Should I watch Invasion: Planet Earth/New SF that breaks dystopian trends?

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Captain Crimson
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Should I watch Invasion: Planet Earth/New SF that breaks dystopian trends?

Post by Captain Crimson »

So, my sister suggested if I was tired of dystopian trends, I check out a little 2020 film called Invasion: Planet Earth. I hear that despite the end of the world scenario, which hey, I've seen ID4, it has a somewhat uplifting ending, a subversion on the usual alien invasion setups, and leaves on a bit of a cliffhanger. I have to admit with her buildup, it sounded interesting. And it's available on our Amazon Prime subscription.

Has anyone here seen it? How about you, clearspira? Being a neighbor from across the pond and all. Does anyone think I should? I have to admit, she piqued my curiosity.
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Madner Kami
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Re: Should I watch Invasion: Planet Earth/New SF that breaks dystopian trends?

Post by Madner Kami »

If you have it for free, as part of your Amazon Prime subscription, then why don't you just watch it and tell us, what you think about it?
"If you get shot up by an A6M Reisen and your plane splits into pieces - does that mean it's divided by Zero?
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