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S2 Episodes 6-7: Spider in the Web, Soul Mates
1. Back-to-back Winters episodes - and I'm still not making much connection to her character. I'm not sure why - she's central to both episodes, but just doesn't grab me.
2. For all of G'Kar's creepiness in the pilot, Garibaldi has stalked and sexually harassed Winters for two seasons now. In Soul Mates, he abuses his authority to harass someone for no other reason than he used to be married to the woman he's stalking. The fact that he's actually involved in something shady is irrelevant - Garibaldi had no probable cause, and was just angry that his imaginary girlfriend was spending time with someone else.
3. The protective detail he assigns in Spider in the Web are terrible. They let their charge walk off, alone, into an unsecured room to continue a meeting like the guy who was just assassinated the day before. I won't watch any reviews until I finish the series, but I really hope Chuck has as much fun with the Keystone Space Cops as much as I am. Odo was a fascist, but at least he was an efficient fascist. Garibaldi is just genuinely terrible at his job.
4. Is it me, or does the Bureau 13 controller look exactly like Dana Scully, right down to the hair cut? I actually did think that was Gillian Anderson initially. I assume they're part of Psi-Corps. As much as I'd like to make fun of the post-JFK conspiracy mongering in the 90s, it's somehow even worse today.
5. I'm not sure I understand the political situation on Mars, or what Psi-Corps was attempting to do with the assassination.
6. I kind of hate the cyber-assassin idea. The whole point of an assassin is to be as untraceable as possible. A guy who electrocutes his victims with his bare hands is just begging for trouble.
7. I totally called the Psi-Corps eugenics program.