Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Yukaphile »

That's perfectly consistent with what you wrote then. You weren't taking a stance, or a side. You were just being nebulous.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Makeshift Python »

I like to think I’m being fair. Though I can recall you claiming I’m too fair at times.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Yukaphile »

I probably did once. Can't recall where, though. :oops:
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by TheOneTrueJack »

Just chirping in that I think the movie looks like a lot of fun. So far these new movies are 3/4 for me, with TFA and RO being really good, and TLJ being completely amazing, quickly becoming my favorite Star Wars films.

So odds are I'll enjoy this. My only concern is how the Emperor will be incorporated, but there's a lot of ways that could go.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Yukaphile »

Well, give Last Jedi credit, it DID do something new. Which is more than you can say for the other films Disney and Lucasfilm has pumped out so far. Sure, it's just repackaged Empire Strikes Back meets KOTOR 2, but you never expected Luke to be Kreia, did you? I like that, now that the new trailer has dropped and I feel the inevitable creep of dread slowly spreading through my veins, like ice, as yet another of those monster films is about to land on us, and I find myself reevaluating that decision. It needed buildup, but with that said, it sets Luke apart from Legends. You want the traditional bastion of light, the beacon of hope who rebuilds the Jedi and leads them into a new and uncertain but ever-changing galaxy? Check out the post-Endor Legends. Just hope they don't do a complete 180 on his character and suddenly, BAM! He's Grandmaster Luke without any explanation just to make fanboys happy. Groan...
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by PerrySimm »

In the big runup to the new film, nothing says confidence in the future direction of the franchise like your bannermen striking down their tentpoles and riding away from camp.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by AquaReggie »

Um, am I missing something? As far as I can tell, the trailer isn't suggesting Luke is literally coming back in the flesh. So as far as the Sequel Trilogy goes, the most "180" they could go is for his legacy to carry on in New New Jedi Order (a la the New New Crusaders from Ordinary Boy). I thought that some choices with Luke's character were pretty dubious even going from OT material, but I doubt that JJ will so mangle logic as to retcon him back to life so that he can be the big hero again.

And for the record, I don't think TLJ is the same as KOTOR 2. Luke's point was never that the Force itself is bad, but that 1) the Jedi order has historically sown the seeds of their own destruction and 2) they become arrogant if they claim their religious/philosophical order to be the only representatives of the light side. Heck, Shatterpoint is a novel that much more clearly is trying to duplicate Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now in space, but the eventual conclusion is different because Mace overcomes the inner darkness/the jungle and returns with his humanity intact.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Mecha82 »

AquaReggie wrote: Thu Oct 31, 2019 3:09 am And for the record, I don't think TLJ is the same as KOTOR 2. Luke's point was never that the Force itself is bad, but that 1) the Jedi order has historically sown the seeds of their own destruction and 2) they become arrogant if they claim their religious/philosophical order to be the only representatives of the light side.
Not just those things but also that Jedi Order become far more dedicated to serving Republic than Force that Sith from Rule of Two era took advantage from. It's pretty much why Sidious went to politics as part of his master's Plaguies.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

So I was thinking about how they put Blofeld in the last 007 movie, how they had him be the mastermind behind all of Craig's villains, and how I never found it to have any weight in the film or anything. I'm pretty sure they put it in the trailer?

Has this effect ever worked? Retconning the events of the past movies to give emphasis to the current movie's villain out of nowhere?
..What mirror universe? ;/
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