEM and #decolonizemath, which are not nearly the movements you characterize them as, I would say that the #decolonizemath is sort of stagnant right now as I couldn't find anything on it from within the last year.

Those are about how STEM fields are overwhelmingly white and male. I am sure there are other factors relating to brain drain and the general failure of colonizing powers to do any sort of nation building prior to leaving their colonies so that the nations had no higher educated engineers or scientists to help get their economies going in any meaningful way... But it is mostly the fact that those fields are really white and male.

What do you mean by spicy?
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Re: Remember how the Mainstream Media said they won't be coming for Jefferson and Washington Next?

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Antiboyscout wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:45 pm Prominent politicians including Joe Biden have said white people are becoming a minority and it's a good thing. You don't get to call it a conspiracy any more.
The Great Replacement is a conspiracy theory, and if your big problem with the future of the United States is that White People are not going to be the majority, you are just racist.
Antiboyscout wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:45 pm As for historical revisionism, here's Tim Kaine going right along with the 1619 movement claiming America didn't inherit slavery, it invented it.
I mean it's a lie but so long as you can topple white power with it. The LIE that is.
He is not wrong. The institution of slavery had to be invented for legal purposes and the social structures that formed around slavery were created by the United States.
Slavery in the colonies, as it evolved and as we know of it now, was different than other forms of slavery as it appeared in other countries around the world.
You can try to split hairs with how he is saying these things, but he isn't wrong.
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Re: Remember how the Mainstream Media said they won't be coming for Jefferson and Washington Next?

Post by Antiboyscout »

Rocketboy1313 wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:57 pm When it comes to the "tricking Trump to send in the army" I don't know if you are referring to Seattle specifically, or to the many other cities that have had protests. The responses to them vary based on locations. And from what I have seen, they are mostly peaceful protests. Police use disproportionate levels of force, and justify that use of force by pointing to outliers.
These protests are not funded or trained. They are masses of people and there will be crazies in there. But cops are a much smaller group, funded, trained, and held to a higher standard, their bad behavior should be judged more harshly and seen as systemic, because they are part of the system.

I do know that Trump did try to deploy the military and lots of military leadership wrote letters condemning his actions.
(You'll notice that I am linking to Fox for both of these to establish this shit did happen, and is not some kind of liberal conspiracy... even tho I find Fox to be a questionable source at the best of times).

For something to be a "bunch", they have to form a coherent narrative that builds from a coherent central point. A publication that nurtures persecution complexes by pointing to numerous disparate incidents and calling them part of some grand conspiracy is not a coherent narrative.
And pointing to a particular incident of someone monetizing their persecution complex is cherry picking.
Also, you do realize the reason you sight sources is so that people can look at the junk you have collected and say, "That is not a meaningful source". I get that this is not a peer reviewed journal and you probably do not have access to a university library, I am not going to hold you to that standard, but you cannot link to this kind of garbage and expect to be taken seriously.

In regard to #shutdownSTEM and #decolonizemath, which are not nearly the movements you characterize them as, I would say that the #decolonizemath is sort of stagnant right now as I couldn't find anything on it from within the last year.

Those are about how STEM fields are overwhelmingly white and male. I am sure there are other factors relating to brain drain and the general failure of colonizing powers to do any sort of nation building prior to leaving their colonies so that the nations had no higher educated engineers or scientists to help get their economies going in any meaningful way... But it is mostly the fact that those fields are really white and male.

What do you mean by spicy?
Trump threatened to, which was enough to get everyone in a tizzy sure.

you can't use "from what I've seen" in the first part of your post and then claim I need better sources.

You don't get to use the "outliers" argument as you refuse to apply it to cops as well. You might have had a point if BLM disavowed Antifa and condemned the looting and arson, but they don't. More importantly, Collective aktion > Collective Blame in the same way all whites are guilty of slavery and perpetuating racist systems. Providing cover for those that do damage makes you an accomplice.

spicy in that you can't dismiss them out of hand.

I've seen where that road lead usually to places like this:
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Re: Remember how the Mainstream Media said they won't be coming for Jefferson and Washington Next?

Post by Antiboyscout »

Rocketboy1313 wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:04 pm
Antiboyscout wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:45 pm Prominent politicians including Joe Biden have said white people are becoming a minority and it's a good thing. You don't get to call it a conspiracy any more.
The Great Replacement is a conspiracy theory, and if your big problem with the future of the United States is that White People are not going to be the majority, you are just racist.
Antiboyscout wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:45 pm As for historical revisionism, here's Tim Kaine going right along with the 1619 movement claiming America didn't inherit slavery, it invented it.
I mean it's a lie but so long as you can topple white power with it. The LIE that is.
He is not wrong. The institution of slavery had to be invented for legal purposes and the social structures that formed around slavery were created by the United States.
Slavery in the colonies, as it evolved and as we know of it now, was different than other forms of slavery as it appeared in other countries around the world.
You can try to split hairs with how he is saying these things, but he isn't wrong.
Ah, but saying it's a "good thing" Isn't racist.
Stop pretending that immigration isn't intentional policy and that it's some sort of magical event that happens by itself.

Both of you are definitely wrong. One only needs to take a short boat ride to the Caribbean to see how wrong you are. (started earlier in the exact same form)

I guess we should have castrated our slaves like the Arabs did. If there isn't a minority group to perpetuate the grievance, then people like you will deny it was ever that bad to begin with. Or was it ok cuz they were both brown people?
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Re: Remember how the Mainstream Media said they won't be coming for Jefferson and Washington Next?

