Does Q represent anything?

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Re: Does Q represent anything?

Post by Eishtmo »

Q represents the larger, unknowable universe, but also the destination of humanity, that final step to go from mere mortals to, well, god like beings. But it also challenges humanity as to whether we are worthy of that destination. Which is why the trial never ended, and will never end until there's no one left to try.
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Re: Does Q represent anything?

Post by Jonathan »

I thought he represented a Starfleet admiral, but Picard set me straight on that!

Seriously though, he was just another godlike being such as TOS was replete with. It's the good luck of having such a great actor in the role that he became a compelling character, particularly in Q Who where de Lancie's ad libs overcame a script that originally characterised him in the same manner as those earlier dreadful episodes he was in. It does seem a little odd to me that the early TNG crew were made this stiff and supercilious bunch of prigs such as Roddenberry envisaged as ideal humanity (what a loon), but then this all powerful Q character, also created by Roddenberry, was added to pretty much send them up whenever he opens his mouth.
-Jonathan from Headhunters Media

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Re: Does Q represent anything?

Post by CmdrKing »

I think ultimately you’d have to discuss Q’s allegorical meaning on an episode by episode basis, because he wears too many hats to be pinned down more than that taken as a whole. In particular, Q as the judge in Encounter at Farpoint and All Good Things bares basically no resemblance to his appearances in other episodes (maybe Hide and Q I guess), and serves an entirely different function.
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Re: Does Q represent anything?

Post by clearspira »

There is plenty that you can say Q represents... later on. When he was written better.

But in season one TNG? He is an imp and nothing more. Encounter at Farpoint certainly is not his story which is why it does not follow the ''Q'' naming theme. Encounter At Farpoint is about an asshole abusing a creature into making money.
Hide And Q is him being evil and continuing the theme of ''Riker is awesome'' that they had going pre-beard.
Only Q Who started to give him some actual character. And supposedly that was only thanks to John DeLancie; the script called for him to be as evil and hammy as he ever was.
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Re: Does Q represent anything?

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

* Death of the Author mode in full effect *
..What mirror universe?
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Re: Does Q represent anything?

Post by Captain Crimson »

Q represents [Insert Whatever You want Here].
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Re: Does Q represent anything?

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

..What mirror universe?
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