The Rise of Skywalker plot rumors *spoilers*

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Re: The Rise of Skywalker plot rumors *spoilers*

Post by ChrisTheLovableJerk »

I don't even have the energy anymore. I don't know whether these leaks are true or not, but I think it's a safe bet to say that the film will be a dumpster fire of stupidity, embarrassment, and desperation.

I mean, I can already spot several plot holes like if the child of Lando, the Rebellion general who blew up the Death Star II, was kidnapped by the First Order, that'd be pretty undeniable proof that the First Order was up to no good, so it kinda breaks the reasoning behind why the Republic weren't openly fighting the FO prior to TFA, there was apparently no solid evidence that they were doing anything wrong.

And why would Hux and Pryde have to go around the galaxy kidnapping children? Wouldn't they already have hundreds, at the very least? They need more Storm Troopers after all, so why not just use them?

So 3PO's sacrifice sounds okay on paper, but then once you remember that the characters with him have had little to no actual screen-time with him, it kinda falls apart. Not even R2 is there to say goodbye. Poor R2, in this trilogy he's either a one-scene wonder who conveniently moves the plot along or a prop in the background.

And why in the name of god would Rey save Kylo? There's literally no reason for her to resurrect him. Fucking Twilight was a better love story than this.

And that lightsaber duel between Kylo and Rey happening in two different locations... it just sounds stupid. I mean, the blades would just be hitting the air!

And Leia conveniently dies. Maybe they should have, oh I don't know, reshoot the last movie to have that happen there after Carrie died? If they could salvage The Crow after Brandon Lee was killed back in 1994, why not 24 years later? And for a movie that had nearly a year of post production.

And I fucking hate the idea of Palaptine being alive. This isn't like Maul, who was underused and people wanted more of. No one wanted Palpatine to return, and with Maul, there was at least a body. Palpatine not only exploded, the super structure he was inside of exploded.

I will not go to see this movie. I won't fall for Abrams' snake-oil routine again.

After all, what's the point? Who cares what happens to Rey? Who cares if Kylo turns good or dies? Who cares what new humiliation Finn will face? Who wants to see poor Carrie get the Lugosi treatment? Who wants to see more inane and poorly written nonsense wrecking the lore and story of the franchise? Who wants to see Palpatine come back, in one of the most desperate 'please come and see this' measures I've ever seen? Who wants to see how they'll ruin the heroes of the saga even more by undoing Luke's triumph and rendering Anakin's sacrifice meaningless? Who cares what new characters they introduce? Who cares what new bland and lifeless worlds they'll have? Who cares about the generic, inbred, potato-looking aliens we'll see? Who cares about all the questions Abrams will, undoubtedly, leave hanging and unanswered?

Even if it's good (Ha!) it won't undo the damage. It can't make us unsee Luke chugging down milk fresh from the crotch-tits of a disgusting sea monster. It can't wipe Leia Poppins from our minds. It won't make us forget all the insults and excuses. It won't make us forget how the accomplishments and victory of the original six films are now null and void because Palpatine decided to say 'Fuck you, I'm alive.' It won't make us forget the amazingly poorly written, derivative and insulting story of the first two ST films, and how they turned a 40 Year Old Pop Culture Icon into a cowardly, whiny, nihilistic traitor and then killed him off as an afterthought, not even letting him properly redeem himself and instead just being a big smokescreen so a dozen or so people can escape , he tells his nephew 'Sorry not sorry for trying to kill you in your sleep' and then he just becomes the 'I Guess I'll Die' meme. And when the actor who portrayed said icon protested, they basically told him to shut up and do as told.

So let's just do ourselves a favor and not see this movie.
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Re: The Rise of Skywalker plot rumors *spoilers*

Post by Yukaphile »

@Mecha82 It got a soft reboot. Star Wars got a hard reboot when Legends was axed, at least for the EU. You might be able to argue that the movies got a soft reboot, but I'm more of an EU nerd anyway. Those in charge thought they could play damage control by insisting it was never canon, but that just made it worse. Yes, the hate on them is never-ending, but they make poor decisions all their own.

@cilantro That is the whole point. Shove them aside to give this to the new generation. It's what Mark Hamill has criticized all along. You can give Star Wars to a new generation without doing what you did to the people who made it all. But then, we all know I'm secretly happy they've screwed up this badly.

@clearspira Yes it was. EU was wiped away, given a clean slate. It's still technically a continuity, just as part of another era. Now the EU is just a "streamlined," ie processed backbone to their movies. I've heard the new EU is building up at such a rate, that it's almost to the level Legends was at, and in just a few years... why would you do that? If you're going to reboot, why not reboot so that the EU is exactly what you said Legends is, supplementary material? You can't have it both ways, which is their approach. It's supplementary material, the movies are all that's canon, and yet blow up your EU while trying to streamline it. That gives the impression you think Legends is trash and doesn't belong in Star Wars. Hell, isn't that what Last Jedi was all about? Throw away your nostalgia, fuck you, here's a new generation of characters for you to love, buy our toys?

@ChiggyvonRichthofen Can't have their MaRey Sue showing weakness. It's the same problem that went into writing Janeway, sadly.

