I Believe In You
Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:32 pm
"They can be a great people, Kal-El; they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way."
It goes without saying that politics is on everyone's mind of late. There is violence, there is animosity, there is uncertainty. It is natural to wish to defend things one believes in, and to condemn that which one rejects. There is also, understandable, concerns about apathy and complacency. I can say this, because I believe that to understand my position properly demands that I understand the positions of those that disagree with me. Not understand what their arguments are, but WHY they hold those positions, how those positions make sense to them.
But say I'm wrong. Say there's an aspect I am missing in that. The only way I'm going to see that is to hear it from someone who disagrees with me. Yet, I'm not inclined to listen to anyone who is a chore to deal with. What's more, and I think this is important, if you have something you believe in, and you want to discuss it, you are not just the messenger, you are the missionary. You are representing your belief. If you act like an awful person, your message is tarnished simply by its association with you.
This sub-forum can be one of two things to me. It can, on the one hand, be a sewer, a place where the unpleasant shit gets dumped so it doesn't wind up overflowing onto the rest of the forum. Or, it can be a sign that we are better than cynics think. This can be a place where people who disagree fundamentally can still discuss things without resorting to tribalism, bile, and hatred, but instead engage in rational discourse even on the most contentious of topics.
We are all fans of science fiction and fantasy here. We are stereotyped as being angry, ranting, unpleasable misfits. But I have always believed that we are more inclined towards intelligence, that our ability to consider other possibilities extends to the ability to look at things different than others who are incapable of thinking as abstractly as we can. If this section achieves anything, it should be to prove that fans of SF and Fantasy can discuss anything in a civil way, can rise above the fray and engage in a discussion based on the rational rather than on scoring points, throwing insults, and labeling.
So I ask you, please:
-Don't bait others
-Don't take the bait others offer
-Don't believe that hostility is a virtue
-Win me over with your actions as much as your words
-Prove my faith in you is well-placed
Because I don't care how loud some people can get. People are better than the news suggests, they're better than what comment sections suggest, they're better than what your favorite political news site suggests. I believe in the human race, and I definitely believe in all of you. Be the light.
It goes without saying that politics is on everyone's mind of late. There is violence, there is animosity, there is uncertainty. It is natural to wish to defend things one believes in, and to condemn that which one rejects. There is also, understandable, concerns about apathy and complacency. I can say this, because I believe that to understand my position properly demands that I understand the positions of those that disagree with me. Not understand what their arguments are, but WHY they hold those positions, how those positions make sense to them.
But say I'm wrong. Say there's an aspect I am missing in that. The only way I'm going to see that is to hear it from someone who disagrees with me. Yet, I'm not inclined to listen to anyone who is a chore to deal with. What's more, and I think this is important, if you have something you believe in, and you want to discuss it, you are not just the messenger, you are the missionary. You are representing your belief. If you act like an awful person, your message is tarnished simply by its association with you.
This sub-forum can be one of two things to me. It can, on the one hand, be a sewer, a place where the unpleasant shit gets dumped so it doesn't wind up overflowing onto the rest of the forum. Or, it can be a sign that we are better than cynics think. This can be a place where people who disagree fundamentally can still discuss things without resorting to tribalism, bile, and hatred, but instead engage in rational discourse even on the most contentious of topics.
We are all fans of science fiction and fantasy here. We are stereotyped as being angry, ranting, unpleasable misfits. But I have always believed that we are more inclined towards intelligence, that our ability to consider other possibilities extends to the ability to look at things different than others who are incapable of thinking as abstractly as we can. If this section achieves anything, it should be to prove that fans of SF and Fantasy can discuss anything in a civil way, can rise above the fray and engage in a discussion based on the rational rather than on scoring points, throwing insults, and labeling.
So I ask you, please:
-Don't bait others
-Don't take the bait others offer
-Don't believe that hostility is a virtue
-Win me over with your actions as much as your words
-Prove my faith in you is well-placed
Because I don't care how loud some people can get. People are better than the news suggests, they're better than what comment sections suggest, they're better than what your favorite political news site suggests. I believe in the human race, and I definitely believe in all of you. Be the light.