Harry Kim is, at least technically, am intelligent and capable human being and gets laid every now and then. Neelix has none of that. Not even his own inexperienced GF that he probably coerced into a relation thanks to her lack of experience allows him to get close with her...
I've said this before but it never fails to make me laugh: Neelix coerced a woman into bed with him that does not have a vagina. God bless those Voyager writers and their inability to foresee the Fridge Logic trope.
I guess the sad thing about the Harry that they intended to write as opposed to the closeted and eternally green Harry that they actually created is that he probably would have done quite well if he wasn't stranded on Voyager. That was basically the plot of Non Sequitur after all.
Although you could arguably say that about Neelix too. The rogueish junk trader they thought they wrote vs the creepy fuck up they actually wrote.
This is an interesting one imo as there are clear positives and negatives to both. Becoming a Vulcan means becoming a genius, having twice the strength of a human, having telepathic powers, being able to survive harsh desert, living for 200 years, and having an inner eyelid. But it would also mean giving up every emotion and feeling that you take for granted and taking up a life of solitude and meditation lest your extremely violent impulses get the better of you. No more sex as you know it, no more pausing to smell a flower, no more being able to tell jokes. A slow-paced life awaits you.
To become a Klingon means a life of passion, of adventure, of wild sex, of long drunken parties, of being part of a large unit of friends and fellow warriors that you will live your life alongside. You will also get an incredibly hardy body that can take twice as much damage. But it would also mean living a brutal life of war, death, conquest and pain.
Then there are the sex differences to consider. A Vulcan man is arguably worse off than a Vulcan woman as his blood burns every 7 years (lets just forget THAT episode of Enterprise shall we?) whereas a Klingon woman is arguably worse off than a Klingon man because she has a massive glass ceiling above her head.
Just a common thought I noticed since a lot of aliens Starfleet sees are either species eerily resembling their past and current bigotry or full-blown gods who can subjugate any life they see fit and fight others gods for either pettyness or for being ass-hats.
Do not pity a Slave for the Slave-Lord, but hear the power of what Chaos can be.
All Beings bow before the children of he who bound their flesh by their words.
Fall and wail, all flesh, bone, soul,& power is a servant to Yun-man, the First Slave-Lord.
fight the borg they have at least some weaknesses -a being that warps reality is a little outside my pay grade if i was in starfleet
here is one
would you rather have to solve a space time problem with technobabble you yourself don't fully understand and will likely turn you inside out and kill you in horrible way, and your a tng era gold shirt
have to deal with annoying cultural stuff from 3 different races, in a all our race are the same hat deal, one is xenophobic, one is an intellegent brilliant mind but an ass about it, and one is a warrior who wants to conquer everything in his path -and you have to deal with all three at the same time