Post by TGLS »

Antiboyscout wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:31 pm
Rocketboy1313 wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:04 pm
Antiboyscout wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:45 pm Prominent politicians including Joe Biden have said white people are becoming a minority and it's a good thing. You don't get to call it a conspiracy any more.
The Great Replacement is a conspiracy theory, and if your big problem with the future of the United States is that White People are not going to be the majority, you are just racist.
Antiboyscout wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:45 pm As for historical revisionism, here's Tim Kaine going right along with the 1619 movement claiming America didn't inherit slavery, it invented it.
I mean it's a lie but so long as you can topple white power with it. The LIE that is.
He is not wrong. The institution of slavery had to be invented for legal purposes and the social structures that formed around slavery were created by the United States.
Slavery in the colonies, as it evolved and as we know of it now, was different than other forms of slavery as it appeared in other countries around the world.
You can try to split hairs with how he is saying these things, but he isn't wrong.
Ah, but saying it's a "good thing" Isn't racist.
Stop pretending that immigration isn't intentional policy and that it's some sort of magical event that happens by itself.

Both of you are definitely wrong. One only needs to take a short boat ride to the Caribbean to see how wrong you are. (started earlier in the exact same form)

I guess we should have castrated our slaves like the Arabs did. If there isn't a minority group to perpetuate the grievance, then people like you will deny it was ever that bad to begin with. Or was it ok cuz they were both brown people?

So I decided to go look up this "Joe Biden thinks white people becoming a minority is a good thing up". I found this:
"By 2017, those of us of European stock," Biden said "will be an absolute minority in the United States of America."

That's "not a bad thing, that's a good thing," he added, because it means the U.S. is expanding the diversity of its people.
He has cheered the end of the white, European majority before. Last December, while in Morocco, he said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, in 2017, the United States for the first time, Caucasians of European descent like me will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America. The secret that people don't know is our diversity is the reason for our incredible strength."
There's obviously some difference of opinion about diversity here, as I don't find the column isn't terribly interesting beyond "Joe Biden gets years mixed up."

And regardless, based on long term projections:
SSC wrote:5.3.1: But what if I am racist? Isn’t it possible that fertile minorities and immigrants are hiding a fertility deficit among precious, precious, white people?

According to Edmonston et al’s projection of US racial fertility trends:
In 2100, the total U.S. population will eclipse 550 million people, and the racial composition of the country will be 38.8% white, 30.6% Hispanic, 15.6% black, 14.9% Asian and Pacific Islander, and 1% American Indian.
The absolute number of white people will be only a few million less than today, 209 million. That’s more than enough to run a wide selection of excellent country clubs, or achieve whatever other strategic aims we need a large white population for.

Perhaps most gratifying if you are a racist, the percent of black people will increase only about three percentage points. The biggest increase will be in Asians, a so-called model minority.

After that? If there are still biological humans in organic bodies transmitting genes naturally much after 2100, we have much bigger problems than race on our hands.
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Re: Remember how the Mainstream Media said they won't be coming for Jefferson and Washington Next?

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Beastro wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:09 am
Darth Wedgius wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:43 pm When has Trump ever hinted that he wants gay people put into treatment or concentration camps or gassed or whatever?
I think his fear is that Trump might not nominally, but how he might pander, he could throw those types who want that a bone to placate them. Or who knows what's going on with Trump? He could do anything.

This same thing happened with some Christians I knew and Obama for eight years. No matter the position Obama might have stood on in their eyes, from genuine Christian to Muslim in disguise, there was always the worry he was going to throw them to the wolves and was just building to that, because he was their foe, and being their foe, he could do anything.
I can't say you're wrong. Obama was pretty middle of the road, but I saw a lot from the right about what he was supposedly secretly plotting, going to take all the guns, new world order, etc., etc.
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Re: Remember how the Mainstream Media said they won't be coming for Jefferson and Washington Next?

Post by Darth Wedgius »

CmdrKing wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:29 am
Darth Wedgius wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:43 pm When has Trump ever hinted that he wants gay people put into treatment or concentration camps or gassed or whatever?
When he took on Pence as VP.

But more saliently, the issue is not whether Trump, personally, has any interest in specific of criminalizing being queer. The key questions are:
1) would he do so to appease parts of his constituency?
2) would he oppose members of his administration if they did so under guise of same?
3) would conservatives as a whole lift a finger to oppose the administration if such a thing came to pass.

The first question Seems to be yes. He’s already made moves in this direction with trans folk, the rest of the queer community usually follows after that.
So he definitely wouldn’t OPPOSE such measures.

And we’ve seen with the literal concentration camps we have that the average conservative voter will without fail either deny, downplay, or SUPPORT the abuse of marginalized peoples so long as some underlying “crime” can be levied against them.

So the best option is to prevent conservatives from having the slightest access to the levers of power.
No to the first, because Pence never talked about putting gays in concentration camps, either. Unless you have a reference?

As to the latter, by that "logic" the left wants to put all men and white people into concentration camps. You yourself are fine with discrimination against white men. So the best option is to prevent the left from having the slightest access to the levers of power.
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Re: Remember how the Mainstream Media said they won't be coming for Jefferson and Washington Next?

Post by Beastro »

Darth Wedgius wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:12 am I can't say you're wrong. Obama was pretty middle of the road, but I saw a lot from the right about what he was supposedly secretly plotting, going to take all the guns, new world order, etc., etc.
There are certainly things you can tie to him that I find infuriating, but I found their reaction (and many others) amusingly disconcerting as they tore the other side apart for the exact same kind of thing towards Bush before him.

I could smugly shake my head, but then I stop and realize I'm human too and wonder in what ways I'm being the exact same way...

I will say Americans seem to lean more in their own histrionic extreme in a way I find bemusing. I think America's cultural inclination to towards the dramatic throws everyone else in the Anglosphere off. As cultural cousins, we find it oddly out of place and rather too emotional for a people that should be more stoic even by Canadian standards.
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