DNC funded Trump/Russia dossier

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DNC funded Trump/Russia dossier

Post by Antiboyscout »

The Romulan Republic
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Re: DNC funded Trump/Russia dossier

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Thus proving that all allegations against Trump and Russia are FAKE NEWS and a Democrat/Crooked Hillary/Deep State conspiracy to destroy America.

Or, you no, not.

The Steele dossier was funded by a group of Democrats affiliated with the DNC, I believe, who took it over after Jeb Bush's people started it. However, there is nothing illegal or even particularly unusual about a campaign funding opposition research, and while it might call into question the dossier's impartiality, it does not prove it false- that's an ad hominem fallacy (attacking the speaker rather than the argument).

It should be corroborated by other sources rather than simply taken at face value, yes... which is what the Mueller investigation is doing.

Moreover, the allegations against the Trump campaign/administration and Russia are not based only on the Steele dossier, but on numerous sources. So by acting like the credibility of the entire case hinges only on the Steele dossier, you are also engaging in cherry-picking evidence.

Of course, this is entirely to be expected, as you are a partisan troll who, I fully believe at this point, would be making excuses for Trump (or outright cheering him on) if he was having his critics marched off to internment camps at gun-point.

Seriously, are you a Trump staffer or Russian troll? Or do you actually waste your time with this stuff pro bono?
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Re: DNC funded Trump/Russia dossier

Post by Antiboyscout »

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