Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Yukaphile »

Oh hey, and here's more of the new timeline.

16,000,000,000 BCE
The progenitor universe is formed in the original Big Bang, though it remains unknown why or how or even who might have started it even among transdimensional civilizations like the Q Continuum that later follow.
5,000,000,000 BCE
In the progenitor universe, the star Sol is spun together into its binding gravitational pull out of dust particles and interstellar gasses, allowing for the development of the planets within the gravity field.
5,000,000,000 BCE – 75,000,000
Life develops on the third world from Sol in the form of an emergent concentration of lotronic background radiation willed as intelligence into chemical-conscious organic composition, retaining an individuality as well as baseline knowledge to sum totality of all that came prior to genesis as less an alteration and more a transition.
Over the eons, the new lotron-conscious life develop on their world without facing adversity or challenge of hardship, eventually taking to the stars on the wings of exploration and finding no equal intelligence to the progenitor universe, so thus they synthetically engineer their own dazzling array of life in a diverse range of size, shapes, and forms, dubbing the new collective title of their shared union as "Q."
The next five billion years are termed the First Q Age.
75,000,000 – 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
The Q reach their second development stage as they focus the controlled energies of galaxies into engineering their ethereal cosmic cities, taking on greater dimensions and shedding their corporeal forms into a non-linear collective-conscious intelligence conflux they dub as the "Continuum," weaving the threads of space-time and roaming independently within a temporal waveplane, never bending it.
The growing priority for the Second Q Age becomes an attempt to extend the lifespan of the progenitor universe and prevent the loss of motion-energy, as they build vast subspace networks in preparation for achievement toward such an end, to manipulate space, time, gravity, energy, heat, light, into one cohesive unit independently of mass.
The Second Q Age is brought to an end when the Continuum overextends its reach and triggers an expansion-contraction effect where the progenitor universe begins both expanding and contracting simultaneously, accelerating towards collapse, so the Q adapt by a transition into their subspace networks as superimposed-lossless substrate beings, bonded into their universe-sized cities following the loss of the progenitor universe in an existence across all possible states within the Q Continuum's singularity and able to manipulate it at will, ushering in the Third Q Age.
The Q decree the universe and life itself still had so much potential to explore that will never be again, and so they reach out their incorporeal hands to manipulate the Big Bang, engineering the foldstream matrix for compensation to inevitable universal heat death.
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
— Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
Captain Crimson
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Captain Crimson »

I only just started, and I want to say... WOW. :shock:

As I was reading, I had the voices of Picard, Riker, and Data in my head.
PICARD: Captain's Log, Stardate 51718.7. The Enterprise has been recalled from the front lines in a new mission Starfleet Command has deemed of stupendous importance for the future of the Federation, which returns me and my crew to an old stomping ground, one to which I had thought never to return.
This, by itself, is more faithful to the source material than I think Mr. Kurtzman and his flunkeys want to be. And it's certainly more writing talent than I have in even my little pinky finger. Yukaphile, why on earth haven't you posted this somewhere like AO3 or FFN?

BTW, reading through some of your older posts, you seem to have a bone to grind on STD, more specifically that Klingons had twin dongs (which I'm okay with as a retcon, because that's what it is), so... did you know the most recent season revealed they used human waste as the basic component in replicated food? :P

Just like STD itself. "It's pretty good for s***."
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Yukaphile »

Oh no... they didn't... please tell me you're joking... PLEASE TELL ME DISCO didn't actually make replicator food shit you'd find out of the bowels... please...
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
— Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Yukaphile »

And I've had issues with fics I started and never finished. I want a basic grounding of the plot direction before I actually post it. But thanks for the encouragement! I've been tinkering around with ideas for what the Q are, involving subspace particles within Omega molecules, spinning at a consistent rate of rotation that's millions of times faster than other subspace particles at their size, and it is lighter at its subatomic size than other particles at identical sizes. The only time the rotation speeds change is when the Q uses their abilities, and each lotronic particle behaves differently with employment of that power, some spinning faster past the already great velocity they possess by two times or ten times or even a hundred or a thousand times, others along different three-dimensional planes, you know, top-down, left-right, forward-back, in relation to each others within the Omega molecule as the Q power is used. To outside observations, lotron particles appear to take on a life of their own, completely chaotic and randomized. I figure the high speed of the rotation of the lotron particles burn up energy rapidly and thus generates radiation that is diffused along the subspace domain throughout the universe, ultra-high radioactive frequencies. It also prevents tampering with lotronic radiance. I imagine naturally occurring Omega molecules are most densely concentrated within nebulae.
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
— Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
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