White House on Anti-Muslim Videos

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Fuzzy Necromancer
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White House on Anti-Muslim Videos

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »


The white house says it "doesn't matter" if the anti-muslim videos 45 retweeted from white nationalists are fake or not.

What was that Orwell quote again about the party line?
"Believe me, there’s nothing so terrible that someone won’t support it."
— Un Lun Dun, China Mieville
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Re: White House on Anti-Muslim Videos

Post by Morgaine »

This administration will put satirists out of their jobs.
What is the point when we're already living in the world of The Onion?
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Re: White House on Anti-Muslim Videos

Post by J!! »

from what i've heard, the southpark guys have basically given up; nothing they can think of is more ridiculous than reality.
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Re: White House on Anti-Muslim Videos

Post by LittleRaven »

As far as I can tell, the administration is right. It doesn't matter what's true or false anymore, only what people feel is right.
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Re: White House on Anti-Muslim Videos

Post by phantom000 »

J!! wrote:from what i've heard, the southpark guys have basically given up; nothing they can think of is more ridiculous than reality.
"The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction needs to be credible"

-Mark Twain.
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Re: White House on Anti-Muslim Videos

Post by Archanubis »

phantom000 wrote:
J!! wrote:from what i've heard, the southpark guys have basically given up; nothing they can think of is more ridiculous than reality.
"The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction needs to be credible"

-Mark Twain.
He also said "It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress."
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Re: White House on Anti-Muslim Videos

Post by SuccubusYuri »

*Tired old "War is Peace" joke*

*Add a tired old "Butter Emails" for good measure*
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Re: White House on Anti-Muslim Videos

Post by Antiboyscout »

Too bad only One out of the Three videos was "proven" false.

by proven I mean Snopes could not positively confirm that the person in question was Muslim or not and thus declared the video false.

(he was a brown man in Sweden anyone want to place bets?)
Darth Wedgius
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Re: White House on Anti-Muslim Videos

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Antiboyscout wrote:Too bad only One out of the Three videos was "proven" false.

by proven I mean Snopes could not positively confirm that the person in question was Muslim or not and thus declared the video false.

(he was a brown man in Sweden anyone want to place bets?)
Not quite accurate -- the person in question was not an immigrant, so Trump dropped the ball on that part, anyway. I've read that he wasn't Muslim, but I haven't been able to corroborate that with any official release of information. I won't address the "brown man in Sweden" because I don't know the demographics. Anyway, their bikini team had some tans, right(1)?

I suspect that if Swedish authorities could have said he wasn't Muslim, they would have, but that's just my suspicion; that and $4.99 will get you a cup of coffee. For all I know, Swedish authorities might not know, either. If he'd shouted Allah Akbar or something that could have helped clear things up. If he'd shouted Admiral Akbar, that would have helped, too. Sometimes attackers don't have the decency to make these things clear while they're beating a handicapped man.

(1) Yes, I know.
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