Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 7:37 pm
The Regents Park PD (UK) displayed a collection of knives given to them by a charity shop so they wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. Well, knives, some honing rods for the knives, and a spoon.
https://twitter.com/MPSRegentsPark/stat ... 2984735744
From this I can only assume that the war against overly sharp potato peelers has finally been won. Also, the Ginosaji can, after all, be stopped.
Insert your own joke about cereal killers. I have my standards. Well, not really, but I wanted to see what it would be like if I did.
https://twitter.com/MPSRegentsPark/stat ... 2984735744
From this I can only assume that the war against overly sharp potato peelers has finally been won. Also, the Ginosaji can, after all, be stopped.
Insert your own joke about cereal killers. I have my standards. Well, not really, but I wanted to see what it would be like if I did.