Should Kathleen Kennedy be let go from the Star Wars megaproject?

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Re: Should Kathleen Kennedy be let go from the Star Wars megaproject?

Post by Madner Kami »

ChiggyvonRichthofen wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:33 pm It's just speculation, but I definitely think Rian Johnson took some pleasure (initially at least) in doing the opposite of what fans wanted. I don't think pissing people off was an active goal, but in almost every single instance RJ turned left where people were expecting him to turn right. Subversion was the name of the game. "This is not going to go the way you think" is definitely a meta-message, and its one of the reasons critics loved it.
And those critics can go fuck right off, because what they fail to realize, just as much as Johnson is, that while subversion of fan expectation can be a good thing, too much of it, makes a really terrible franchise movie from any concievable angle. Johnson ended up subverting that many expectations, that he invalidated not just everything that TFA built up to, but went so far to invalidate large swaths of the original movies while he was at it. He quite literally gives the finger to everyone who invested even the slightest bit of time and effort into Star Wars, because he intentionally sets himself to the task of wasting their time and invalidating their effort.

And imo he somehow manages to crap an addional layer of shit on that pile by creating a bad movie, even if you disregard everything that came before. One particular red flag is Rose's behaviour in the final moments of the siege. Finn wants to sacrifice himself to buy his companions just a little bit more time, by ramming into the siege cannon. And what does Rose do? She rams him in order to prevent his heroic sacrifice, blathers some stupid bullshit and kisses him, while in the background the siege cannon blows up the damn door of the hideout. And we are supposed to agree with her and cheer, after she just single handedly ruined the last chance to buy some time for the Rebellion. Hooray, you are a stupid fucking idiot and we are supposed to like you, because... reasons. *slowclap*

And there's so many more *slowclap* moments in this movie, it's just unfunny. Holdo's plan and her janus-headed behaviour about Poe for example, is another one of those glaring issues that just manage to make everything worse.
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Re: Should Kathleen Kennedy be let go from the Star Wars megaproject?

Post by PapaPalpatine »

Worse, in any universe held together by even a dental floss thin string of logic, what Rose did in that scene would've got both her and Finn killed. Vehicle collisions at such speeds, especially in rust buckets like those old speeders, tend to be fatal. KA-BOOM!!!!!!! Game Over.
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Re: Should Kathleen Kennedy be let go from the Star Wars megaproject?

Post by Karha of Honor »

So does the new CW season tell us anything ABOUT THE SITUATION?
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Re: Should Kathleen Kennedy be let go from the Star Wars megaproject?

Post by Karha of Honor »

She got a 3 year deal.

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Re: Should Kathleen Kennedy be let go from the Star Wars megaproject?

Post by Yukaphile »

... fuck. And I'm someone who will stand by the idea that, like WorldofGeekdom says, has done good things elsewhere, something alt-right trolls won't admit to. But she's just proven she shouldn't be allowed to handle Lucasfilm. And seriously, bring back Legends while you're at it. At this point, though, I'm not sure who else they could put up... I'm honestly flummoxed as to who might have a beat on the soul of the Star Wars franchise now... especially since Hollywood has just abandoned storytelling for cheap special effects. Hell, look at this comment I saw just now.

If I had to point at one thing that is killing Hollywood (more than anything else), I'd actually say it's CGI. And it's kindov a matter of taking away limitations. Previously, effects work and action scenes were expensive. And I know they are still, but not to the same prohibitive degree they used to be. Crazy camera angles, ludicrous action scenes, the complete loss of the limitations to what we can visually put on screen, film makers are in a constant arms race to see what super-cool CG work they can stuff in a project because that's the lowest common denominator for viewers. Quality writing isn't nearly as much of an important part of the equation anymore.
Look at the Star Wars Prequels, The Hobbit, Transformers, Pacific Rim, etc. These were made by film makers who had created amazing films in the past (except Bay). But in those days they had limits, budget limits, editing limits, even filming limits. They had to make the best thing they could within those constraints. And what's the cheapest way to make a good movie? Write a good script, get a couple good actors, direct them well, and get in on film. Some of the best episodes of Star Trek had almost no effects work at all. Nowadays it's just "green-screen" this, "fix it in post" there, "people will be too amazed by how lifelike it is to care what it's saying".

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Re: Should Kathleen Kennedy be let go from the Star Wars megaproject?

Post by MrL1992 »

Her contract we renewed so... clearly Disney weighed the 4 billion+ made by the first three new movies against the losses of Solo and saw that the ups make up for the downs (which, money wise,they do).
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Re: Should Kathleen Kennedy be let go from the Star Wars megaproject?

Post by Admiral X »

Either that or they were afraid she'd sue them for billions because she'd claim sexism, and that would hurt them even more than just losing money on lousy movies.
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Re: Should Kathleen Kennedy be let go from the Star Wars megaproject?

Post by Yukaphile »

Pure baseless speculation. Does her character suggest something like that other than being a "filthy SJW Feminazi woman-thing?" She's not a good storyteller and shouldn't be in charge of Star Wars, but I tend to think like WorldofGeekdom does that she's done good elsewhere, though that might have been pre-widespread CGI that has now led to super lazy scripts and corporate greed, which would explain a lot. Why fire her, though? Again, if WOG is right and she's good at what she does, then there's no reason. Just send her somewhere else in Disney.
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Karha of Honor
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Re: Should Kathleen Kennedy be let go from the Star Wars megaproject?

Post by Karha of Honor »

MrL1992 wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:07 pm Her contract we renewed so... clearly Disney weighed the 4 billion+ made by the first three new movies against the losses of Solo and saw that the ups make up for the downs (which, money wise,they do).
Like if you put someone else i charge you would not have gotten that.

How hard was it not to make something as divisive as TLJ? A movie from a Sith POV would had been less divisive.
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Re: Should Kathleen Kennedy be let go from the Star Wars megaproject?

Post by MrL1992 »

Slash Gallagher wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:54 pm
MrL1992 wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:07 pm Her contract we renewed so... clearly Disney weighed the 4 billion+ made by the first three new movies against the losses of Solo and saw that the ups make up for the downs (which, money wise,they do).
Like if you put someone else i charge you would not have gotten that.

How hard was it not to make something as divisive as TLJ? A movie from a Sith POV would had been less divisive.
You a fortune teller? I can't help but doubt they could have hits those heights if some of the old WB DCEU executives were running it.

I don't think anyone can plan on a divisive movie movie (at least among hardcore followers). It's easy to make a bad film, its hard to make a crowd pleaser,
I reckon its even harder to make something that has wildly different effects on different people.

Ultimately they'll prefer an Episode VIII to a I or II. Even if the latrer may spark less arguements.
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