American Muslims Pretty Darn Tolerant of Homosexuality

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Re: American Muslims Pretty Darn Tolerant of Homosexuality

Post by Yukaphile »

Many others have defined it here, so I won't even bother. I think the one thing they all share in common is Paul hijacking Jesus's movement and corrupting it into what it is today. Paul was arguably very misogynistic, and probably gay. That's where the basis for modern Christian religion has come from. Hell, look at the church. The Vatican will not accept birth control at all, much less abortion. They only accept the rhythm method. They don't want to accept that men and women are going to have consensual sex because we love it, it feels good, and there's nothing they can do about that to stop us. Look at how many priests have been caught as pedophiles. They're shielding them. Priests are not allowed to marry because they reject the idea Jesus was married. Which, you know... I think he was. They need to adopt their philosophy to conform to the 21st century. This is also very exclusionary to the LGBT community, because it demands only men and women have sex, to procreate, "be fruitful and multiply," and so on. I mean, the church won't accept gay marriage. And oh, the new Pope, the one behind all this? Insists the Communists have the true spirit and teachings of Christ, which... yeah, no. Not with how they behaved across Eastern Europe, lol. As two million women and girls can attest to. But since when has the Vatican ever cared about them?

It's what religious conservatives who compose the bulk of the GOP leadership wanna do. They have a dream utopia of the 1950s, primarily because I think many of them were kids then, and just wanna go back to that time. I mean, take Todd Akin and his "legitimate rape" comments. Or Richard Mourdock saying God sends a rapist to a woman to get her pregnant. Or the states led by religious nutcases that are passing laws meant to punish women having miscarriages, something they can't control? John Kasich, a religious conservative, said, "Women should come out of the kitchen and vote for me!" And I could go on and on and on. These are all conservative and religious men. Mike Pence, a religious conservative, wants to redfine rape in his own home state to include only "forcible rape" and use electric torture on poor innocent young boys to "shock them straight." Again, these are the alt-righters.

Don't know, don't care. Don't understand what relevance that has.
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Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: American Muslims Pretty Darn Tolerant of Homosexuality

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Slash Gallagher wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:57 am
Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:39 am Again, good to know. Slash, Mickey, you're entire belief set and argument is "Muslims are evil! If they're not evil, they're not really Muslims!"

That said, Slash, I can't believe you went so far as to say "the founding fathers never predicted anything as bad as THIS!"

Ya'll? Please remember this when Slash or Mickey argue in any subject about bigotry, xenophobia, racism, homophobia or preconceptions.
Muslims are bigoted for the most part, probably in the most homophobic groups on Earth, let's not even go there when it comes to their xenophobia...
You know, the worst part is how homophobic they manage to be even when a majority of American Muslims support gay people.

Stuff like this thread is why I drink, and why I admire the self-control of Muslims for not drinking despite still dealing with this shit.
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