MAGA rioters storm the Senate

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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Draco Dracul »

Also despite the many thin blue line flags carried by the mob of insurrectionists, it turns out they don't think blue lives matter because they murdered a cop by bashing his head with a fire extinguisher.
Captain Crimson
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

Read this, please.

It pulls no punches with brutal honesty.
Trumpism is a part of a global populist revolt against political, economic and cultural elites and has its greatest appeal among those whose lives have been upended by globalisation and de-industrialisation. Rightwing ‘populist’ movements tend to flourish, as John Judis has noted, when real problems have been ignored or downplayed by the major political parties. It was precisely such a failure that made Trumpism possible.
Remarkably, the nation’s poorest Congressional districts, where support for the Republican Party has been rising since 2000, are now far more likely to vote Republican than Democratic, while 44 of the 50 richest districts — and all ten of the richest — are now represented by Democrats. This class inversion in patterns of support for Democrats and Republicans offers fertile soil for a resurgent Trumpism without Donald Trump. For if the Democratic Party does not protect the vulnerable and the left behind, many of them will continue to turn to a Republican Party that provides ready scapegoats — immigrants, African Americans, foreigners, and an all-powerful if ill-defined ‘elite’.
Compared to other capitalist democracies, the United States offers a favourable environment for rightwing populism. The racial appeal of such a movement has deep roots: witness the surprisingly successful third-party campaign of George Wallace in 1968, who famously declared in his inaugural address as governor of Alabama, ‘Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.’ Add powerful anti-immigrant sentiment of the sort seen in many European countries, and a weak welfare state poorly designed to cushion those most vulnerable in economic distress, and you have the elements of enthusiastic mass support for a future Trumpist movement.
Biden will need to differentiate himself not only from an obstructionist Congressional Republican Party led by McConnell, but also from the policies of the Obama administration, which he so loyally served as vice-president. To forestall a resurgence of Trumpism, Biden must act boldly and decisively to show that he is on the side of the many Americans harmed by the neoliberal policies pursued over the last 40 years by Democrats and Republicans alike. This would require a departure from the cautious centrism that has characterised his career — a pivot that drastically changed circumstances, an empowered progressive movement within the Democratic Party and his justified reputation for malleability just might make possible.
I cannot in good conscience begrudge people like this who have been just tossed aside by the system and sneer them off for "racism" and "sexism." I've been to places like Gary, Indiana, which is fertile breeding grounds for this ideology. They deserve better than the horrible shake they've got.

Even if they're exactly as racist and sexist as you think, calling them that does jack all and in fact contributes to the social silencing effect. Plus it's rather high and mighty for you smug little leftists in your ivory towers to act like you've ever supported the common working class when the racism and sexism is what crosses the line for you, despite your own professed history of dislike, or so you claim, toward the system, capitalism, the government, etc, et al. Is it right? No. But you people are so full up your own a****, you'd literally refuse to, for example, ever associate with your lovely little old harmless grandmother who dropped N-bombs on Mr. Obama whenever his name was brought up. Just going to ignore all the other positive traits and focus on that alone? Social vaporware is literally all you have to offer, not real solutions. That and police bigotry. :lol:

I think the name of it needs to change, that "Trumpism" will outlive him. It's just making him into too much of a convenient scapegoat. It's another way the elite MSM single out his voters so that they are blindsided yet again by surprise election results. They've learned nothing from 2016, and don't tell me otherwise. Far from getting better, society is getting worse. The removal of Mr. Trump is an illusion things will get better, for to return to the norm effectively means no addressing the larger systematic issues.

I'm fed up with this, this whole danged thing. This is why families are breaking up, just like the civil war days. Riots over the summer, and now violence on Capitol Hill. That's a warning sign, that I don't think is being taken seriously enough, past writing it off as "an attempted coup" by "the rogue outsider." That completely misses the mark and ignores that it could happen again, and probably will under Mr. Biden.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Admiral X »

Have a watch (something to listen to as you browse):
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by CmdrKing »

Captain Crimson wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:04 am
You call this bluster a threat? That's quite rich given how often you lefties have railed on our elites. But yeah, you guys are NEVER going to get mainstream recognition on this, ever, and then complain that those in the center who don't WANT to lose police protection since we can't shill out for private security are enablers to fascism. Like, for real. Shove that collectivist-guilte shaming language somewhere else, please.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by CmdrKing »

Anyway, the lack of self-awareness in Crimson's lengthy rant about feeling sorry for the poor trumpies is really something.

Set aside for the moment that most of his support is drawn from the petty rich, cosplay farmers in $100,000 trucks and the land barons of tiny ass semi-rural towns and folks with cushy early retirements and well diversified stock portfolios. Not the truly poor, but people who think they should be richer.

Set that aside. The real poor folk among his supporters? Telling them they're racist is the only thing that *can* help them.

