Ranking the Predator Films

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Ranking the Predator Films

Post by Winter »

I got Predator on the brain so why not. This will be going from Best to Worst and as always let me know what's your ranking in the series.


Weird thing about the Predator series my general thoughts about them can be summed up in how I felt about the ending. And for Predator that's best summed up as Creative, exciting and terrifying. Arnold Schwarzenegger helps to elevate this already great film into a classic and the Predator is just a great villain and unique in the slasher genre.


Like the first film this is a greatly creative film and exciting with a nice mix of horror and action. Amber Midthunder as Naru is great and the Predator is the best we've gotten since the first film. Wish it was a bit longer and it does stretch suspension of disbelief in places but nothing to bad. And the puppy lives so it gets a +1 bounce from me

Alien vs. Predator

Honest it's a lot of fun, gives me what I wanted, Lex and Scar are best couple in either Alien or Predator, makes better use of the Aliens then the other films in the series and it's just a great ride. Also I've wanted a human/predator team up since the second film so seeing that was a dream come true for me as a fan. And finally, it handles most of it's ideas better then many Alien or Predator films before or after it.

Predator 2

It has it's moments but honestly it feels like it drags on for a way to long. The action is good but outdrawn. The supporting cast is likeable but besides Bill Paxton I can't think of anyone who really standout to me. I love how it adds to the lore and fleshes out the Predators but I honestly feel the film is just kinda okay.


Interesting concept but I feel the execution leaves a lot to be desired. The so called Super Predators honestly seem less effective then the classic ones and it never really FEELS like we're on an alien world but just a location on Earth. Also it has to many call backs to the first film which makes it feel like a retread of the original rather then the next level.

Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem

TURN ON A LIGHT!!! Seriously I WANT to praise this films amazing practical effects and fights but I can't because I can barely see anything. Also you killed off the only character I actually liked while the rest of the cast are so forgettable that I can't actually remember anything about them. Wolf is a great Predator he has the misfortune of being in one of the worst films in either Alien or Predator series.

The Predator

This is dumb, I can't fallow anything that's happening, it needlessly changes the lore and the action is subpar at best. I don't care about anyone and this movies understanding of Autism is BLOW my understanding of Rocket Science. Bad BAD movie and I can't believe that IT'S still canon while AVP is not.

Honestly, after TP there was nowhere for the series to go but up but I doubt most excepted the next film to be THAT good. It's kinda like going from Star Trek V to Star Trek IV as it's not a step up but a Superman showing off his single building jump skill that he no longer uses anymore but everyone is always so impressed by it so it's always used to show case how awesome he is.
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Re: Ranking the Predator Films

Post by stryke »

From the ones I've seen:

Predator - 5* (Original and best)
Predator 2 - 4* (Still pretty great. Wonderful mood piece, Alien skull, and that subway scene)
AvP -1* (Awful, needless changes to lore, and worst of all is an utter waste of some truly excellent source material. I don't know who you are lady, but you are no Machiko and throwing in the head scarring scene at that point after doing nothing to earn it was just insulting)

I am looking forward to Prey from what I've heard. Just not got access to it yet.
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Re: Ranking the Predator Films

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

First Predator: Great. A Masterpiece.

Predator 2: Not sure if the first movie needed a sequel. Why can't they just leave good enough alone?

Aliens Vs Predator: Not sure if the first Predator or Alien movies needed a sequel. Why can't they just leave good enough alone.

AVP R: Not sure if the first AvP really needed a sequel. Why can't they just leave good enough alone?

Predators: Best sequel.

The Predator: Not as good as the first.
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Re: Ranking the Predator Films

Post by Kinky Vorlon »

1. Predator

2. Prey

3. Predator 2

4. The 2010 one.

The AVP movies are dogshit. I haven't seen the one from a few years ago but I've heard it's shit too.
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Re: Ranking the Predator Films

Post by hammerofglass »



Predator 2


Didn't see the others.
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