God-Empress Janeway returns in 2021

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Re: God-Empress Janeway returns in 2021

Post by Hero_Of_Shadows »

Rodan56 wrote: Sun Oct 11, 2020 5:49 pm You all realize that the different writer will likely change Janeway's personality to a degree where she DOESN'T read like a tyrannical sociopath on par with Rick Sanchez, right? She'll just likely end up reading like she was originally supposed to before they became too afraid of making the first female captain wrong once in a while.
Maybe besides her important role in Prodigy Janeway will also show up in a more limited capacity in Lower Decks we will get a hint of Janeway in her full mad scientist queen glory.

I could see for example the crew of the Cerritos getting orders for their mission from Admiral Janeway who is dressed as Queen Arachnia and at the end Boimler/Ransom/Freeman trying to kiss-ass and complimenting her on her costume only for Janeway to not get what they're talking about these are just her normal work clothes.
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