The Imaginary Spaceship appreciation thread.

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Darth Wedgius
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Re: The Imaginary Spaceship appreciation thread.

Post by Darth Wedgius »

cilantro wrote:
Nice video; thanks for sharing. To me, it's simpler. Picture a big bird.. the body down below, the wings raised and spread out, the head lifted and thrust forward... The Constitution class seems to evoke that for me. Might just be me, of course.
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Re: The Imaginary Spaceship appreciation thread.

Post by cilantro »

Darth Wedgius wrote:
cilantro wrote:
Nice video; thanks for sharing. To me, it's simpler. Picture a big bird.. the body down below, the wings raised and spread out, the head lifted and thrust forward... The Constitution class seems to evoke that for me. Might just be me, of course.
It always seems that the most effective designs are the simplest designs possible.
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Madner Kami
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Re: The Imaginary Spaceship appreciation thread.

Post by Madner Kami »

My all-time favourite, the Omen-class cruiser. Been in love with that design ever since I first spotted it in EVE Online:


A close second, the Hyperion-class battleship. It's very age-of-sail reminiscient, in particular when looking at it from the side:


And probably the sexiest of the superhaulers, the Providence-class freighter, making space-trucking so sexy:

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Re: The Imaginary Spaceship appreciation thread.

Post by PerrySimm »

Here's a shoutout to the Destroyer Gorbachev, and indirectly, to other such hex-hull ships in SFF.

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Re: The Imaginary Spaceship appreciation thread.

Post by Darth Wedgius »

I think at least one ship from the Terran Trade Authority should be in here, and this image has two of my favorites.
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Re: The Imaginary Spaceship appreciation thread.

Post by YAGWG »

Thought of another one:


Fixer: re: B5 Starfury - yes, JMS said on one of the DVD commentary tracks that NASA asked him about using the design and he agreed on one condition: that they call the eventual craft a Starfury.
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Re: The Imaginary Spaceship appreciation thread.

Post by yamiangie »

Madner Kami wrote: A close second, the Hyperion-class battleship. It's very age-of-sail reminiscient, in particular when looking at it from the side:

Can't help but notice it looks a bit like the Arcadia II



Mind you I love the pointy nose blue verstion myself, but I don't have an easy to find good pic of it
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Re: The Imaginary Spaceship appreciation thread.

Post by Beastro »

Darth Wedgius wrote:
cilantro wrote:
Nice video; thanks for sharing. To me, it's simpler. Picture a big bird.. the body down below, the wings raised and spread out, the head lifted and thrust forward... The Constitution class seems to evoke that for me. Might just be me, of course.
I'll taint this thread with a bit of RL warship porn, if you'll forgive me...

To me they evoke the inter-war era Heavy Cruisers of the US Navy. Powerful and elegant, but lacking the capital ship feel British battlecruisers and US fast battleships had. I find it no surprise they made the Constitutions classification on the show to be Heavy Cruisers, I wouldn't be surprised if a WWII vet made the call.


In comparison, the Galaxy's (Galaxies?) give off the above mentioned capital ship feel. If only they acted as if they were armed like them:


yamiangie wrote:
Madner Kami wrote: A close second, the Hyperion-class battleship. It's very age-of-sail reminiscient, in particular when looking at it from the side:

Can't help but notice it looks a bit like the Arcadia II



Mind you I love the pointy nose blue verstion myself, but I don't have an easy to find good pic of it
All appear more to be aping the US fast battleship aesthetics, especially with the "pulled back" superstructure and forward super-firing triple turrets in the two you posted that you can see on Washington, second pic I posted above.
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Re: The Imaginary Spaceship appreciation thread.

Post by APlotdevice »

It amuses me how the Space Marines carrier from Aliens looks like a giant gun:


Given this is the Alien series, you just know that was intentional.
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Re: The Imaginary Spaceship appreciation thread.

Post by SuccubusYuri »

I'm gonna say, I love the Sidonia. It even made a cameo in a Kurzgesagt video xD


I feel like someone in Japan saw that gag line in Legend of the Rangers about strapping an engine to a brick and it's still aerodynamic in space. I do genuinely like how it's so ancient it has impact craters.

But my real affection is for the interior. From details like the forward quarter of the ship just being a giant ocean biome; the water resevoir, to the G-Force braces just in every hall space, or the way the decrepit sections of the ship really do feel abandoned after humanity dwindles down to so few.

And the living spaces. It reminds me in some small ways of Coruscant and the multi-leveled cities in Star Wars. It sells the whole "deep space colony ship" thing.
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