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Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:48 am
by Yukaphile
It's not all capitalism. It is that we're also living in a late-stage society, with education getting worse, and the new generation being raised online. I've met some of them, it is tragic what is happening to them. They are toxic, depressed, hate-filled, and have violent thoughts or as cold as a block of ice.

Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:16 pm
by Yukaphile
Main problem is visual sci-fi is now at a point of being more "turn off your brain" than ever, and sci-fi is not meant to be dumb action. It's meant to challenge you, make you think, in preparation for the future.

Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:30 pm
by Mecha82
Thing is SW has never been sci-fi and it was never made to make people think. Science fantasy it has always been fun space adventure made to be enjoyed by people of all ages. It's also another reason why fandom doesn't have right to claim ownership over it.

Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:54 pm
by Yukaphile
George built off the foundation of those who did, and the best of Legends followed in those footsteps, so you can't just ignore the strong element of smart sci-fi that Star Wars had in its core, in its DNA for so long.

Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:55 pm
by Yukaphile
Btw, we don't have "the right?" Aren't those in charge technically just "fans too?" Or are they greedy corporate elite? If the former, then we should all own it. If the latter, then that just reinforces my point. That it belongs in the public domain, and not to these companies who are limited and can't explore this stuff to fullest flower.

Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:26 pm
by MissKittyFantastico
Yukaphile wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:55 pmThat it belongs in the public domain, and not to these companies who are limited and can't explore this stuff to fullest flower.
Have fun wading through straight-to-dvd 'Star Wars' films that were just unrelated scripts that somebody thought would make a couple of bucks more if the main character was Luke Skywalker.

Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:37 pm
by Simplicius
MissKittyFantastico wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:26 pmHave fun wading through straight-to-dvd 'Star Wars' films that were just unrelated scripts that somebody thought would make a couple of bucks more if the main character was Luke Skywalker.
This already happens with plenty of copyrighted works. Have you seen the Hellraiser franchise? After the fourth film (long past Clive Barker being assoicated with the films), it's all unrelated scripts being re-purposed for direct-to-video sequels, so that the Dimension (or Miramax, can't remember) could keep the rights held hostage.

This isn't the gotcha people think it is. If we can navigate a world with endless Sherlock Holmes and King Arthur adaptations coming out the wazoo, then all we'll have to deal with is a few years of shock before the entertainment industry readjusts.

Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:55 pm
by Yukaphile
You're resorting to a goddamned false equivalency and logical fallacy. Just because something is "more official" does NOT make it good if they care only about maximizing profits at the expense of art, and in today's world, that is more apparent than ever. And just because a high majority of fan works are low-brow, doesn't mean there's not good ones that, hell, surpass anything produced by Lucasfilm since, say, 2014. Or even further back. And hey, most people are smart enough to know bad fiction when they see it. They just choose to keep going back for various reasons. So even in a compartmentalized world where Hollywood is no more, the good, well-written stuff would attract a lot of people. So would the "turn off your brain" action portions. Jesus Christ, stop defending elitism and corporate tyranny in holding on to something that by this point rightfully belongs to the people. Same arguments they had when George was in charge ten years ago, and shit, if we can argue that when George is in charge, it applies even more when the out of touch elite control it.

Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 3:03 pm
by Yukaphile
Let's cut past all the bullshit and really get down to brass tacks here, about Legends and everything else. Legends, despite being an EU that needed to adhere to a certain element of the movies, was instead of being slavishly attached to them, sort of disconnected from it, and sort of existed as its own continuity. The EU world. Even Lucas had said words to this effect, I believe. He saw it as something of a "what if" tale. Toriyama has said similar about Dragon Ball and the non-canon movies (and look at how well Toei treats the non-canon material with respect, contrast that with how Lucasfilm treats Legends and Legends fans). And since there were only six movies back then (half of which were so badly executed, what was being put in the EU at the time was far superior), it was a different time. A different era. A different type of leadership. I'd say these problems honestly began not with the Disney buyout, even if it accelerated the process, but when Lucas made his own personal passion project, The Clone Wars. It did not adhere to Legends, but took from Legends, where it could. And hey, I hear it started out with a negative reception. So, there you go. The Clone Wars began the spiral descent, that those in charge then exaggerated with their short-term goal, clouded with greed-filled eyes, to recapture the money made off A New Hope. It's why you see so many people feeling they've been lied to, and no, that "most of the loudest hate is online" doesn't mean you can just dismiss all those people. They're human beings, like us. They sat down at a keyboard to write that. It's part of the reason Solo failed so badly. Because it came too soon after the polarizing/divisive Last Jedi, and didn't have Harrison Ford after they killed him. Couple that with how vocal Mark Hamill has been in what they've done publicly, and well... that's only going to make it all worse. He is flat-out honest with you, he won't lie. It's very clear that while he praises what people love about the new stuff, doesn't make them shitty fans, and that it is good in a few ways, in the end he is very disappointed with the way it's been handled, which is something we can all agree on at this point. No, I won't make up crazy right-wing conspiracy theories that Disney is paying him to be "silent," which is "holding back" the "bulk" of his "hate-filled ire," to rationalize and justify him praising the new stuff, but I also take a lot of what he says seriously, because he is being as fair as possible. I'd daresay a majority of people over a certain age and in a certain political mindset (centrists) feel the same way he does. And I think we have more numbers than you think we do. But back to point. Now Star Wars is just... being shredded in terms of continuity. Back in the day, it was the EU, and the movies. Now it's... not. And I can't give something a chance that's destined, DOOMED to be disregarded and retconned. No, I won't do so. The new EU is everything people claimed Legends was, merely "supplementary material." And as an EU fan, I think it deserves better. Legends surpassed the movies, so they were a rare gem, even the prequels. Pretty soon the new movies will as dense as the EU it is running alongside. Why should I care about that?

Re: The Final Star Wars Trailer

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 3:17 pm
by Yukaphile
If anything, since the EU was so sparse as to be nonexistent when the original three movies were made and the EU showed how much better others could realize that original vision at the time of the prequels, it reinforces my view today that it belongs to us ALL. Whether they are shitty writers or not. Sort through that to get to the good, because there would be good, far past what they could do now.