RPG Shame Confessions

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Fuzzy Necromancer
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RPG Shame Confessions

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

So I'm playing Dragon Age Origins, and it's totally in-character and appropriate for my female protagonist to want to revive the old god. The reasons for this make sense. She's already a somewhat machiovellan character with a necromancy fetish and a mild latent megalomania, even if she's also a bit of a softy for adorable dorks and puppers. But still, definitely done a lot of ugly things.
And I STILL feel guilty about strongarming Loghain into boinking Morrighan for the ritual. I feel dirty about this decision. I also can't stay true to my character by doing anything else.

What have you done in an RPG, deliberately, knowingly, not as a result of hitting the wrong button or misreading a dialogue prompt, in-character, that you still feel ashamed of?
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Re: RPG Shame Confessions

Post by Wargriffin »

Since we're talking Bioware

Screwing over Wrex/Killing Mordin ME3, My Amoral Renegade can't trust the Krogan... Even if Wrex and Eve are on the level, The Krogan have proven time and again that the moment a tyrant takes the helm they'll go right back to their war mongering ways and are quick to forget reforms.

and While Wrex is a good person and has honored his word... He can't be around forever and I can't leave the Galaxy to the mercy of the Krogan especially in if we win the war with the Reapers

So... when Mordin protests... I push... He stands his ground. I shoot him in the Back and watch him feebly try to undo his greatest mistake

and deep down know... Wrex is gonna find out and I've pissed our friendship away for the future of other people.

I think my only regret is Wrex didn't even get the option to kill me before Bailey gunned him down.
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Admiral X
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Re: RPG Shame Confessions

Post by Admiral X »

It's actually the right call if Wrex didn't survive the first game, because that guy was totally going to try to take over the galaxy after the Reapers were taken care of. Though in that case, Mordin actually goes along with it.
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Re: RPG Shame Confessions

Post by Wargriffin »

Admiral X wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 4:56 pm It's actually the right call if Wrex didn't survive the first game, because that guy was totally going to try to take over the galaxy after the Reapers were taken care of. Though in that case, Mordin actually goes along with it.
Welll yeah... but thats cause Wreav's an idiot and loudly proclaims his intentions

but thats not what the topic asked! It asked me to be an amoral bastard and murder hobo two of my loyal squadmates!
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Re: RPG Shame Confessions

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

Viola Cousland had a... special outlook on life, so while she did admittedly argue Alastair into banging Morrigan, from her point of view that was fine, because it was hilarious. I had a bit of trouble coming to grips with DAO on a personal level, since I played Mass Effect first, and the lack of a protagonist voice threw me for a bit of a loop - I ended up kind of retro'ing in the headcanon that Viola never quite got to grips with the fact that real life wasn't like the heroic tales she'd grown up, since as soon as her world started coming to pieces around her she discovered that she personally was an unstoppable juggernaut. Obviously she's the hero of this story, and the more sex, violence, and spectacle she can cause along the way the better it'll sound when the bards tell her tale afterwards. So basically a pint-sized Cailin, except nothing can actually stop her.

Hawke having a voice got me into DA2 properly, and I'll admit Aislinn did feel a bit awkward throwing in with Meredith at the end, despite her sympathies being with the mages. But she'd hardened up a lot by that point, and provided Beth was okay she didn't much care if a bunch of mages got killed, provided she personally would be in the right place to kill Meredith when she went irrevocably off the deep end, as she was clearly going to, and finally take control of that goddamned city.

I don't really feel guilty about it - certainly not as a player - but Elizabeth Shepard wasn't having her proudest moment when she put the moves pretty hard on Samara. I mean, she'd been killed, got a bit of a cold reception from Liara, and then there's this asari goddess - you can see how she had a moment of weakness. She got past it though.

Actually the best candidate that comes to mind was from when I was roleplaying on Cerberus Daily News, and my character forgot she'd already met someone when they bumped into each other again. I mean granted it was a year earlier at a party when everyone was new to her, but she's Miss Social Butterfly so she was rather embarrassed when it happened. Of course it's entirely in character for me to make that kind of social faux pas, but I really ought've kept notes or something.
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Re: RPG Shame Confessions

Post by Riedquat »

Well I gave up doing a Renegade Mass Effect playthrough because I ended up despising that Sheprd so much. I carried on a bit further but I'd certainly had enough of that character by Feros, having shot the colonists and Shiala (one of the few asari I don't find annoying).
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Re: RPG Shame Confessions

Post by Nealithi »

Mass Effect DLC Bringing down the sky.

I had naturally played the paragon through this game and most renegade actions felt wrong. Till here. This terrorist was going to wipe out an entire world with the excuse of 'you took what was ours and if we can't have it no one will'. Now mentally to me it was the Citadel Council that pointed out the batarians had done nothing with those worlds at all. So gave them to humanity to develop. But he blamed humanity and would wipe out countless innocent civilians. Let him go so he could try again later and thus save a dozen people. Or let a dozen die to prevent this guy from coming back with an equal or worse plan? I chose to end him. I hated letting civilians die. But he could have done greater damage. And what if next time we were not there?
But damn if it did not sit well. And IRL I lost my appetite over it.
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