Because until they realize they are so fucking racist that a clownshow reality TV host and the supervillain of every movie they loved in the 80s was able to blame "Mexicans" for their poorness so hard they listened to *every word he said*, they are not in a position to fight back against the forces that are oppressing them. They've been lead around by the nose by any two-bit shouty man who says racism hard enoguh for decades and as long as they look at those easy solutions and not the deep, systemic failed state we actually live in, their situation will either get worse or get better around them as they fight progress every single step of the way.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

And every day it seems just like you people want to abolish cops to make the revolution easier. Otherwise you wouldn't seem to show more contempt for cops than the fat cats in Washington. All you do is insist over and over they're tools for fascism, but what can they do? They don't make the laws, they don't pass them, and a lot of this right now is smokescreen tactics in order to push an agenda. You may have good ideals, but you sabotage them at all turns.

Don't rationalize it either. This is abolish police, at a time when crime and social unrest is on the rise. So yeah, you just wanna make the revolution easier. You WANT chaos and anarchy and riots and looting and lawlessness and brutality on the streets. Why not actually stop funding overseas gender studies? What possible practical use could that have? That helps the economy, despite the left's cop bigotry.

I'd said before, for example, I felt the looters this summer were danged selfish to do this in a pandemic. I've applied that same logic to the idiot wing nuts here. And all I get in return is you smugly writing off whole towns that have gone to s***. :roll:

Don't pretend leftists care about the common people, when you say the people of Gary, Indiana deserve the squalor they live in because "they're so racist!" Only those who align with your political views. We see this in the entertainment industry time and time again. Because we "enable" fascism, after all! So you're literally calling everyone who isn't a lefty a tool for fascism. Har har.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Your lengthy to the point of parody screeds are so loaded with logical fallacies that I don't have time to actually debunk them, and considering the types of fallacies you make are so out of left field I can't imagine changing your mind about anything if I did, so I will focus on this.
Captain Crimson wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:29 pm Don't pretend leftists care about the common people, when you say the people of Gary, Indiana deserve the squalor they live in because "they're so racist!" Only those who align with your political views. We see this in the entertainment industry time and time again. Because we "enable" fascism, after all! So you're literally calling everyone who isn't a lefty a tool for fascism. Har har.
You brought up Gary Indiana. I don't know who said they deserve squallor for being racist.
I don't know what you mean by "Lefty" at this point.

You also don't seem to know what fascism is, why it is bad, how Trump is a fascist, why his actions are bad, and you are also completely ignoring something I consider quite obvious,
Being racist and supporting Trump will not get people out of poverty, I don't think people "deserve" poverty for being racist, I think they are poor because their focus on achieving racist ends distracts them from improving their lives, they are being played.

If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -President LBJ
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Thebestoftherest »

If there not going to actually serve the law, we better off without them and starting froma stratch
Captain Crimson
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

Thebestoftherest wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 5:13 pm If there not going to actually serve the law, we better off without them and starting froma stratch
Yeah, that's just a narrative from the MSM and the lefties. They WANT you to think they're completely inept and filled with nonstop blunders to stop you from seeing the good officers that exist and social media could help you find past the loud drama.

This is so they can effectively divide us way easier to keep picking our pockets and cracking down on our civil liberties.

That's just unbelievably impractical language and thought processes. They haven't failed. Look at these cities where they pulled back the cops. They fell into total chaos and anarchy, I don't care what your pot-smoking friends tell you. You're talking such huge organizational effort, it's not like lower-rung common-level street grunts like us could ever hope to get it accomplished anyway. Don't pretend as if law enforcement isn't happening every day. My encounters with the cops have been nothing like what you see and hear.

You defund, no matter what system you want to try to set up, you're the ones responsible for the massive crime spike from criminal opportunists. We simply CANNOT go without law enforcement for even one week, never mind how long that would take to establish. Yeah, there's certainly a lot of bad apples in law enforcement, no doubts, hundreds of them, maybe thousands. But for you people to want to claim that potentially hundreds of thousands of people have failed in their jobs is a joke. They can only enforce the laws, they can't save society from itself.

So my point stands, you show more contempt for half a million people rather than our bought-and-paid for leaders. You wonder why critics call this what it is? It's police bigotry. And leftists come by it entirely too easy.
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Thebestoftherest wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:40 am
Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:37 am
Robovski wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:39 pm How dare they take their protest to the politicians and government buildings instead of burning down their own neighborhoods and small businesses. That's one big difference there, so yeah, not the same. Can't have those actually responsible for their anger being the target of the ire of the protestors, they should be just ruining their communities.
The man you worship and defend would sell you to an organ-harvesting plant for one diet coke and joke about it later.
Plus once you start breaking and entering you not longer protesters your trespreassers, and in this case terrorist.
Yes, but he already knows that.

I just read a very informative thread about it. They don't actually believe that they were peaceful protestors, or that Antifa stormed the building, or that the election was rigged. ... 9155838976
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