Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

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The Romulan Republic
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

FakeGeekGirl wrote:Also I would like to see a decent Dany / Loki GOT / MCU crossover fic. There are lots of crappy ones but I'd love to see one done right - I'd try it but I already have too many fanfiction and original fiction projects plus my actual job on my plate and I'm not familiar enough with the ASOIAF novels.
I'm not a big fan of shipping fics, compared to other genres (though sometimes, its hard to find anything else :evil: ).

But I would say that my biggest concerns with this are:

a) The power imbalance between Danny and the (more-or-less openly sexist) Loki.

b) Book Dany especially is very young. 13 at the start, IIRC. Go with show Dany (or maybe late-series book Dany-I'm unclear on how much time has passed, because I don't know the books that well either) if you want to avoid making Loki a child molester. I think TV show Dany is a bit older, though still a teenager at the start.

c) When pairing Dany up with someone (romantically or otherwise)- well, my view is that Dany (show Dany, at least) is someone driven much more by her heart than her mind, and with a considerable amount of arrogance- understandably so, because she's clawed her way up from the bottom to a position of unrivalled power, but arrogance nonetheless. So her approach is basically "Free the slaves, and bow to me, or I burn you with dragon fire". She needs advisors and friends who serve to counterbalance those tendencies, which is why I'm glad that they added Tyrion to her inner circle- because Tyrion will stop and think while Dany rushes headlong into something that may or may not be advisable.

This is not meant to bash Dany, by the way. Just to say that her strengths are in different areas.

Can Loki do that? Loki is smart, but he's also a man motivated primarily by personal grudges and pride. I think that he'd exacerbate Dany's worst qualities, not counterbalance them.

More generally, I'd be worried about Loki being overpowered for the setting. Is there anything in GoT that can actually seriously threaten him?

That said, dropping any Marvel or DC heavy-hitter into GoT is going to create some spectacular ripple effects in the setting, and given that he's already an exile and inter-dimensional traveler, Loki is as good a candidate as any.

Edit: Also, another idea, inspired by the thread titled "Star Wars, Highly illogical Captain"- the Enterprise crew watches the Star Wars movies, and Spock critiques the illogic of the films.

Or one of the later crews plays Star Wars as a holodeck program, come to think of it.
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

The Romulan Republic wrote:Edit: Also, another idea, inspired by the thread titled "Star Wars, Highly illogical Captain"- the Enterprise crew watches the Star Wars movies, and Spock critiques the illogic of the films.

Or one of the later crews plays Star Wars as a holodeck program, come to think of it.
How can you criticise the illogic of a fantasy? Do the Vulcans have no concept of fiction? Mind you, that's a pretty interesting idea in of itself, Vulcan storytelling.
"I am to liquor what the Crocodile Hunter is to Alligators." - Afroman
The Romulan Republic
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

SlackerinDeNile wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:Edit: Also, another idea, inspired by the thread titled "Star Wars, Highly illogical Captain"- the Enterprise crew watches the Star Wars movies, and Spock critiques the illogic of the films.

Or one of the later crews plays Star Wars as a holodeck program, come to think of it.
How can you criticise the illogic of a fantasy? Do the Vulcans have no concept of fiction? Mind you, that's a pretty interesting idea in of itself, Vulcan storytelling.
Reminds me of the discussions between Bashire and Garrak about human vs. Cardassian literature. What was it the Cardassians had? The "Repetitive Epic" or something?

Hmm... I wonder what Garrak would think of Batman- since constantly-rebooting, status quo never really changing comic book canon could be regarded as a repetitive epic. :)
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by Megabob452 »

The Romulan Republic wrote:Not much for me to say about this, I'm afraid, since my knowledge of Farscape is very limited.
Our tastes certainly are different. Mass Effect is another on my list that I'm just not terribly familiar with, I'm afraid.
Then I'm sure you would have no interest in my idea for a Farscape/Mass Effect fusion fic. :D

For everyone else, the premise is that the wormhole from the beginning of the series sends Crichton into the future as well as across the galaxy, specifically into the Mass Effect future, albeit with alterations made to accommodate characters and concepts from Farscape. I think the two franchises could mesh well together, the strengths of one making up for the shortcomings of the other and vice versa. Mass Effect provides a structured and detailed world in comparison to Farscape's deliberately vague world, yet the Mass Effect galaxy is still flexible enough to add more species and characters without too much trouble. Meanwhile Farscape offers a way to fix all the nonsense lore ME3 created at the ending, with wormhole weapons being the reason for the existence of the Reapers and the means to defeat them. And I think Crichton would make an interesting contrast to Commander Shepard, whom I envision as making Renegade choices while Crichton takes the Paragon route.
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

The Romulan Republic wrote:
SlackerinDeNile wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:Edit: Also, another idea, inspired by the thread titled "Star Wars, Highly illogical Captain"- the Enterprise crew watches the Star Wars movies, and Spock critiques the illogic of the films.

Or one of the later crews plays Star Wars as a holodeck program, come to think of it.
How can you criticise the illogic of a fantasy? Do the Vulcans have no concept of fiction? Mind you, that's a pretty interesting idea in of itself, Vulcan storytelling.
Reminds me of the discussions between Bashire and Garrak about human vs. Cardassian literature. What was it the Cardassians had? The "Repetitive Epic" or something?

