Not Chuck, but well worth watching.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:29 am
Contains a full hour of analysis of the current state of the Internet video-essay scene, focusing primarily on the left (which, full disclosure, is my side--I'm an unapologetic anarcho-syndicalist libertine), then has over an hour and a half of analysis that boils down to "TFA is incoherent and highly derivative and doesn't understand how people or space work", which is something you can say about any JJ Abrams movie because JJ is a fucking hack.
I'm more impressed by the analysis of the video essayists, though, because I've noticed this problem a lot and it's really annoying me; possibly due to the hilariously low quality of our opposition (frex, Nazis, "dark enlightenment" types, Channer Nazis, unapologetic neoconfederates, and whatever the fuck incels are supposed to be), the Left has, I feel, been getting into something of a rut. More and more leftist commentators are doing less research and just reiterating the same rote talking points for cheap political points. (just a few examples off the top of my head, Michael Moore's entire filmography, Hbomberguy and Moviebob's forays into game criticism, Moviebob's trumpeting of the structurally broken TLJ after spending 5 hours dissecting the structural flaws of Batman vs. Superman, and the Pop-Culture Detective videos referenced in the video above) Many of these commentators, except Michael Moore, are capable of much better--for example, Moviebob's analysis of Batman vs. Superman is probably the best analysis of a bad movie I've ever seen, Hbomberguy's analyses of conspiracy theorists and British politics are really well-done, that sort of thing. So it's really disappointing when I see clearly intelligent people, be they editorial columnists or Youtube reviewers, bending over backwards to mindlessly defend something just because they're told that its politics are on their side.
I think that this is bad for the left, bad for American society, and extra bad for democracy. It reduces the left's efforts to mindless campaigning for a narrow set of proposals and policy positions handed down to us by a political party's elite and/or a few charismatic "outsider" figures, and restricts us to a narrow and limiting political binary that does not accept a system other than American capitalism as a possible default state of society, and limits argument on economic policy to how much restriction of capitalism there should be, and on social policy poses a significant risk of the social-justice movement descending into mindless tribalism. It leaves us with a choice between two increasingly polarized factions, and the one that has so far remained attached to reality (again, I'm a leftist here, so I'm biased in that I'm unable to ignore that, for example, immigration has historically been one of the fastest ways to grow an economy, or that unrestricted capitalism has historically led to monopolistic exploitation of the people and widespread social instability due to poverty and exploitation amid shrinking wages, rising cost of living, and increasing income inequality) is increasingly at risk of succumbing to a slavish adherence to a single position restricted by the pre-determined binary paradigm.
I mean, just because the other side hates gay and trans people, wants America to be muslimfrei and to burn all our money building a useless wall to keep the brown people out, and thinks that we should give bonuses to billionaires, doesn't mean that anyone who doesn't agree with anything that the Democratic Presidential candidate says or does is the Enemy.
Also I'm fucking tired of being called a sexist Nazi fake-leftist Bernie Bro because I voted for Sanders in the primary and have criticized Clinton (who I voted for in the general in an attempt to keep Twitler out of office) for her moronic decisions on the campaign trail, her lack of appeal as a candidate, and her political record.
tl;dr We need to start questioning left-leaning commentators from a position on the left. It'll be good for the left and good for society, and is not going to harm the left because the other side's loudest voices are so self-evidently moronic.