The Thirteenth Doctor

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The Thirteenth Doctor

Post by nebagram »

A couple of weeks ago, Peter Capaldi announced that he'd be stepping down as the doctor in this year's Christmas Special, which means that someone will need to take the role, so let the speculation begin!

Aside from the obvious choices of Benedict Cumberbatch, Andrew Scott and Colin Morgan, my pick would have to be Morgan's Humans co-star Ivanno Jeremiah. Over to you guys. :)
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Re: The Thirteenth Doctor

Post by Dînadan »

Would never happen because he's probably too high profile but I think Idris Elba would be a nice pick.

And to save there being another thread that'd potentially cover some of the same ground, I'll raise it here - what do people think to a female Doctor next? Good idea or terrible one?
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Re: The Thirteenth Doctor

Post by Arkle »

Dream casting: Kate Winslet

More realistic possibility: Hayley Atwell
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Re: The Thirteenth Doctor

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

My brother's pick which I pretty much agree with: Richard Ayoade

A few suggestions I would add: Alexander Siddig, Hugh Laurie, Rooney Mara
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Re: The Thirteenth Doctor

Post by Dînadan »

Rocketboy1313 wrote:My brother's pick which I pretty much agree with: Richard Ayoade
Oh gods, no. I'll admit I haven't seen him in much, so I can't rely judge him fairly on his acting ability, but I find the guy really irritating for some reason; something about his voice really grates for me.

Hugh Laurie
So House is actually the Doctor using the Chameleon Arch again?

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Re: The Thirteenth Doctor

Post by Durandal_1707 »

My choice: Peter Capaldi :(

On the other hand, I felt the same way about Matt Smith, and I'm sure whoever they pick will be great. It's gonna be sad to see Capaldi and his spot-on Tom Baker impression go, though.
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Re: The Thirteenth Doctor

Post by Petike »

Glad to be back on this forum, guys and gals ! Onto business...

I would have preferred if Peter had stayed for one more year, but if he's decided to go, there's nothing I can do about it. He's been wonderful so far, and I'm really interested how he'll handle the Doctor in this last Moffat-helmed series.

I really don't have an overly specific choice of actor in mind for the Thirteenth. In various other places on the 'net, I've often joked that I'd like to see Richard Ayoade in the role, or someone in his vein. I don't think that's all that possible, though, not the least because Ayoade mostly focuses on directing and behind the scenes stuff nowadays, instead of acting. Aside from this more tongue-in-cheek selection, I haven't really nailed down any ideas for the casting.

If they really decide to go for a female incarnation of the Doctor, I'd like to see the role go to Ruth Wilson. Just right age-wise, and she already has experience playing eccentrics and very varied female characters. One of the few British actresses I'd entrust with the role with a completely clear conscience.

We'll no doubt be wiser come late spring or summer. They won't be holding off the announcement about the new actor (or actress) for much longer.
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Re: The Thirteenth Doctor

Post by Nessus »

Less facetiously, my fantasy vote is for Tilda Swinton. Sort of low hanging fruit/playing to type, perhaps, but she is good at this sort of stuff.

Some of the named suggestions (Richard Ayoade, Ruth Wilson) seem too young for my preference. Although I didn't get into Dr Who until the new series, I've come to prefer the image of the Doctor as an older or indeterminately aged person rather than a younger person. Capaldi quickly became my favorite of the new doctors, and IMO it's a shame he'll be leaving again so soon, and that he had the misfortune of being in the role during Moffat's run.

I found Alexander Siddig hard to picture when I first heard the suggestion elsewhere, but thinking about it again now, I can see how he could work.
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Re: The Thirteenth Doctor

Post by graymorality »

Rocketboy1313 wrote:My brother's pick which I pretty much agree with: Richard Ayoade

A few suggestions I would add: Alexander Siddig, Hugh Laurie, Rooney Mara

I don't think Ayoade would be a great doctor. Good actor but not right for the role.

However, I think Alexander Siddig is a great choice. He would be a great Doctor
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Re: The Thirteenth Doctor

Post by TheNewTeddy »


Er, let me clarify.

I actually would like them to use the opportunity of "unlucky 13" to get rid of some loose threads.

Have the doctor somehow split into three people. The 3 would be someone who has his better traits, his more evil traits, and someone who can regenerate. This would be The Valeyard, The Curator, and "The 13th Doctor"

This person would only be for a single mega story; maybe 2, 3, or even 4 parts long, and then would regenerate into the 14th Doctor. This would allow for some time off between the end of the current Doctor and the bringing in of another one.

So who would play the 13th doctor? The answer, in my mind, is simple. If the 14th Doctor (in my proposal) is going to be played by a man (likely) then the 13th should be a woman.

Not only would this be used to explain where The Curator, and The Valeyard, came from, but ideally they'd get Toby Jones to play the Valeyard, to kill a few more birds with the same stone.

There would be some kind of battle between the Doctor and the Valeyard that would drive the plot, and the time lords would be involved as well somehow, trying to fix this mess (ideally one they somehow created, or perhaps have the master somehow cause this mess)

I'd also grant them the use of regeneration energy with the understanding that this is the last time they are going to use regeneration energy as a get out of jail free card; but that this energy will *not* be the deus ex machina that solves the entire problem. At the end of it, when the Doctor regenerates into the 14th Doctor, and the Valeyard is defeated by gets away, the new Doctor should explain his regeneration cycle a bit; saying that Capaldi used up the first one becoming Capaldi, the 13th doctor used up the second one, and that enough energy was used solving problems that an additional doctors worth of energy is gone. As such the 14th Doctor only has 9 regenerations left. (noting however that without the Time Lords he'd have run out long ago; implying they could just grant him more)

Basically that would mean that 2018 would be both a year off, removing the various loose strings, and some fan service. In short, it would serve as a bit of a reboot to the new series in the way that breaking the TARDIS did for the old series.

As for who should play the 14th doctor, my answer to that is simple; nobody I know. If I don't have to google them when they are announced, they've picked somebody too famous.
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