Hmm... I wonder what Garrak would think of Batman- since constantly-rebooting, status quo never really changing comic book canon could be regarded as a repetitive epic. :)
He would probably admire Batman's sense of justice but would likely deem most of the franchise as puerile and immature, which it kind of is.
"I am to liquor what the Crocodile Hunter is to Alligators." - Afroman
The Romulan Republic
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

SlackerinDeNile wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:
SlackerinDeNile wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:Edit: Also, another idea, inspired by the thread titled "Star Wars, Highly illogical Captain"- the Enterprise crew watches the Star Wars movies, and Spock critiques the illogic of the films.

Or one of the later crews plays Star Wars as a holodeck program, come to think of it.
How can you criticise the illogic of a fantasy? Do the Vulcans have no concept of fiction? Mind you, that's a pretty interesting idea in of itself, Vulcan storytelling.
Reminds me of the discussions between Bashire and Garrak about human vs. Cardassian literature. What was it the Cardassians had? The "Repetitive Epic" or something?

Hmm... I wonder what Garrak would think of Batman- since constantly-rebooting, status quo never really changing comic book canon could be regarded as a repetitive epic. :)
He would probably admire Batman's sense of justice but would likely deem most of the franchise as puerile and immature, which it kind of is.
Well, one does get the sense that a lot of comics (worthy exceptions aside) are written for horny adolescent males. Also, the continuity is a huge unwieldily mess.

Its why, a few notable and mostly self-contained comic stories aside, I mostly stick to the film and television adaptations.

That said, Batman done well is among my very favourite fictional characters, and my favourite superhero bar none.
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by FakeGeekGirl »

Regarding the Dany/Loki thing:

I honestly have no idea what I would do with it, I just know that I saw that was a weirdly popular crossover pairing and I was like, "Huh, I wonder if this is because of literally anything other than them being associated with opposing elements and they'd make an attractive couple." And no, no there was not. Most of them were just exact retellings of what happened on the show with Dany and Drogo but with Loki, no matter how little sense that made for his character at all.

I have a tendency when I see something like that to want to try to fix it and do it right even if it's not really the best idea to begin with. I guess that's just the control freak in me.
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by Yerushalmi »

Since I was a kid, I've wanted to write a fanfic where Sam Beckett leaps into Gary Hobson. After the initial "bizarre situation leading to oh boy", in a voiceover Sam mentions how rare it is that he can get the exact date so easily first thing he leaps in. Then, a bit later...

Al: "Okay, it's January seventeenth, 1998, and-"

Sam: "Eighteenth."

Al: "Seventeenth."

Sam shows him the newspaper, and Al whacks the handlink. "GOOSHIE!"

Eventually they figure it out, of course. And the rest of the fic is five chapters of Sam using the newspaper exactly the way Gary does, saving people over the course of this one very busy day. But it gets more and more frustrating, because he's not doing anything different from what Gary would have done, and neither Al nor Ziggy can find *anything* that Sam is here to correct. They visit Gary in the waiting room, and he has no ideas either.

In the last chapter, Gary wakes up the following morning in the waiting room. The cat's there, with the newspaper. He takes one look at the headline (which we don't see) and screams for Al at the top of his lungs.

Smash cut to Sam, in mid-conversation. To his utter confusion, he leaps.
The Romulan Republic
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

FakeGeekGirl wrote:Regarding the Dany/Loki thing:

I honestly have no idea what I would do with it, I just know that I saw that was a weirdly popular crossover pairing and I was like, "Huh, I wonder if this is because of literally anything other than them being associated with opposing elements and they'd make an attractive couple." And no, no there was not. Most of them were just exact retellings of what happened on the show with Dany and Drogo but with Loki, no matter how little sense that made for his character at all.

I have a tendency when I see something like that to want to try to fix it and do it right even if it's not really the best idea to begin with. I guess that's just the control freak in me.
Oh, I definitely understand that desire to take something stupid and try to make it work. But Dany/Loki is a pretty big challenge to overcome. Not meaning to be overly critical, but my usual approach to slash fic in general is that the "slash" part comes at the detriment of the "fic" part. Meaning that when people write romance or sex, the goal is generally to titillate (or, in fan fic, to promote certain characters/pairings at the expense of others), which means different priorities than if you're trying to write a strong narrative for some other purpose.

And that's without even getting into the age issues, which adds a whole new level of creepiness unless you make it an older Dany. Yes, I know that the world of GoT follows pseudo-Medieval values about sex and marriage, but Asgardians don't, as far as we know, so I see no good reason to go out of one's way to make Loki a child molester, on top of his many canonical sins. While the thought of doing so for fan service is obviously repulsive (I'm not saying that's your intent, of course).

But even with shipping in general, I've seen so many good premises killed because the story was warped to fit the ship, rather than having the characters' actions grow organically from their personalities and the premise. So, I've nothing against sex or romance in fiction on principle, but I do wish that slash wasn't so dominant in fan fiction. Especially since the number of even professional writers who can write romance or sex well is, in my opinion, depressingly small. Though to some extent this just falls, again, under "different people have different tastes."

Still... you know the Sherlock Holmes quote, about how (paraphrasing) its a mistake to theorize without data, because you start twisting data to fit theories rather than theories to fit data? Likewise, in my opinion, its a mistake to ship and then write a story around it, because you start twisting the story to fit the ship, rather than having the ship develop from the story. :)
Wizard of Woah!
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Re: Fanfic ideas you've had/would like to see.

Post by Wizard of Woah! »

More Worm fanfics that aren't about Taylor Herbert. Just in general. Also, that weird Morrigan thing Blasto made.
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