Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by TGLS »

So mirror humans are photosensitive... You know, that might explain why Janeway has all the lights turned off in a crisis...
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Fixer »

TGLS wrote:So mirror humans are photosensitive... You know, that might explain why Janeway has all the lights turned off in a crisis...
I thought that was an unnecessary addition. The Mirror Universe Terrans never showed any aversion to light in any previous visit to the prime universe or and were more than happy to look at cool explosions.

Archer was fine in the brightly lit Defiant, and the Terran rebels that snuck onto prime universe DS9 never showed any issues with the lighting that was too bright for Cardassians.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Ordo »

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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Asvarduil »

TGLS wrote:So mirror humans are photosensitive... You know, that might explain why Janeway has all the lights turned off in a crisis...
So, Mirror Janeway swapped with Prime Janeway before taking control of Voyager?

...Huh. That explains a few things...
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Karha of Honor »

TGLS wrote:So mirror humans are photosensitive... You know, that might explain why Janeway has all the lights turned off in a crisis...
They might have fixed it by that point.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by MixedDrops »

The last 2 episodes have really let the show hit a stride for me (and with all the "obvious" twists out of the way I want to know where they'll go with this). I can't remember the last time Trek actually had me at the edge of my seat, although I'm sure many people wouldn't consider that praise for a Trek show since that's not the main reason people wanted more Trek. It's certainly nice though.

And I echo the sentiment of liking them sticking to their guns with their plot twists. I find it a bit annoying the show is being criticized for actually bothering to foreshadow things in the age of "let's do surprising thing because we can". That's leaving beside the fact that part of the reason it was "predictable" is because fans and general super nerds participate in discussions involving dozens of people following every episode, so of course there's going to be people who piece everything together ahead of time.

I do think there's also a place for the occasional out-of-left-field reveals or developments like what happened to Ziyal or Bashir on DS9, but I bet if that happened everyone would instead just be complaining how they never set anything up.

Even without the surprises I really enjoyed this episode in particular. More Michelle Yeoh is nice, I actually felt for Stamets/Culber after the last episode being a "oh, I guess that happened" moment for me, and the ganglia thing actually made me sick, which is something I haven't had happen to me from a TV show in a while. Special props to Anthony Rapp for really carrying that Stamets/Culber scene.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Asvarduil »

So, I've watched literally all of Discovery that we have up to this point. Here's my thoughts. I'm putting some spoiler tags in

First, I'm not offended by the "Prime" timeline having JJverse technology. Sure, it breaks continuity like a Kit-Kat bar, but I can overlook it on the grounds that it looks cool. If I have any complaints, it's that everything looks far more advanced than TOS did. I kind of wish they'd've brought back the raygun gothic look, especially...

Once they go to the Mirror Universe, and the NCC-1764 Defiant becomes relevant.

...But - except for Discovery itself - the starship designs look awesome. So, visually, no complaints.

As for the writing - there's actually some drama in this! There's a lot of interpersonal, and even intrapersonal, conflict. A running theme of the series seems to be people who are from one world, who get thrown into a vastly different one...

Captain Lorca - who's really from the Mirror Universe - is a great example. While I did have some forewarning that this might be the case, he's simply too amoral to be a Prime Starfleet officer. Prime Starfleet officers don't have a weapons R&D lab that looks like it belongs to an evil scientist.

Ash Tyler/Voq is another example. He's a sleeper agent whose goal to Klingon racial and cultural purity...yet, his personality is overlaid with that of a Starfleet soldier. We haven't had a resolution of this yet, but I'm curious to see where it goes.

If the writing has any weakness, it's that it sticks to a very common problem that Trek has - Federation technology is just plain overpowered, and needs a healthy nerf.

The Spore Drive, while difficult to control - especially before Stamets augmented himself with Space Waterbear DNA - is fricking insane. Voyager wouldn't've had any issues getting home after the Caretaker's cosmic bitch-slap had they had it. It renders Discovery an insane lightning bruiser - they can jump somewhere, hit something before they know what's going on, then re-jump elsewhere while snickering to themselves.

Also - starships propelled by mushrooms? I always knew Trek writers were taking something.

Technobabble is present, but luckily they're not concocting quite as many arcane ritual spells using it. I've really only noted a couple of technobabble segments in twelve episodes, which in Trek terms is a sign of incredible restraint.

Asvarduil's Verdict
I started off extremely skeptical of the series...but I like what I see. There's good drama in this, with various cases of the Roddenberry message - that cooperation and kindness are the best path forward - shining through. I don't know if Lorca will ever be a 'good' guy, but he has more than a few moment where it seems like his more idealistic crewmates may be rubbing off on him. The only question at this point, is can they get home from the place they were in, after Stamets went and pwnt himself with his jump-spam?

Chuck: Why the heck aren't Spoiler tags implemented on the forums!? I'm normally very carefree when it comes to spoilery information...but come on!
Last edited by Asvarduil on Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by TGLS »

Prediction: Mirror Michael shows up with Prime Lorca as a prisoner.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Asvarduil »

TGLS wrote:Prediction: Mirror Michael shows up with Prime Lorca as a prisoner.
I'm not sure what's going to happen regarding Prime Lorca and Mirror Michael.

What's more...

Mirror Stamets was released from his coma thanks to Prime Stamets. I think restoring the Mycelial Network - something that the corruption is killing - might have far more grave consequences on. Additionally, I suspect that Prime Lorca really did die; I think that the Emperor will kill Mirror Lorca, and that the Emperor will be killed by Prime Michael, thus doubly staining her hands with blood.
I foresee Prime Michael dancing on the trauma conga line throughout the whole second season.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by T-L »

Starting to wonder, could the Mycelial Network be related to
the nexus?
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