Why Hasn't Disney Adapted The Tale of Eros and Psyche?

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Why Hasn't Disney Adapted The Tale of Eros and Psyche?

Post by Winter »

I was re-watching Overly Sarcastic videos and came across Eros and Psyche and was reminded phantom000's How you create the next Disney Princess post and everyone's comments on it and I just have to ask, how is it that Disney has yet to adapt this Greek Myth?

Even Red in her summery of the myth she mentions that Psyche is basically an arch-typical Disney Princess. She talks talks to animals, she wants something more then what she currently has she even gets a Disney Death where she dies but is brought back to life by her one true love. This myth was Disney before Disney was even name! If Disney went to adapt this and remain loyal would be a rare instance of them not needing to change much to fit the Disney Formula. The only thing they would need to change is removing the sex scenes and maybe give Eros a different form instead of being invisible while interacting with Psyche.

Hell even most Greek heroes are a result of me being unable to keep it in my pants Zeus is on his best behavior in this story as he not only helps Psyche but allows her and Eros to marry each other. And it wouldn't take much to change certain elements of the story to have it be more in line with more modern standards and allow Psyche to be more of an active protagonist. All we really need is a single song about how she hates her life with her emotionally abusive sisters and the hallow "romance" of those trying to woo her.

Eros feelings for Psyche can be because he doesn't love her for her looks but for who she is and treats her as a person. Thus when she must do her tasks to prove to Aphrodite that she is worthy of Eros' love it's not her trying to be with a guy but being with someone who loves her and whom she loves as much.

The story also lends itself well to being a story of overcoming abuse and moving on to those who will treat us well between Psyche's sisters mistreating her and Aphrodite imprisoning her son so she can torment the women he loves. While also showing how easy it is for abusers to continue to manipulate their victims with Psyche's sisters tricking her into betraying Eros' trust and Aphrodite manipulating Eros to allow her to "Test" Psyche and then to abuse her. And it also allows for a subplot of those who seek to help abuse victims in the other gods and magical beings helping the couple out both by helping Psyche in her impossible tasks and marrying the two to marry each other in the end.

All that's missing is a proper third act climax which could be done by Eros escaping and battling Aphrodite aka his mom, to save Psyche.

Seriously why hasn't Disney adapted this story?!?!
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