Why do I get this way about Star Trek?

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Re: Why do I get this way about Star Trek?

Post by LavarosVA »

Alasar wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:55 am
LavarosVA wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:18 am On the topic of Trek and other long running franchises being in the public domain... no. I don't want that at all, it sounds like hell.
These are harsh words, why do you think that?

What precludes us from taking any word from either non-canonical products or fan-fiction seriously. While there wouldn't be a pre-built easily consumable package to enjoy, we could pick and choose what we like. We'd disregard the trash and let the little drops of perfection rise to the top. All the while allowing everyone to still enjoy the particular junk they enjoy.

I've never understood this corporate-driven entity of a franchise and their abuse of the word canon to exclude anything that does not fit its profit margin. I've never been a fan of the Star Wars movies, never interested in action flicks and fantasy, but the fleshed out nature of the Old Republic did grab my interest from time to time. Why does a corporate entity get to decide that the one aspect I like isn't "official canon" anymore? It's purely meant for a corporate entity to control what is and isn't licensed to sell. I don't think that should ever be the measure the artistry of something is measured by.
Maybe it's me submitting to my corporate overlords, maybe not. But when everyone can add to a franchise officially, when something is added it ceases to be notable. And then there's the other end of the spectrum, how often has it been the case where a fanwork has been notable because it's good? Because I can think of one, maybe two at most. In the hands of a company it at least, theoretically, has standards to be held to.
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Re: Why do I get this way about Star Trek?

Post by Alasar »

LavarosVA wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 11:23 am Maybe it's me submitting to my corporate overlords, maybe not. But when everyone can add to a franchise officially, when something is added it ceases to be notable. And then there's the other end of the spectrum, how often has it been the case where a fanwork has been notable because it's good? Because I can think of one, maybe two at most. In the hands of a company it at least, theoretically, has standards to be held to.
Franchise; officially; maybe the issue is an imaginary idea that there actually is an, in star trek terms, alpha and beta, instead of quality stories and inferior stories. I do have to admit that I truly haven't felt any corporation care for their franchise in any other way than a monetary one. Especially if it comes to quality story writing. I do think that there used to be an association between the quality and canon/main franchise on the one hand and terrible fanfiction from the other side. I think this line has shifted more and more together, not only by the improvement of the fan side of things but also by the exploitative nature most (nostalgic) shows are made nowadays. It seems like the way stories are written within the official canon is, wouldn't it be cool if this was in the universe? That is the mindset of a fan-fic writer. Good writing would take a concept and explore the consequences of that tiny thing throughout the entire franchise. While most writers complain about restraints, most of the best art is created when they have to battle those restraints, and not when they are let loose.

I do apologize for this rather nihilistic outlook, but I've felt alienated from most media and entertainment for a long time. Especially since I've tried to find true happiness within my life, not just the consequences of instant gratification. Up to the point, I get a slight feeling of disgust by things like that (references, in-joke, etc.). My point is mostly that it feels as if no one really cares to create something great, that not only the corporate structure has taken the soul out of production but that the current crop of writers seems to have grown up in that system and don't mind it. I do think there's talent, just not the right mindset.
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Re: Why do I get this way about Star Trek?

Post by Actarus »

Alasar wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:55 am
LavarosVA wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:18 am On the topic of Trek and other long running franchises being in the public domain... no. I don't want that at all, it sounds like hell.
These are harsh words, why do you think that?

What precludes us from taking any word from either non-canonical products or fan-fiction seriously. While there wouldn't be a pre-built easily consumable package to enjoy, we could pick and choose what we like. We'd disregard the trash and let the little drops of perfection rise to the top. All the while allowing everyone to still enjoy the particular junk they enjoy.

I've never understood this corporate-driven entity of a franchise and their abuse of the word canon to exclude anything that does not fit its profit margin. I've never been a fan of the Star Wars movies, never interested in action flicks and fantasy, but the fleshed out nature of the Old Republic did grab my interest from time to time. Why does a corporate entity get to decide that the one aspect I like isn't "official canon" anymore? It's purely meant for a corporate entity to control what is and isn't licensed to sell. I don't think that should ever be the measure the artistry of something is measured by.
I've seen the word "canon" used more often by purist fans than producers. However, it is perfectly normal for the owners of a franchise to say what material is part of the storyline or not. That way, fans know what to expect from the movies they produce. In Star Trek, you are pretty much certain that novels wont be taken into account when they write the scipt of a new movie or tv series. In Star Wars' case, it is perfectly legitimate to enjoy The Old Republic material. But you can't expect Revan or Bastilla Shan to somehow be referenced in a Star Wars movie. And if they are, they may not be exactly the same as in the computer games. EU stuff has always been like that. George Lucas decided what he kept and what he discarded from the books. He kept Coruscant, but he left Jorus C'baoth, the Outbound Flight and its Dreadnaughts out of his Clone Wars. Still, even though the Old Republic and all the Legends stuff are not considered to be in the official timeline of the movies, it does not prevent you from enjoying them still. They are still there.
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Re: Why do I get this way about Star Trek?

