45 wants to retaliate against ACLU lawyers

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Fuzzy Necromancer
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45 wants to retaliate against ACLU lawyers

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

http://www.standard.net/National/2017/1 ... ion-case-1

The government attempted to force a young woman, known as Jane Doe, into carrying a pregnancy against her will. The ACLU stepped in and won.

Now the government is calling for “disciplinary action against ACLU lawyers” involved in the case.

...I have NEVER heard of this happening before.
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Admiral X
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Re: 45 wants to retaliate against ACLU lawyers

Post by Admiral X »

:lol: Wow, talk about sour grapes. Can't remember if the Obama administration ever did anything against the ACLU for the ruckus they raised about the Snowden/NSA business.
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The Romulan Republic
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Re: 45 wants to retaliate against ACLU lawyers

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Yeah, "sour grapes" is probably part of it, even if its an understatement. Trump is a petty, vindictive bully surrounded by petty vindictive bullies. A man who cannot tolerate any disagreement, criticism, or limits to his authority.

In short, the very worst kind of person to have in a position of political power.
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