Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Simplicius »

What if they beamed Tuvok and Neelix to their ship previously (or Tuvok and Neelix once beamed aboard of their own accord)? So they could materialise them independently, if they still had their "pattern" or whatever. That would involve a bit of memory loss, though, a la "Lonely Among Us" (although that episode implied that you just materialise a pattern independently - other episodes imply the opposite).

Otherwise, I don't think there's a major problem. They can just do it, you know? It's all hocus pocus nonsense, in the end, like the episode "Faces". They can just have super-amazing technobabble wots-its that make things work out.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

No, I'm actually asking about the ethical dilemma. Because I'm thinking to tie it into some kinda drama with the Voth. They have the technology, and remember, can cross the Delta Quadrant in a month (after 20,000,000 years of development, it's logical). Hell, I'd imagine they could have been the first to build the subspace corridor network that was the transwarp hub, until the Borg came along.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Simplicius »

I'm not following. What ethical dilemma? If you can keep all three of them alive, then you've side-stepped the dilemma.

I don't find the dilemma in "Tuvix" compelling because it's contrived.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

In dealing with the Voth. Because, they wanna go home, they have the technology, and the Voth are a force in the quadrant. Like maybe they are forced into choosing the life of three people over getting home.
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Simplicius »

Yes but what to the Voth want? Are you asking for help contriving the dilemma or do you already know how to set it up?
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

That's kinda what I need. Setting it up.
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Simplicius »

Okay, so how about Tuvok and Neelix are held by "insert rival faction here" on x ship because the pattern buffer technobabble and the Voth want to blow up x ship. The aliens on x tell Voyager that they'll release Tvuok and Neelix if Voyager help them, otherwise they'll make sure they go down with the ship.

The Voth are being typical arrogant bastards and say to Voyager: "We don't give a fuck about your crew members! We're going to bomb the fuck of this ship! If you stop us, you can't enter Voth space or use our technobabble wots-it!" (paraphrasing)

How's that? Or, does it have to be tied to the original "Tuvix" dilemma?

If so, you could have Tuvix decide he wants to stay in the Delta Quadrant for "insert sub-plot or character reason here". If you give me more to go on, I could come up with some other ideas, as well.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

It is a good first step.
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
— Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
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