Post by Meushell »

Yukaphile wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:00 am Well, I think I'm coming to the slow realization that most Star Trek fans are hopelessly superficial, the same way most "Star Wars" fans are, though that crosses over with the general moviegoing public, so I can't call them the same, but point remains, I think I have to accept I'm in the minority here. It's like clearspira said, despite shallow attempts to "paint" being a nerd as popular, it's as unpopular as ever. Hell, I preferred Gohan's Revival of F style haircut and glasses. He FINALLY looked like he should have in the Buu Saga, like he had as a kid after beating Cell... and fan complaints that "it looks too different" and idiots ragging on him, basically because of nostalgia or they just want the "butch" cut back so their "perfect" Gohan was still as "macho" as ever, drove Toei to capitulate to them, and I really miss the hairstyle. :(
Sorry, but are you actually just resorting to insulting people who don’t agree with you?
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Re: Why do I get this way about Star Trek?

Post by Karha of Honor »

Yukaphile wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:00 am Well, I think I'm coming to the slow realization that most Star Trek fans are hopelessly superficial, the same way most "Star Wars" fans are, though that crosses over with the general moviegoing public, so I can't call them the same, but point remains, I think I have to accept I'm in the minority here. It's like clearspira said, despite shallow attempts to "paint" being a nerd as popular, it's as unpopular as ever. Hell, I preferred Gohan's Revival of F style haircut and glasses. He FINALLY looked like he should have in the Buu Saga, like he had as a kid after beating Cell... and fan complaints that "it looks too different" and idiots ragging on him, basically because of nostalgia or they just want the "butch" cut back so their "perfect" Gohan was still as "macho" as ever, drove Toei to capitulate to them, and I really miss the hairstyle. :(
You think their pushing of Leftism was smart and sophisticated in any instance lon screen?

I mean the socialist / post scarcity vision? Capitalist states also need good diplomats.
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Re: Why do I get this way about Star Trek?

Post by Yukaphile »

Actually, TNG and DS9 were the rare exceptions, more about art than money. Voyager was full-blown start-up network's pet project. Enterprise was just a pale imitation of that. DS9 especially was a TOS fan passion project near the end.
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Re: Why do I get this way about Star Trek?

Post by Actarus »

Yukaphile wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 9:49 pm Actually, TNG and DS9 were the rare exceptions, more about art than money. Voyager was full-blown start-up network's pet project. Enterprise was just a pale imitation of that. DS9 especially was a TOS fan passion project near the end.
What makes you believe that TNG and DS9 were more about art than money? TNG was made possible because the movies were a financial success. And the movies themselves were made because Star Wars has been a success and Paramount wanted to make money on the Sci-Fi wave Star Wars had started. And DS9, well... I have just one thing to say about it: Babylon 5. It was not all virtue and love for art...
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Re: Why do I get this way about Star Trek?

Post by Yukaphile »

Michael Piller focused exclusively on character and story. Without him, it's very possible TNG wouldn't have made it. By the end of DS9, the successor show to TNG, most of the former TNG writing staff also included many TOS fans as well, so it was a perfect blending. To sum up, they went out of their way to grab old equipment from the 1960s to film an old episode. Modern Trek could take that approach, but they know they can get by on doing what they've been doing so far, so do you really expect them to shill out in possibly rebuilding old technology that no longer exists? HELL NO. And you guys still can't understand why old-school fans are so disappointed? We know Trek can be better than that. DS9 should be the gold standard, and it's nowhere near that level yet in modern Trek. Hell, DS9 Season 1 is better than anything found post, well... DS9, lol.
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Re: Why do I get this way about Star Trek?

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Yukaphile wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 9:49 pm Actually, TNG and DS9 were the rare exceptions, more about art than money. Voyager was full-blown start-up network's pet project. Enterprise was just a pale imitation of that. DS9 especially was a TOS fan passion project near the end.
As disappointing as core Voyager aspects turned out to considerable fans, more casual fans regard Voyager generally as a considerably good Star Trek show.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: Why do I get this way about Star Trek?

Post by Actarus »

The choice of following TOS aesthetics or not is still an artistic choice. Going away from this aesthetic may not be a choice you like, but its about art just as well as remaking the 1960's cardboard set for an hommage episode that maybe shouldn't have had the importance it has been given in Enterprise.
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