@Admiral X I'm looking forward to the discussion it generates, most especially on this forum, lol. When is it landing? I also can't wait for Geekdom's reviews. :lol:

@Winter My thoughts exactly. He survived, lol. It's almost like they want to deliberately subvert Dark Empire. And granted, Legends had problems, but that, at least, was an EXPLANATION! And it shed light on why he was so indifferent to Luke striking him down. It would lead him over to the dark path, and Vader would reveal his allegiance and think his Master was beaten, and he could swoop in and then take Luke to his side and punish his former apprentice, with a new disciple that's got all the potential Anakin had before his "accident." Also, Leia? How? Did they really CGI graft Carrie Fisher in? Also, Winter, I'm sorry, they ain't ever adapting Legends onto the big screen. Much less in five years. Hell, just imagine the goodwill it would destroy among those who DO like the NuCanon? It's only been around 10 years, really? And then, what? You got three continuities, because they won't care at ALL about Legends. Luke will probably be back. They'll give Mark Hamill the Luke he wanted. Harrison Ford will be offered so much money, he can't refuse. And Carrie Fisher? Yeah, CGI grafting. It's like what ChrisTheLovableJerk said. Under Disney's Lucasfilm, Star Wars has become a hot dumpster fire. I'm not even a fan of NuCanon, and I respect a few things it's done, but... WOW. This just takes the cake.

I dunno, these leaks, while consistent to their management policies, almost seems like a deliberate troll in line with fan complaint about Force Awakens and Last Jedi. We'll see when the movie is released.
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Re: The Rise of Skywalker plot rumors *spoilers*

Post by Yukaphile »

@Ordo That would be because they wanna avoid cliches or stereotypes. And that is also arguably "sexist." This "super strong" girl soothes his "wounded hurt." LOL Yet if they did that, wouldn't that not only fit more into Disney's long-standing popular image, but also Star Wars in general? Love redeems. It's right at the end of the last movie in the original trilogy!
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Re: The Rise of Skywalker plot rumors *spoilers*

Post by Winter »

Yukaphile wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:39 am I'm sorry, they ain't ever adapting Legends onto the big screen.
Trust me they will. Halloween, Ghostbusters and Terminator, among others, are all series that fans were certain would never see the return of the original continuity that all Did return to the Original Continuity. The best examples and most resent examples I can think of for a series returning to its original continuity are Star Trek, which will be returning to the proper Prime Universe with the upcoming Picard series and DC with DC Rebirth which saw the return of the Original Superman and Lois, Wonder Woman learning that the "Real" Greek Gods were total BS among others things like Ted Kord and Jaime Reyes returning as the Blue Beetles and honestly two many to count.

Sure, some of these Unreboots, (as they're being called) didn't all happen all at once and not all of them are great and how good some of them are is a question of the skills of those behind the scenes but it is a growing trend. One that Will happen with Star Wars given how divisive the Disney Era has turned out to be, it's really only a matter of time.

Be it five years or ten it will happen. Someone in the company will push for the idea, then it will catch on until everyone in the studio is on board for the idea and then, will see what happens. But trust me, it will happen.
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Re: The Rise of Skywalker plot rumors *spoilers*

Post by Yukaphile »

Maybe in 20 years. But ten? Too soon.

Anyone remember this? The timestamp of 1:27 to 1:35 is the funniest. It seemed parody thirteen years ago. Now, much like with Idiocracy, it's become reality.
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Re: The Rise of Skywalker plot rumors *spoilers*

Post by Winter »

Well, it took DC 5 years to Unreboot, Ghostbusters took 4, Halloween took about 20+ as did Star Trek, and Terminator took 5 too and Star Wars is one of the bigger pop culture series out there. At this point all we can do is wait but trust me, it will happen. Be it in 5 years, 20 or more it Is coming.
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Re: The Rise of Skywalker plot rumors *spoilers*

Post by Yukaphile »

Indeed. But I think it will be a different approach, as I wrote in another thread. I also wildly disagree that NuCanon has been unpopular. To most, it is divisive, and only because of Last Jedi and Solo (for different reasons). Divisive is not the same as unpopular. Half hate it, half don't. I've seen rave reviews that love how it challenges your nostalgia. I've also seen people on the ground who say the same. Lord knows I don't agree with Mecha82 completely, but on this I must agree. It's not grounds to warrant an unreboot like DC. Ghostbusters is different. It is a movie, and we all live in a yuuuuuuuge movie culture, sadly. Trek also should not have gotten a reboot, or if it did, do a HARD REBOOT. They did not. And sure, it may be coming. It also might not. But if it does, it's gonna be a while. Sorry if I crushed you with this while you're having fandom anxieties like me, but I just call it as I see it.
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Re: The Rise of Skywalker plot rumors *spoilers*

Post by Admiral X »

I also wouldn't be surprised if these leaks are really far off the mark of what actually happens.
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Re: The Rise of Skywalker plot rumors *spoilers*

Post by Yukaphile »

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Re: The Rise of Skywalker plot rumors *spoilers*

Post by Ordo »

All this could of course be way off the mark. However MSW has a fairly decent track record with leaks as they had the plot to TFA out before the film dropped and they foretold Finn's little excursion onto Snoke's ship in TLJ and the Casino planet. Some of what Jedi Praxis has posted has been backed up by them but not all of it. So, taking that into account plus what I've seen from the trailers makes me think this is all close enough (for now) to at least post about it. Of course reshoots could change making the Emperor a Clone...or replacing these Star Destroyers with world devastators from Dark Empire etc.
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