Is DISCO season 2 worse than one of the first 2 ENT seasons?

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Karha of Honor
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Is DISCO season 2 worse than one of the first 2 ENT seasons?

Post by Karha of Honor »

Or worse than both of them?

I almost finshed with this and it's not looking good. I am at 15 minutes in the episode before the last one.
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Re: Is DISCO season 2 worse than one of the first 2 ENT seasons?

Post by Worffan101 »

No, but only because season 1 Enterprise had an episode-long rape joke that's as funny as gargling broken glass, and season 2 enterprise had an episode about the Captain threatening to piss on sacred trees and start a war.
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Re: Is DISCO season 2 worse than one of the first 2 ENT seasons?

Post by abki »

My vote's for STD being worse than ENT. While ENT was often stupid, morally repugnant, and poorly written, it was undeniably a coherent story (granted, the story was contrived, the characters moronic, etc... BUT, it was a clear and internally consistent story).

On the other hand, STD's season 2 plot is totally incoherent. The plot never clarifies several important details, and the few concrete facts it does provide directly contradict themselves.

Since STD's season-long plot is self contradicting and incoherent, I'd say ENT's first two seasons are better by default (then again, an apt analogy would be determining the better car when your choices are between a Yugo that's driven into a garbage fire; versus a modern art piece with a steering wheel strapped to it - the choices are between a terrible car and a car that fundamentally fails at what a car is meant to be).

Having said all that, the only way to properly watch either of them is with friends so that you can take the every loving piss out of them :lol: (Such as the revelation of Discovery's true nemisis, Ensign Bobby Tables!)
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